Co-ownership Flashcards
What happens whenever land is jointly owned?
A trust of land is imposed (TOLATA 1996, s1). This has the effect of separating the legal title to the land, which is held by the trustees, from the equitable title, which is held by the beneficiaries.
What formalities are required to create an express trust of land?
LPA 1925, s53(1)(b): the trust must be evidenced in writing and signed by the declarant(s).
What formalities are required to create an implied trust of land?
There are no formalities for the creation of such trusts (LPA 1925, s53(2)).
What are the two types of co-ownership?
Joint tenancy and tenancy in common.
What is a joint tenancy?
Where there is a joint tenancy all co-owners are deemed to constitute one single entity, and own the whole property as one collective entity.
Outline the four unities of title for a joint tenancy to exist.
-Unity of possession-no co-owner can be excluded from any part of the land
-Unity of title-all co-owners must acquire their title from the same document
-Unity of interest-the interest in land held by each co-owner must be of the same nature and duration
-Unity of time-the interest of each co-owner must take effect at the same time
What is the right of survivorship?
This means when one joint tenant dies, the notional interest of the deceased joint tenant accrues to the surviving joint tenants.
When does the right of survivorship operate?
This operates automatically as soon as the joint tenant dies and is unaffected by any provisions in a will or the intestacy rules: Re Caines deceased (1978).
Does the right of survivorship apply to joint tenancies?
What is a tenancy in common and what does it require?
A tenancy in common requires only unity of possession. This is because tenants in common are not viewed as a single entity, but as each having a distinct but undivided share in the land.
Each has a clearly quantified share, say 25%, but cannot point to any particular part and say that is my 25%.
Does the right of survivorship apply to tenancy in common?
No, the deceased tenant in common’s share passes under their will or by the intestacy rules.
What are the concepts/rules that apply to holding legal title for a trust of land?
-Maximum of four trustees
-All trustees must be sui juris (18+ and sound mind)
-Must hold as joint tenants (four unities present)
-Right of survivorship applies
-Joint tenancy cannot be severed into a tenancy in common
Can the legal joint tenancy be severed to make a tenancy in common?
No, this is not possible as per LPA 1925, s36(2).
What are the concepts/rules that apply to holding equitable title for a trust of land?
-Unlimited number of people can hold
-No requirement to be sui juris
- Can be held as joint tenancy or tenancy in common
-Equitable joint tenancy can be severed into tenancy in common
-Right of survivorship only applies to equitable joint tenancy, not to an equitable tenancy in common
What is severance?
The process by which a joint tenant can convert an interest into a separate share held as tenant in common.