Learning and memory Flashcards
What are the three types of learning?
Classical conditioning
Operant conditioning
Social / observational learning
What is classical conditioning?
Learning occurs when two stimuli are repeatedly paired to change the unconditioned response into a conditioned response that only requires the previous neutral stimulus alone. e.g. Pavlov’s dogs
How is fear and sensitivity to pain associated with classical conditioning?
Can condition the individual to make the stimulus ineffective to change phobias, and levels of pain.
e.g. Little Albert - paired rat and loud noise to induce freight.
What is Operant conditioning?
Modifies and changes behaviours through its consequences. Uses +ve and -ve reinforcement. Used in childhood for teaching.
e.g. gambling is addictive due to the scheduled reinforcement
What type of learning is both classical and operant?
Associative learning:
Stimulus - stimulus
Response - Outcome
Both contribute to alcohol dependence
What is social / observational learning?
Learning through observation or direct instruction in a social context without direct reinforcement.
Follow role model examples. Appears to be a stronger influence in same sex role models. They observe the consequences that arise from the behaviour.
e.g. Bobo Doll
How are learning and memory linked?
The ability to learn is dependent on the ability to remember the information / process, but the ability to remember is dependent on prior learning.
What are the 3 stages of memory?
Encoding on exposure to a stimulus
Storage within temporal lobe (Hippocampus)
Describe the characteristics of STM.
Has a limited capacity of 7 +/-2 items, that lasts for a short duration. Maintenance of the information requires rehearsal in the working memory to transfer to long term memory. Lost from STM by displacement.
Describe the characteristics of LTM.
Unlimited capacity to store for a varying duration. Retrieval requires cues, associated stimuli or context. Lost through interference or decay.
What factors may influence how much information a Pt retains during a consultation?
Pts remember 50% of information provided.
Recall decreases with age, anxiety and poorer prognosis.
What can be done to help Pts to remember the key points from a consultation?
List upto 7 key points that are the most important and summarise the consultation.
Give an example of diffuse brain disease.
Dementia - loss of neurons within the temporal lobe
Give an example of a focal brain disease.
Damage to one area as a result of trauma or stroke
Which memory is affected most in psychiatric illness?
STM e.g. schizophrenia, anxiety, depression
How does a physiological disturbance affect memory?
Causes fluctuating memory loss due to non-degenerative causes.
What causes amnesia and what types of amnesia are there?
Damage to temporal lobe.
Retrograde - Cannot remember PRIOR to event
Anterograde - Cannot remember AFTER the event / cannot retain any new information.
Any form of brain damage will increase the risk of amnesia.
What are the symptoms associated with anterograde amnesia?
Difficulty learning new information and skills
Disorientated and confused
Memory of past intact
Affecting ability to work
Personality, intelligence and judgement unaffected