Learning Diasbility Flashcards
What are the criteria for a learning disability?
A significant impairment of intelligence (<70)
A significant impairment of adaptive functioning
And both of these impairments being present before adulthood
What is adaptive functioning?
A persons ability to manage their activities of daily living
What are some genetic causes of learning disability?
Down syndrome, fragile X syndrome
What are some antenatal causes of learning disability?
Spina bifida, diseases passed on by the mother, mulnutrition, alcohol, drugs
What are some perinatal causes of learning disability?
Intrauterine infections e.g toxoplasmosis, asphyxia (cerebral palsy) prematurity
What are some postnatal causes of learning disability?
Infections like meningitis or measles, epilepsy, head injury, NAI, malnutrition
What are the IQ ranges for mild, moderate and severe learning disability?
Mild: 69-50
Moderate: 49-35
Severe: <34
How does the amount of self care patients can do varying from mild to severe LD?
Mild: fully independent in washing, dressing and eating. Normal continence
Moderate: limited abilities, supervision may be required. Mainly continent
Severe: very limited, supervision always required, mainly incontinent
How are the abilities of LD patients to read and write different with different severities?
Mild: can read and write, do simple maths
Moderate: may develop some reading, writing and maths skills
Severe: some simple visuospatial skills
How are the social skills across different severities of LD?
Mild: some immaturity but otherwise normal
Moderate: limited social development but usually interact
Severe: very limited social development, autism is common
What are common psychiatric co-morbidities associated with learning disabilities?
Autism, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, ADHD, depression, anxiety