Learning Objectives - Chest Pain Flashcards
DDx - acute chest pain (GI)
- Esophageal disease (GERD, esopahgitis, dysmotility)
- Biliary disease (cholecystitis, cholangitis)
- Pancreatitis
Symptoms, signs, and other abnormalities seen in esophageal disease?
Burning substernal chest pain after meals, worse with lying down/bending over, better with antacids, +/- nausea
No reliable signs (mild epigastric discomfort an palpation)
Symptoms, signs, and other abnormalities seen in biliary disease?
RUQ pain
Murphy’s sign, +/- jaundice
Abnormal LFTs
Symptoms, signs, and other abnormalities seen in PUD?
Gnawing midepigastric pain
Epigastric tenderness
Symptoms, signs, and other abnormalities seen in pancreatitis?
Moderate to severe mid-epigastric pain with radiation to the back
Epigastric tenderness
Elevated amylase and lipase
DDx - acute chest pain (pulmonary)
- Pneumonia
- Spontaneous PT
- Pleurisy
- PE
- Pulmonary HTN/cor pulmonale
- Pleural effusion
Symptoms, signs, and other abnormalities seen in pneumonia?
Productive cough, fever
Crackles, egophony, whispered pectoriloquy
Infiltrate on CXR, elevated WBC
Symptoms, signs, and other abnormalities seen in pneumothorax?
Acute pleuritic chest pain and dyspnea
Decreased breath sounds in affected hemithorax, hyperresonance to percussion, possible tachycardia, distended neck veins, hypotension
Abnormal CXR
Symptoms, signs, and other abnormalities seen in pleurisy?
Pleuritic chest pain, dyspnea, +/- viral syndrome
Pleural friction rub, small tidal volume breathing
CXR possible pleural effusion
Symptoms, signs, and other abnormalities seen in PE/DVT?
Sharp pleuritic chest pain with associated dyspnea
Unilateral leg swelling/and or tenderness, tachycardia, hypoxemia
Abnormal CT, V/Q scan, elevated D-Dimer, abnormal EKG (sinus tachycardia, non-specific ST/T-wave changes, S1Q3T3)
DDx - acute chest pain (MSK)?
- Costochondritis
- Rib fracture
- Myofascial pain syndroems
- Muscular strain
- Herpes zoster
Symptoms, signs, and other abnormalities seen in costochondritis?
Sharp anterior chest pain at the costochondral and costosternal junctions; possibly pleuritic
Tenderness to palpation over the chest wall
Symptoms, signs, and other abnormalities seen in rib fracture?
Pleuritic chest pain, worse with movement, associated trauma
Tender over affected rib
Fracutre on CXR
Symptoms, signs, and other abnormalities seen in myofascial pain syndromes?
Widespread pain, often with trigger points, often associated with depression/sleep disorder
Tender over trigger points
Symptoms, signs, and other abnormalities seen in muscular strain?
Chest pain after excessive exercise or cough
Possible chest wall tenderness
Symptoms, signs, and other abnormalities seen in herpes zoster?
Pain and possible itching in dermatomal distribution
Initially absent rash, then characterstic
DDx - acute chest pain (psychogenic)?
- Panic disorder
- Hyperventilation
- Somatofrm disorder
Symptoms, signs, and other abnormalities seen in panic disorders?
Sudden intense anxiety, often associated with palpitations and dyspnea, not typically brought on by exertion
Tachycardia, tachypnea
Symptoms, signs, and other abnormalities seen in hyperventilation?
Dyspnea, lightheadedness, often associated with anxiety
ABG with low PCO2
DDx - acute chest pain (CV)?
- Stable angina
- Unstable angina
- Atypical/variant angina (coronary vasospasm/Prinzmetal angina)
- Cocaine-induced
- Percarditis
- Myocarditis
- Aortic dissection
- Valvular heart disease (aorta stenosis - anginal pain, mitral valve prolapse - atypical chest pain)
- Arrhythmia
- Heart failure
EKG and Echo findings of pericarditis?
Difffuse concave-upward ST segment elevations and a depressed PR segment
Pericardial effusion
Symptoms, signs, and other abnormalities seen in aortic dissection?
Acute, sudden onset of severe crushing or tearing pain in the center of the chest radiating to the back
Pulse and BP differential from side to side indicating significant peripheral artery obstruction, aortic insufficiency (diastolic heart murmur)
CXR - widened mediastinum
3 criteria for typical angina?
- Substernal chest discomfort with a characteristic duration and features
- Exertional in nature
- Relief with rest or nitroglycerin
Features of atypical angina?
DM, F, elderly
Dyspnea, fatigue, nausea, abdominal discomfort, syncope