Lease Renewals Flashcards
What does section 23 of the L&T Act state in relation to the 6 key factors for a lease to gain protection within the act?
- It is a tenancy.
- The premises must be used for business.
- There must be occupation of at least part of the premises by the tenant.
- There must be occupancy of more than 6 months.
- It must not be an exempted or excluded tenancy e.g. tenancy at will.
- Must be a competent landlord.
What does section 24 of the act refer to?
Effluxion of time - a tenancy does not expire by effluxion of time - but only when one party serves a notice.
Holding over - when no notice is served tenant holds over until either party serve a notice.
What is a section 25?
Landlords notice to end a tenancy – can be hostile or friendly.
What are the timing provisions of a section 25?
Not more than 12 months or less than 6 months before the date of the termination specified.
What are the requirements of a section 25?
- Be given by a competent landlord and tenant – must be a freeholder or leaseholder
- Relate to the whole property comprised in the tenancy
- State the date for the termination of a tenancy
- Be in the prescribed form and state the tenants’ rights
- Friendly – state terms of new lease
- Hostile – set out grounds for opposition
- Parties can extend time limits by agreement
- Maximum of 15 years can be granted by the court
What is included within a section 25?
- Name and address of LL and tenant
- Address of property
- Notice to end tenancy – hostile or friendly
- Confirmation date of response required
- New terms or grounds of opposition
- Recommended to seek professional advice
- Subject to contract and without prejudice
What is a section 26?
- Tenants notice requesting a new tenancy – Not more than 12 months or less than 6 months before the stated termination date.
- Must be in the prescribed form and state the tenant’s proposals for a new lease to include the proposed rent.
What is a section 27?
Notice to be served by the tenant anytime if he wants to leave within 3 months after the lease expires.
Who serves a S25/26?
I would advise the client but the lawyers would serve them – important to check that the notice is valid and in the required form, in accordance with the Act, upon the correctly named party.
What is the process of a lease renewal inside the act?
- Lease renewals are governed by the landlord and tenant act
- A landlord can serve a friendly or hostile section 25 notice. A tenant can serve section 26 notice to renew the lease or a section 27 notice to terminate a tenancy.
- Section 25: must be served within a minimum 6-month notice and max 12 months’ notice (can be served at any time but not before 12 months of expiry)
- Section 26: must be served within a minimum 6-month notice and max 12 months’ notice (can be served at any time but not before 12 months of expiry)
- Section 27 notice: Can be served at any time but with a minimum 3 months’ notice.
Strict timescales for a tenant to respond to landlord have been removed since June 2004. Both parties can apply to court to delay or speed renewals up.
- Agreement under section 28: L&T agree a new tenancy.
What section relates to the SEVEN grounds for repossession and what are they?
Section 30
a. T failed to carry out repairs
b. T delayed rent
c. T in breach of other covenant
d. LL offers suitable alternative accommodation
e. If the building would produce a higher rent either as a whole or multi-let (compensation)
f. LL intends to redevelop (compensation)
g. LL intends to occupy for own purposes (must have been the landlord for a least 5 years).
Under section 37 what are the levels of compensation?
- Tenant receives compensation 2 x RV if occupied > 14 years.
- Tenant receives compensation 1 x RV if occupied < 14 years.
RV is the RV in force as at the date of a hostile s.25 or s.26 counter notice.
What are the requirements for section 30 f?
Landlord must prove firm intention, prove funding and planning, substantial work & necessity to gain vacant possession – AS OF 2019 – CAVENDISH V FRANCES – NOW MUST HAVE A BUILDING CONTRACT IN PLACE.
What are the requirements for section 30 g?
Landlord must have owned the property for 5 years and prove intention to occupy or run business.
What recent case law refers to section 30 f?
- S Frances v The Cavendish Hotel (2017)
- Court held that a landlord is entitled to refuse a new business tenancy on redevelopment grounds even when redevelopment is devised specifically to evict the tenant and confers no other benefit to the landlord – However, the Supreme Court allowed the appeal in December 2018; The landlord has to prove a firm and settled intention to carry out the works.
What restrictions are there when agreeing a lease renewal?
- Must be at market rent.
- 15-year max term granted by the courts.
- Ignore previous occupation, goodwill and any landlord’s improvements carried out within 21 years.
0’May v City of London (1982)
What is the FOUR principles test under 0’May v City of London (1982)?
Four principles test regarding the variation of lease terms to reflect modern lease terms:
- Landlord must have a valid reason on estate management grounds
- Change proposed must be capable of being compensated by a change in rent
- Change must not materially adversely affect the tenant’s security of tenure
- It must be reasonable
What are the FOUR assumptions for market rent?
- Regard to the terms of the new tenancy
- There is a willing landlord and a willing tenant
- The premises are to be let with vacant possession
- Any effect on the operation of the Landlord and Tenants Covenant Act 1995 must be considered
If the rent is agreed by the Court, there are FOUR matters which are disregarded in the valuation as set out in Section 34 of the Act:
- Any effect on rent of the tenants occupation
- Any goodwill in the tenants business attaching to the premises
- Any effect on rent of improvements carried out by the tenant
- In the case of licensed premises, any effect on rent of additional value because of a license belonging to the tenant
What is interim rent?
- Under Section 24a of the Act
- The rent payable by a tenant under the act for the period of occupation between the termination of the former tenancy and the commencement of the new lease.
What is a part 36 offer?
- Similar to a Calderbank offer but for lease renewals.
- The offer is open for 21 days after this time it can still be accepted but can also be withdrawn.
What is a section 40 notice?
Request information from either the landlord or tenant – can check who is the competent landlord or tenant with statutory protection.
What is defined under section 44?
A competent landlord.
What third party determinations are available for lease renewals?
- County Court.
- Professional Arbitration on Court Terms.
What is a part 36 offer?
- Similar to a Calderbank offer but for lease renewals.
- The offer is open for 21 days after this time it can still be accepted but can also be withdrawn.
What is meant by PACT?
Professional Arbitration on Court Terms
- In Court PACT is designed to be used for an unopposed new tenancy where one of the parties has already made an application to the court to fix the terms of the new tenancy.
- Out of court PACT is when no application has been made.
- The normal service of notices must take place the necessary applications made to Court.
- The arbitrator is nominated by the President of the RICS or Law Society.
- The decision is binding upon both parties.
What are the advantages of PACT?
- Faster
- Full court hearing is avoided
- Greater flexibility and control
How are leases renewed when they are outside the act?
- Section 38A.
- Landlord must ensure that the premises are vacant or ensure a new lease is in place at the lease expiry date. if the landlord accepts rent then a new protected tenancy may be created.
- The landlord is required to serve a notice on a prospective tenant warning that the proposed lease will not be protected.
- The proposed tenant must then make a declaration in response confirming receipt of the notice and accepting the terms.
How would you advise your client on the various ways to terminate a lease?
- Forfeiture
- Surrender
- Merger
- Insolvency
- Breaks
- Lease expiry
- Service of Notices under the Act
- Negotiations
Which section of the Landlord and tenant act 1954 refers to contracting outside the act?
Section 38
What is in a third party application?
- Property details
- Both parties details
- Surveyors details
- Lease date and RR date
- Arbitrator/expert
- Any special requirements for arb/expert
How much is a third party application?
£425 including VAT
What is in the contents of a rent review memorandum?
- Name of landlord and tenant
- Address of property
- Date of lease and rent review
- Confirmation of new rent agreed
- Signed and dated by both parties