Learning Flashcards
Who was Pavlov?
Classical Conditioning
Pavlov’s dog
Who was John Watson?
Classical conditioning to humans
Little Albert Experiment
Conditioned a baby to associate white rats (CS) with a loud noise (US) and fear them (CR)
Believed that human emotions and behaviors are merely a bunch of conditioned responses (CERs)
What is classical conditioning?
Learning to associate one stimulus with another
Unconditioned stimulus
Triggers unlearned, naturally evocative response
Unconditioned response
Unlearned, natural response
Conditioned stimulus
Originally neutral; paired with unconditioned stimulus
Conditioned response
Response to conditioned stimulus
What is extinction?
When the US does not follow the CS, CR begins to decrease and eventually cause extiction
What is stimulus generalization?
Tendency to respond to stimuli similar to the CS is called generalization
What is stimulus discrimination?
The learned ability to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus and other stimuli that do not signal an unconditioned stimulus
What are some real world applications of classical conditioning (e.g., development of phobias)?
Drug users crave a drug when they are in the environment where they took drugs, and when they are with people they took drugs with
Extinction processes or new conditioning can help change unwanted responses to stimuli
Exposure therapy or systematic desensitization therapy combat psychological disorders using CC principles
What is operant conditioning?
Associate response and its consequences
Learn to repeat behaviors followed by desirable results What are some real world applications of classical conditioning (e.g., development of phobias)?
Learn to avoid behaviors followed by undesirable results
Positive Reinforcement
Add a desirable stimulus
Getting a hug, receiving a pay check
Negative Reinforcement
Remove an aversive stimulus
Fastening seat belt to turn off beeping
Fixed ratio
Reinforces a response only after a specified number of responses
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