Learning objectives from Dr Claires Lecture on DV Flashcards


What are the learning objectives


Learning Outcomes :

At the end of this session you should know :

  • How to facilitate a meaningful mental health consult
  • What tools can assist in diagnosis and risk management
  • How to assess a patient who discloses Intimate Partner Violence
  • What are some tools to assist patients with AOD concerns
  • How do you choose a medication for a patient with anxiety/depression
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How do we Engage and assess the adolescent patient - RCH guidelines


Engaging with and assessing the adolescent patient

Important other factors

  • Adolescent gynaecology — lower abdominal pain
  • Adolescent gynaecology — heavy menstrual bleeding
  • Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
  • Management of eating disorders in the emergency department
  • Mental state exam

Key points

  • Adolescence is a transitional phase of growth and development between childhood and adulthood
  • Adolescents have the legal right to confidential health care
  • Adolescents less than 18 years old may be considered ‘mature minors’, capable of giving informed consent
  • The HEEADSSS interview for psychosocial screening is an important component of adolescent assessments


What is adolescence?

  • Historically spanning from ages 12–18 years, approximating the phase between pubertal onset and legal ‘independence’, and generally corresponding with attendance at high school
  • More recently the term has expanded to include young adulthood, up to 25 years of age

Adolescent health care considerations

  • Increased risk-taking behaviours and psychosocial issues, contributing to morbidity and mortality
  • Rarely access routine health care, so any contact should be an opportunity for preventative health care
  • Some health services manage those aged >16 years through adult services or on adult inpatient wards
  • Planning for transition to appropriate adult services should start well before age 18


  • An adolescent consultation should include time with the adolescent and guardian/s together, as well as dedicated time with the adolescent alone

Confidentiality and consent

  • Be explicit about confidentiality requirements and obtain permission prior to contacting other relevant professionals, such as school or youth agencies
  • Adolescents have the legal right to confidential health care unless:
  1. they cannot be considered a mature minor and/or
  2. there is significant concern regarding risk (ie harm to self or others, physical or sexual abuse)

Mature minors can give informed consent if they have sufficient understanding and intelligence to enable full comprehension of what is proposed [as per Australian common law - Gillick competency]

Most adolescents aged 16–18 are presumed to be mature minors (legislation differs by State)

Younger adolescents may sometimes be considered mature minors and be capable of providing informed consent depending on the nature of the proposed intervention. Interventions include history, physical examination, procedures and treatments

Adolescents involved with child protection services require special consideration with respect to confidentially and consent. The relevant State-based service may be able to assist when consent cannot be obtained in the usual way

Psychosocial interview

The HEEADSSS interview is a useful screening tool, that can also aide engagement. It is best completed with the adolescent alone.

Parents should be asked if they have any concerns prior to leaving the room and again at the close of the interview

Preface the interview by discussing confidentiality and explaining that you are about to ask lots of personal questions about the adolescent’s life, interests and behaviours, as these may be affecting their health and wellbeing

Try to use open-ended, non-judgmental questions that avoid assumptions

General statements instead of personalising questions can be less intrusive (eg “some young people experiment with cigarettes, alcohol or drugs. In your year, do people smoke/drink/use illicit drugs? What about your friends? And you?”)

The HEEADSS framework is designed to progress from important but less threatening questions to those considered highly personal

It is often not possible to cover every aspect of the interview in a single encounter. You may focus on the most relevant areas for your patient or population

You may choose to end the psychosocial interview by asking the adolescent who they can trust and confide in if they have problems

The HEEADSSS psychosocial interview for adolescents

Home:who, where, recent changes (moves or new people), relationships, stress or violence, smartphone or computer use (in home vs room)

Education & Employment:where, year, attendance, performance, relationships and bullying, supports, recent moves, disciplinary actions, future plans, work details

Eating and Exercise:weight and body shape (and relationship to these), recent changes, eating habits and dieting, exercise and menstrual history

Activities:extra-curricular activities for fun: sport, organised groups, clubs, parties, TV/computer use (how much screen time and what for)

Drugs and Alcohol:cigarettes, alcohol and illicit drug use by friends, family and patient. Frequency, intensity, patterns of use, payment for, regrets and negative consequences

Sexuality and Gender:gender identity, romantic relationships, sexuality and sexual experiences, uncomfortable situations/sexual abuse, previous pregnancies and risk of pregnancy, contraception and STIs

Suicide, Depression & Self-harm:presence and frequency of feeling stressed, sad, down, ‘bored’, trouble sleeping, online bullying, current feelings (eg on scale of 1 to 10). thoughts or actions of self-harm/ hurting others, suicide risk: thoughts, attempts, plans, means and hopes for future

Safety:serious injuries, online safety (eg meeting people from online), riding with intoxicated driver, exposure to violence (school and community), if high risk - carrying weapons, criminal behaviours, justice system

** HEEADSSS screen may be adapted for local use


General considerations for physical examination of an adolescent patient:

Use of a chaperone is recommended

Ensure privacy

For pubertal assessment (Tanner staging) consider asking the adolescent to make a self assessment


General considerations

Depends on the issues identified during psychosocial interview

Adolescent health concerns can generally be viewed in terms of risk and protective factors

If there are significant health risk behaviours, devise an immediate management plan which may include formal mental health assessment and admission (eg intentional overdose, see Poisoning — acute guidelines for initial management)

Remember to document the adolescent’s contact details if follow-up is required

Consider opportunistic vaccination

Medicare cards

Anyone over the age of 15 years should be encouraged to obtain their own Medicare card

Transition to adult services

Transition to adult services should be considered from mid-adolescence and include formal support and education

Most health services will aim to transition an adolescent to adult services by their 18th birthday or once their final year of high school is completed

For complex cases, a period of overlap between paediatric and adult services may be required to permit adequate communication between specialists and safe transition

Consider consultation with local paediatric team when

Assessing any adolescent deemed to be at significant risk

Note: Depending on local resources and the adolescent’s presentation, mental health, adolescent medicine or social work may be the most appropriate team to consult

For emergency advice and paediatric or neonatal ICU transfers, see Retrieval Services

Consider discharge when

An assessment by mental health staff including a risk assessment has been completed, if indicated

A clear discharge destination has been established, with follow-up and referrals to necessary services made

Parent information

Adolescent transition – resources

Raising Children – Teens (12–18 years)

Referral pathways and services

National services

Headspace: Centres act as a one-stop-shop for young people seeking help with mental health, physical health (including sexual health), alcohol and drugs issues, or work and study support

Youth beyond blue: Beyond blue’s youth program - provides online forums, the ‘check-in’ app, information and resources about mental illness in those aged 12–25 years

Reachout: online resource that provides innovative e-mental health services directly to adolescents and young people

Head to Health: Australian Department of Health site for access to digital mental health resources

Referral for counselling / psychology services:

GPs can refer patients to psychologists under a Mental Health Plan (under the Better Access initiation) for up to 10 sessions per calendar year

Local psychologists can be found via the Australian Psychological Society’s ‘find a psychologist’ search function

24-hour telephone help lines:

Kids Help Line 1800 55 1800

Lifeline 13 11 14

Beyond blue 1300 224 636

Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467

Suicide HelpLine (VIC) 1300 651 251

Mental Health Line (NSW) 1800 011 511

13 HEALTH (QLD) 13 43 25 84

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