Leases Flashcards
terminology for capital vs finance lease
Finance lease - IFRS
Capital lease - ASPE
Finance lease
one that transfers substantially all of the risks and rewards of ownership to the lessee
Criteria for finance lease
- Title transfers to the lessee by the end of the lease term
- Bargain purchase option exists
- reasonably certain that the lessee will exercise it
- Lease term is for the major part of the economic life of the asset (75%)
- will receive substantially all of the economic benefits expected to be derived from the use of asset over its life span
- PV of min lease payments
- Asset is specialized
PV of min lease payments
=PV(RATE, NPER, PMT, FV, TYPE) > 90% of FMV of asset, criteria is met
Rate: implicit, if not known then use the lessee’s incremental borrowing rate
- for ASPE: use the lower of.
PMT - lease payments excluding any executory costs
FV - expected pmt at end of lease. BPO or guaranteed residual value
TYPE: pmts of lease at beg or end
- 1- beg
- 0- end
an option to purchase the asset at the end of lease term at a specified price that is substantially lower than FMV
GRV (guaranteed residual value)
the amount the lessee promises that the lessor can sell the asset for at the end of the lease term
if the lessee has no liability to ensure the amount the lessor will receive for the asset
Finance lease
Initial recognition
DR Leased asset
CR Lease obligation
recorded at PV of min lease payments + PV of BPO/GRV
(cannot be recorded at an amount higher than FMV)
if both BPO, GRV, use the BPO.
Finance lease
Depreciated over the lesser of:
- lease term
- assets useful life
If BPO, depreciate over useful life
DR Amortization expense
CR Leased asset (accum depreciation)
Finance lease
Lease pmts + interest
Lease payments:
DR Lease obligation
CR Cash
Interest expense:
If pmt due at beg: (lease obligation at end yr) x int rate used to capitalize the lease
- If capitalized at FMV, use implicit rate
If pmt due at end: (lease oblig at end bef pmt made) x int rate to capitalize lease
DR Int exp
CR Lease obligation
Finance lease
If FV of asset > previously expected RV, a gain on I/S
If FV of asset < previously expected RV, not guaranteed, loss to I/s
If FV of asset < previously expected RV, guaranteed.
- the lessee/third party guarantor is called upon to make up the difference. no g/l recorded
Finance lease (POV lessor)
DR Lease receivable (pv of lease pmts, FV= URV)
DR COGS (COGS - pv of urv)
CR Revenue
CR Equipment (inventory)
Criteria capital lease
ASPE 3065.06
Any of the following are met
Must meet one of the criteria:
- Transfer of ownership or bargain purchase option at the end of the lease term
- Lease term is at least 75% of the economic life of the asset
- PV of min lease payments at least 90% of FV of leased asset
Discount rate = lower of:
- Lessee’s incremental borrowing rate
- Implicit rate in the lease