Learning Outcome 2 - Care Values, Early Years Care Values Flashcards
What is equality and diversity?
Equality - respecting differences by providing equal opportunities. This means putting things in place to support people to achieve similar outcomes. E.g menu/ramps.
Diversity - understanding that each individual is unique, and recognising our individual differences. E.g different levelled papers.
What is equality?
Respecting differences by providing equal opportunities.
This means putting things in place to support people to achieve similar outcomes.
What is diversity?
Understanding that each individual is unique, and recognising our individual differences.
An important way to promote equality is to provide care that _______ an individuals specific ________. For example…
Meets, need.
For example, if a theatre trip is arranged for residents of a care home, it should be to somewhere that has wheelchair access and a hearing loop system for those who need them.
Promoting equality and diversity
What is non discriminatory language?
Non offensive, homophobic or racist.
Promoting equality and diversity
How can we challenge discrimination?
Challenge at time, challenge through procedure afterwards (complaints procedure, warning), challenge through long term complaint (raising awareness to staff).
Promoting equality and diversity
How can we make adaptions in a setting?
Physically disabled (have ramps, lifts and all their classrooms downstairs), mental health (timeout card, base, extra support lessons), hearing impaired (loops).
What is discrimination?
Acting on prejudice to treat someone unfairly.
Why do we need to promote equality and diversity?
Improves the quality of care
Maintains or improves quality of life
Ensures standardisation
Provides clear guidelines to inform and improve practice
How can care workers promote equality and diversity?
Care workers should always use non discriminatory language and avoid patronising the individuals they are caring for. They should challenge discrimination if they see or hear it happening; whether it’s a staff member or another individual using the care setting.
Social care setting examples
Social services Retirement home Youth club Care home Day care Residential care home
Health care setting examples
Pharmacy GP Dentist Hospital Opticians Nursing home
Early years and educational setting examples
Parent/toddler group
Baby sensory
Play group
Values of care applied in health and social care settings:
Promoting equality and diversity
Maintaining confidentiality
Promoting rights and beliefs
The importance of applying the values of care
Applying v______ of care ensures, practitioners will know how to do their job e_________; service users will receive appropriate care, attention and treatment to meet their individual needs; all of the staff in a care setting will be working to the same h____ standards.
The importance of applying the values of care
Applying values of care i_______ the quality of care: people who use services will have their individual needs met,
e.g, providing hospital p_______ with appropriate nutritional meals, providing help to eat and drink, discussing their t__________ with them and consulting them about alternative types of treatment potentially available to them.
The importance of applying the values of care
Applying values of care provides clear g_________ to inform and improve practice so that they know how to provide effective care; applying the values of care in their work ensures that the s________ of the care provided by practitioners meets l______ requirements.
The importance of applying the values of care
Applying values of care maintains or improves quality of l____: service users rights, beliefs and p_______ will be respected and their individual needs met, this ensures that the care they receive is b_________ in every way,
e.g a teaching assistant providing help for literacy, so that a child can receive their full potential.
Why do we need to promote equality?
Improves quality of _____
This means not using _________ language will improve quality of _____
Why do we need to promote equality?
Maintains or improves quality of ____
This means that if someone had d________ needs, it would be met
Why do we need to promote equality?
Ensures s__________ of care
This means that it’s the s_____ value of care EVERYWHERE you go
Why do we need to promote equality?
Provides clear g___________ to inform and improve practice
Ensure all staff follow all r____ and g_________ to improve service users care
Reasons why care values might not be promoted?
Lack of training Overworked/understaffed Lack of understanding Personal differences Lack of funding Staff having prejudice
What are the effects of not promoting equality and diversity?
Physical - broken bones, bruising, cuts and grazes, injury, malnourished, self-harm.
Emotional - developer behaviour problems, humiliated, frustrated, depressed, disempowered.
Intellectual - lack of knowledge, lack of skills development, will not achieve potential, loss of concentration.
Social - unco-operative, become antisocial, isolated, excluded, lack of friends.
Example 6 model answer:
One example of not promoting equality is not providing ramps at a care home. The effects of this emotional development is feeling disempowered. Another example in a hospital is not providing menu choices for a vegan patient. Therefor, this will mean they will become malnourished and have a lack of energy (physical). My last example is not having Braille in a school for visually impaired students. This could result in lack of skills development and lack of progress (intellectual).
Checklist for answers/how to get 6/6 or 8/8:
1st 2nd Example link to pies - repeat 4 marks - give 2 examples 6 marks - give 3 examples 8 marks - give 4 examples
What is promoting individual rights?
Individual rights - safety and security prioritised, maintaining dignity and privacy, choice in all aspects of care, effective communication between staff and the client.
What is promoting individual beliefs?
Individual beliefs - spiritual beliefs, religious beliefs.
Promoting individuals rights and BELIEFS:
Care environments such as ___ and residential care homes could provide access to a _____ room or transport to ____ to support an individuals religious beliefs.
Hospitals, prayer, church
Promoting individuals RIGHTS and beliefs:
In health care, who can the right of choice be supported when caring for a pregnant woman? When can it be supported related to dietary needs?
Could be supported by consulting with her about which sort of birthing plan she would like, e.g whether at hospital or a home birth.
Providing a menu with vegetarian, vegan, gluten free, halal and kosher options caters for all types of dietary needs and provides choice for all. This ensures equality and prevents discrimination from occurring.
How can a hospital ward promote individual rights?
Ramps, DBS staff, choice to medication, dietary requirements, choice for food, gender of nurse/doctor/practitioner, risk assessments.
How can a hospital ward promote individual beliefs?
Prayer room, Bible, Qur’an, choice to have medication/surgeries, multifaith chapel.
How can A & E promote individual rights?
Ramps, choice to taking medication, choice to gender of practitioner, complaint system, risk assessments.
How can A & E promote individual beliefs?
Choice to have medication, prayer room/religious books.
How can a care home promote individual rights?
Ramps, risk assessments, choice to activities, choice to medication, different choices for food, refuse treatment, dietary requirements.
How can a care home promote individual beliefs?
Choice to have medication on, celebrate religious festivals, prayer room, religious books, halal food, respect needs/beliefs.
Why is promoting individual rights and beliefs important?
Improves quality of care, ensures the standardisation of care, prevents discrimination, promotes inclusion, maintains or improves quality of life, builds trust, promotes positive relationships.
What are reasons why individual rights and beliefs may not be promoted correctly?
Lack of training, lack of staff available, lack of funding, lack of awareness.
What are the effects of not promoting individual rights and beliefs?
Physical - lack of progress, lack of skills development, cuts and grazes (no risk assessment), malnutrition (not respecting dietary needs, loss of concentration (no activities in a care home).
Emotional - low self esteem, disempowered (confidentiality is breached), isolated, low self confidence - feels like not being valued, no choices=no control, loss of trust.
Intellectual - lack of knowledge, lack of progress, lack of skills development (no choice of activities in a care home/no holy book to read).
Social - loss of trust in service, uncooperative, excluded, lack of friends, behaviour problems, become antisocial, isolated - left out/discriminated against.
Maintaining confidentiality
Information should be shared only on a _____ to ______ basis, for example, with other workers _________ in the individual’s care.
You should not share _______ with anyone else, even the persons _____ or friends, without the individual’s _______.
The only exceptions to breaking confidentiality are what?
- if the person is at risk of harming others
- if the person is at risk of harming themselves
- if the person is at risk of being hurt by others
- when there is a risk of a serious offence being carried out (something illegal)
Private information about individuals, such as _____ records should be ______ protected on _______ or filed in a ______ cabinet with _______ access.
Staff working in care settings who have access to confidential information should not _____ about the individuals care or discuss them with friends or _______.
Medical Password Computers Locked Restricted
Reasons why confidentiality might not be promoted correctly?
Lack of training on systems
An emergency
Lack of staff available
What are the effects of not promoting confidentiality?
Loss of trust (emotional)
Frustrated (emotional)
Self harm (physical) - if not passed on & person has a mental health problem.
Losing interest (intellectual) - if in a school, a teacher is passing on information, the student will not have a positive relationship with them, & will lose interest in school subject. + loss of concentration (intellectual)
Uncooperative (social) - will lose trust with them.
Isolate self (social) - may be embarrassed or
Bullied (social) if confidentiality was breached.
How can a hospital show confidentiality?
- not leaving patients notes lying around
- having confidential meetings in private rooms
- safe storage of service user information
- not giving test results with anyone other than the patient, without permission
- having conversations about medical conditions in privacy
How can a school show confidentiality?
- locking filing cabinets for student personal information
- having confidential meetings with parents in private rooms
- permission for sharing student information (eg: photos)
- having conversations about medical conditions in privacy
- not sharing confidential information with staff who don’t work with the student
How can a community centre promote confidentiality?
- having confidential meetings in private rooms
- safe storage of service user information
What are the benefits of maintaining confidentiality?
- provides clear guidelines
- improves practice
- builds trust
- promotes positive relationships
- improves quality of care
- maintains or improves quality of life
- prevents information being misused
What are the care values in HEALTH and SOCIAL CARE settings?
- promoting equality and diversity
- maintaining confidentiality
- promoting rights and beliefs
What are the care values in EARLY YEARS and EDUCATION settings?
- ensuring the welfare of the child is paramount
- keeping children safe, and maintaining a healthy and safe environment
- working in partnership with parents/guardians and families
- encouraging children’s learning and development
- valuing diversity
- ensuring equality of opportunity
- practicing anti-discrimination
- ensuring confidentiality
- working with other professionals
Why are there more care values in early year settings than there are for adults?
Children are viewed as far more vulnerable - they are less able to understand the nature of their care requirements and therefore they need others to make decisions on their behalf.
They are also less able to take care of themselves, as well as protect and stand up for themselves.
Ensuring the welfare of the child is paramount
Examples of how it’s applied
Importance of applying
Effects if it’s not applied
The child & their needs must always be put first. A child-centred approach must be taken at all times & children should be safeguarded and protected.
+ no humiliating or abusing the child, having safeguarding procedures in place
Importance=feel valued, needs being met, promotes rights
- (P) cuts and grazes as they’re being neglected, (I) loss of concentration - don’t feel cared for/respected, (E) sad/low confidence/disrespected/unsafe, (S) isolate self - don’t feel anyone cares
Keeping children safe, and maintaining a healthy and safe environment
Examples of how it’s applied
Importance of applying
Effects if it’s not applied
Children should be kept safe at all times. The environment should enable children to feel safe. The environment should encourage a healthy lifestyle and approach to learning.
+protecting children from abuse by having safeguarding, checking all staff, following health and safety procedures (fire drills)
Importance=Abides by legislation, rights are being promoted, children kept safe.
- (P) physical harm (bruising), (I) not attending school - affect their learning/development skills (I) and will not be interacting with other children (S), (E) frightened/unsafe.
Working in partnership with parents/guardians and families
Examples of how it’s applied
Importance of applying
Effects if it’s not applied
Information should be openly shared with family members about the child’s learning and development.
+ having open days and parents evenings, reports/letters/certificates sent home to parents, inviting parents into setting for meetings.
Importance=trust, promotes good relationships, maintain/improve quality of life.
- (P) malnutrition - they don’t know what their kids eat, (I) so child is distracted due to hunger, (E) and feel sad and nervous as everyone else is eating, (S)isolated because everyone is eating.
Encouraging children’s learning and development
Examples of how it’s applied
Importance of applying
Effects if it’s not applied
Children should be offered a range of experiences and activities that support all aspects of their development (PICS)
+offering a range of activities/well planned curriculum, monitoring progress, providing extension tasks.
Importance=all children receive appropriate care and attention, children feel valued, promotes good relationships
- (P) feel unimportant - self harm, (E) feel unimportant/worthless/worried, (I) and so struggle in lesson if not encouraged, (S) doesn’t want to be around friends due to comparing of test results etc.
Valueing diversity
Examples of how it’s applied
Importance of applying
Effects if it’s not applied
Differences between children should be identified as positive. Children should be encouraged to be accepting and respectful to others differences.
+ displays/toys/resources/food reflecting different cultures/beliefs, celebrating a range of festivals, having setting welcome signs in different languages.
Importance=children feel valued, children treated fairly, raises self esteem, good role model.
- (P) bullied - bruising/self harm, (I) not being able to concentrate, (E) not valued, (S) bullied - isolated.
Ensuring equality of opportunity
Examples of how it’s applied
Importance of applying
Effects if it’s not applied
Each child should be offered equality of access and opportunities to learn and develop.
+ ensuring all areas are accessible to all - having adjustable higher tables to accommodate wheel chairs + RAMPS!
Importance=treated fairly, self confidence, special needs provided for, promotes rights.
- (P) no rights=risk of falling, (I) could miss lesson due to not being able to get theirs as no ramps, (E) disrespected/less than, (S) isolated because of differences.
Practicing anti-discrimination
Examples of how it’s applied
Importance of applying
Effects if it’s not applied
Negative attitudes and prejudices by children and other adults must always be opposed and prevented.
+ staff being good role models by using non discriminatory language, challenging discriminatory comments by children or other practitioners.
Importance=feel valued, self confidence, feel safe.
- (P) self harm/abuse, (E) feel unworthy/hated, (I) doesn’t want to go to school, (S) isolated/has no friends as not attending school.
Ensuring confidentiality
Examples of how it’s applied
Importance of applying
Effects if it’s not applied
Personal information about children and their family circumstances should be kept private and only on a need to know basis.
+ keeping children’s personal information secure (locking in filing cabinets or password protected with limited access), having conversations about children in a private room where they can’t be overheard.
Importance=feel safe, feel valued, promotes good relationships - trust
- (P) abuse/self harm, (I) not wanting to go to school - no trust, (E) angry/exposed, (S) no friends/isolated.
Working with other professionals
Examples of how it’s applied
Importance of applying
Effects if it’s not applied
Practitioners or agencies that support children will sometimes need to work together.
+ a nursery teacher working with a health visitor or social services to meet the needs of a child.
Importance=to ensure standardisation of care, improve quality of life, promotes good relationships.
- (P) abuse at home carries on as social services not involved, (I) distracted, (E) upset/depressed, (S) isolated.