Leases Flashcards
Joint Administrators of Rangers plc
- Season tickets did not create any real right (lease) in seat.
- Conferred only intermittent right of occupation
- lessee is entitled to exclusive possession
- seat was not exclusive possession
Andert Ltd v J&J Johnston
- subject of lease must be identified (specificity)
- tenant already entered possession
- Subject can be found by possibility of referring to extant of tenant’s possession i.e. address adequate
Shetland Islands Council v BP
- Sulom voe
- No long lease existed due to no specified rent
- Court fixed rent year to year
Glen v Voy
- Possession presumes payment
- Son given house rent free but court did not rebut presumption
- Liable to pay fair value for his occupation
Sec of State for Defence v Johnstone
- Unjustifed enrichment for staying over tenancy
- Liable to pay market rent
Carruthers v Irvine
Perpetual lease valid at common law
Welwood v Husband
999 year lease valid at common law
Gray v Edinburgh University
- If no definite duration, court will imply 1 year lease
- all other cardial elements must be present
- lessee possession
Scottish Residential Estate v Henderson
- A revocable license cannot become a lease
- Held: no license as cottage was not lent for fixed and definite period.
Millar v Mcrobbie
Here offside goals rule did not apply to leases
- unestablished rule
Gyle Shopping
- Not bound by pro-indivisio share (only 1/3 of carpark)
Ross v Duchess of Sutherland
Agreement for rent reduction in lease was not inter naturalia
Bisset v Magistrates of Aberdeen
Option to buy in lease was not inter naturalia
Optical Express Ltd v M&S
Exclusivity agreement in lease was not inter naturalia
Trade Development Bank v Warriner & Mason
Lease set aside due to prior assignation without consent