Learning Unit 5 - Impairment of assets Flashcards
IAS 36.6
What is the recoverable amount of an asset?
Recoverable amount is defined as:
the higher of an asset’s:
- fair value less costs of disposal (FV-CoD); and
- value in use (VIU)
IAS 36.9 & 10
Under which instances does the recoverable amount need to be calculated?
The recoverable amount only needs to be calculated if:
- the indicator review suggests the asset may be impaired;
- the asset is an intangible asset with an indefinite useful life;
- the asset is an intangible asset not yet available for use; or
- the asset is goodwill acquired in a business combination.
IAS 36.12 (a) - (d) and 13-14
What external information must be considered as a minimum when assessing impairment of an asset.
- a decrease in the value of the asset that is significant relative to normal usage over time
- a significant adverse change in the market within which the asset is used
- the net asset value per share is greater than the market value per share
IAS 36.12 (e) - (h) and 13-14
What internal information must be considered as a minimum when assessing impairment of an asset.
- significant changes adversely affecting the use of the asset including planned changes:
- a plan to dispose of the asset at a date earlier than previously expected,
- a plan that will result in the asset becoming idle
- a plan to cease manufacturing a product line or close a factory that uses the asset; and
- the reassessment of the useful life of an asset from indefinite to finite - Unusually low cash flow from use of an asset
- Physical damage
IAS 36.6
Define what is fair value.
Fair value is defined as:
- the price that would be
- received to sell an asset; or
- paid to transfer a liability
- in an orderly transaction between market participants
- at the measurement date
IAS 36.6
Define cost of disposal
Costs of disposal are defined as:
- incremental costs
- Directly attributable to the disposal of an asset or cash generating unit;
- excluding finance costs and income tax expense
Define value in use.
Value in use is defined as:
- the present value of the
- future cash flows expected to be derived from
- an asset or cash-generating unit
How do you calculate the value in use?
The present value of the expected annual cash flows.