Learning And Memory Flashcards
Repeated exposure to the same stimulus and causes decrease in response
Recovery of a response to a stimulus after a different stimulus has been presented; changes in response to the orignal stimulus, not the new one
Classical conditioning
Pairing a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus to cause an conditioned response; stimuli change in the experiment but response remains same
Unconditioned stimuli cause unconditioned response
Conditioned stimuli cause conditioned response
Spontaneous recovery
After extinction to a stimuli, a weak conditioned response can sometimes be exhibited
Broadening effect by which a stimulus similar enough to the conditioned stimulus can also produce the conditioned response
Operant conditioning
Links voluntary behaviours with consequences in an effort to alter frequency of behaviour
Positive reinforcement
Increase behaviour by adding a positive consequence
Negative reinforcement
Increase frequency of behaviour by removing something unpleasant
Positive punishment
Adds unpleasant consequences in response to a behaviour to reduce behaviour
Negative punishment
Reduction of behaviour when stimulus is removed; stop watching TV to stop bad behaviour
Rewarding increasingly specific behaviours; allows training for complicated behaviours
Latent learning
Learning that occurs without reward, but can be spontaneously demonstrated once a reward is introduced
Maze running for mice
Instinctive drift
Difficulty in overcoming instinctual behaviours
Mirror neurons
Affect observational learning; fire both when an individual performs an action and when individual observes someone else performing that action; in the frontal and parietal lobes
Semantic encoding
Putting information into meaningful context
Sensory memory
Fleeting kind of memory storage; iconic and echoic
Implicated in partial report
Where is short term memory housed?
Primarily in the hippocampus; also responsible for consolidation of short term memory into long term memory
Implicit memory
Long term memory; unconscious; consists of skills and conditioned responses
Explicit memory
conscious long term memory; divided into semantic (facts and concepts) and episodic memory (events and experiences)
Spacing effect int he context of learning
The longer the amount of time between sessions of relearning, the greater the retention of information later on
Serial position effect
Primacy and recency effects, knowing the first few and last few items on the list;
Primacy likely stronger than recency
Retroactive amnesia
Loss of previously formed memories
Retroactive interference
New information causes forgetting of old information