Lec 1 Flashcards
amino acid
An organic molecule containing a central carbon atom attached to a carboxyl group, an amino group, a hydrogen atom, and a side chain. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins.
The sequence of three nucleotides in a tRNA molecule that base pairs with the corresponding codon in the mRNA molecule.
One of the three domains of life, consisting of single celled organisms with a single circular chromosome and no nucleus that divide by binary fission and differ from bacteria in many aspects of their cell and molecular biology.
One of the three domains of life, consisting of single celled organisms with a single circular chromosome but no nucleus, that divide by binary fission and differ from archaeons in many aspects of their cell and molecular biology.
An organic molecule containing C, H, and O atoms that provides a source of energy for metabolism and that forms the starting point for the synthesis of all other organic molecules.
cell membrane
semipermeable membrane surrounding the cytoplasm of a cell
central dogma
Pathway from DNA to RNA to protein
a group of three adjacent nucleotides in RNA that specifies an amino acid in a protein or that terminates polypeptide synthesis
deoxyribonucleic acid, information archive. Blueprint that encodes and helps determine physical attributes
DNA replication
The process of duplicating a DNA molecule, during which the parental strands separate and new partner strands are made
The eukaryotes; one of the three domains of life, in which cells have a true nucleus and divide my mitosis
An organism whose cells have a true nucleus
the DNA sequence that corresponds to a specific protein synthesis
gene expression
the production of a functional gene byproduct
genetic code
The correspondence between codons and amino acids, in which 20 amino acids are specified by 64 codons
Messenger RNA, the RNA molecule that combines with a ribosome to direct protein synthesis. It carries the genetic ‘message’ from the DNA to the ribosome.
most recent common ancestor (MRCA)
ancestral organism shared by two or more descendent lineages
non-template DNA
DNA that does not function as a template, acts as a base for mRNA transcription
nucleic acid
A polymer of nucleotides that encodes and transmits genetic information
The compartment of a cell that houses the DNA in chromosomes
peptide bond
A covalent bond that links the carbon atom in the carboxyl group of one amino acid to the nitrogen atom in the amino group of another amino acid
A type of lipid and a major component of of the cell membrane
phylogenetic tree
A tree-like diagram representing a hypothesis about the evolutionary relationships among populations or species
An organism whose cell or cells do not have a membrane-bound nucleus; sometimes used to refer collectively to archaeons and bacteria
Created by info encoded in DNA, key structural and functional molecules that do the work of the cell
ribosomal RNA; noncoding RNA found in all ribosomes that aid in translation
Ribonucleic acid, copy of DNA’s info, created by proteins
Complex structure of RNA and protein, bound to the cytosolic face of the rough endoplasmic reticulum in the cytoplasm, on which proteins are synthesized.
transfer RNA; Noncoding RNA that carries individual amino acids for use in translation
template DNA
In DNA replication, the parental strand whose sequence is used to synthesize a complementary daughter strand
“tree of life”
A phylogenetic tree showing the evolution of relationships among different organisms, where organisms begin or end, and points where ancestral lines split into new lines of evolution
Synthesis of RNA from DNA template
Converts info stored in nucleic acid language, to protein language
carboxyl group
a combination of two functional groups attached to a single carbon atom, namely, hydroxyl (single-bonded OH) and carbonyl (double bonded O) groups
adenosine triphosphate; molecule that enables cells to carry out all sorts of work, including growth, division, and moving substances into and out of the cell.