Learning And Memory Flashcards
Classical Pavlovian conditioning
Pre conditioning UCS->UCR Pair a stimulus with that at the time this pairing in a neural stimulus Post conditions Neutral stimulus elicits the UCR CS -> CR
Pavlovs dog
Watson and raynor - little Albert
Operant instrumental conditioning
Behaviour can be changed reinforced with positive reinforcers and removed with negative reinforcers or punishment
Classical conditioning
Stimulus-stimulus association
Operant conditioning type of associative learning
Response outcome learning
Social observational learning - Bandura
Learning by watching others behaviours abd its consequences
Imitation and modelling
- attention, retention, motor reproduction, motivation
Doctors are powerful role models
Some behaviours are difficult to learn without observation
Link between learning and memory.
Inextricably linked
Ability to learn depends on ability to remember
Ability to remember depends on prior learning
3 stages of memory
Simple multi store model of memory
External stimuli, sensory memory, STM -> LTM
Features of STM
Limited capacity
Short duration
Maintenance via rehearsal (Working memory)
Forgetting via displacement
Unlimited capacity
Variable duration
Forgetting via interference and decay
Cues and context aid retrieval
Memory and medical consultations
Patients remember ~50% info
Less for anxious or elderly patients
Causes of memory impairment
Diffuse brain disease - dementias
Focal brain disease - amnesias
Physiological disturbance - delirium
Psychiatric illness - schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, dissociative dis
Retrograde amnesia
Cannot remember events prior to the brain damage
Anterograde amnesia
Cannot remember events that occur after the damage - formation of new memory
Memory areas
Mediodorsal nucleus Basal forebrain Prefrontal cortex Amygdala Rui also cortex Hippocampus Inferotemporal cortex Cerebellum
Patient HM
Medial Temporal lobectomy
Anterograde amnesia
Symptom sod anterograde amnesia
Difficulty learning new info
May be disorientated and confused
Personality, intelligence, and judgment may be unaffected
Will generally have good memory for the last up to the time of the brain injury
May have trouble holding a job