Leases-essential requirements Flashcards
What is a lease?
A lease is a recognised proprietary right in the land LPA 1925, s1(1)(b)), known technically as a ‘term of years absolute’.
What are the main differences between a lease and a licence?
-Lease is a proprietary right, licence is a personal right
-Lease is capable of being enforced against third parties, licence only against the grantor
-Security of tenure with leases, not with licences
-Statutory protection for leases, not for licences
What is the approach set out in Street v Mountford (1985) when considering whether an agreement is a lease or a licence?
To consider the substance of the agreement, rather than the label. Just because the agreement is labelled as a lease does not mean it is one.
What are the three essential requirements of a lease?
- Certainty of term
- Exclusive possession
- Correct formalities
Is payment of rent an essential requirement of a lease?
Payment of rent is not essential as confirmed in Ashburn Anstalt v Arnold (1989).
What does certainty of term mean and how can it be evidenced?
It means there must be a certain duration to the agreement-it must be clear when the arrangement will end.
It can be evidenced by a fixed term or periodic term.
When does a fixed term exist?
This exists where the maximum duration of the arrangement is known from the outset.
Once created, neither party can unilaterally bring the lease to an end earlier unless there is a break clause.
What is a periodic term and how may one be created?
This is technically a lease for one period. In practice, this is generally weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly.
A periodic term may be created expressly or impliedly.
What is an express periodic tenancy?
This is where there is a written agreement documenting the agreement.
What is an implied periodic tenancy?
This is where there is nothing set out in writing, but the certain term arises by looking objectively at all relevant circumstances including payment and acceptance of rent on a periodic basis.
How is the term of a periodic tenancy calculated?
The term of the period tenancy depends upon the period by reference to which the rent is calculated, rather than the intervals at which it is payable.
If a tenant agrees to pay £10,000 a year by four quarterly payments, the tenancy is a yearly tenancy because the rent is calculated annually.
What are the three factors that may defeat exclusive possession?
- Retention of a key
- Landlord provides services
- Sharing clauses
Does the retention of a key by the landlord defeat exclusive possession?
It is the purpose for which the key is retained that matters. If the key is only used in an emergency or by arrangement, then exclusive possession may still exist.
The Courts will look at whether any right of access the landlord has is restricted or unrestricted.
If the landlord provides attendance/services, does this defeat exclusive possession?
Yes, there will be a licence not a tenancy.
Services would include cleaning, changing linen etc. The occupier is simply a lodger and a lodger will never enjoy exclusive possession.
Will a sharing clause defeat exclusive possession?
All of the circumstances must be looked at to see whether the clause is genuine or simply a sham to defeat exclusive possession.