Learning Flashcards
What is conditioned taste aversion?
a particular form of learning consisting of avoiding what has been source of violent source of discomfort
What are the three ways we learn
- Non associative (learning about a stimulus (habituation: behavioral response decreases; and sensitization: increase)
- Associative: learning the relationship bw 2 pieces of info: -> classical conditioning (a certain stimulus predicts another stimulus);
- > Operant conditioning (a behavior leads to a certain outcome) - Watching others:
- > Observational learning: change a behavior after watching a person engage in that behavior
- > Modeling: Imitating a behavior seen in others
- > Vicarious conditioning (learning to engage in a behavior or not after seeing others being rewarded or punished for performing that action.)
What is learning?
A change in behavior, resulting from experience.
According to John Watson, what was the only valid indicator of psychological activity?
observable behaviors (became the basis of behaviorism)
What is Locke assumption of learning
When we are children we are tabula rasa
What is LTP (long term potentiation)
strengthening of synaptic connections that allows us to learn
What is a conditioned stimulus?
is a previously neutral stimulus that elicits a learned response when paired with an unconditioned stimulus (taste of chicken salad)
What is a conditioned response?
a learned response elicited by a conditioned stimulus (refusal to eat)
What is an unconditioned response?
an automatic response elicited by an unconditioned stimulus (vomiting)
What is a unconditioned stimulus?
a stimulus that elicits a response without learning (food poisoning)
What is operant conditioning?
A learning process in which the consequences of an action determine the likelihood that the action will be performed in the future.
What is Thorndike’s puzzle box?
Used to develop the law of effect: any behavior that leads to a “satisfying state of affairs” is likely to occur again. but the one that leads to a “annoying state of affairs is less likely to occur again.
What is the skinner box?
a lever that can be pressed (operant) is connected to a food supply (reinforcer). The animal through operant conditioning learns to press the lever to obtain food.
What is shaping?
an operant conditioning technique that consists of reinforcing behaviors that are increasingly similar to the desired behavior.
What is the difference bw primary and secondary reinforcers?
PRIMARY: those reinforcers that satisfy biological needs
SECONDARY: Do not satisfy biological needs. (established through classical conditioning :association of a neutral stimulus with a primary reinforcers to create a secondary reinforcer)