Learning Flashcards
What is learning?
The relatively permanent or stable change in behavior as the result of experience.
Who’s E.L. Thorndike?
Developed the law of effect- a cause-and-effect chain of behavior.
Who is Kurt Lewin?
Theory of association- group things together due to that they occur together in time.
Who is Ivan Pavlov?
Discovered classical conditioning- teaching an organism to respond to a neutral stimulus by pairing it with a non-neural stimulus.
Who is John B. Watson?
Founded the school of behaviorism.
Who is BF Skinner?
He created operant (instrumental) conditioning and the Skinner box.
What is shaping?
Also called differential reinforcement of successive approximations- giving rewards for actions getting closer to a goal.
What is the difference between a primary and secondary reinforcement?
Primary is reinforcing on its own without requrirng learning where seconary is a learned reinforcer.
What is the difference between positive and negative reinforcement?
Postive reinforces through a reward, negative also reinforces through removal of a negative event.
What are the different reinforcement schedules>
Continuous, partial- fixed ratio, variable ratio, fixed interval, and variable interval.
What is the difference between response learning and perceptual or concept learning?
R. learning is about learning in which one links together chains of stimuli and responses; p. or c. learning is about something in general rather than stimulus-response chains.
What are the different types of conditioning?
Aversive c. uses punishment to decrease the likelihood of a behavior; avoidance c. teaches an animal to avoid something it does not want; escape c. teaches an animal to perform a desired behavior to get away from a negative stimulus; and autonomic c. refers to evoking responses of the automnomic nervous system through training.
Who is Albert Bandura?
His famous Bobo doll study examined observational learning in action.
Who is John Garcia?
He discovered that animals make certain associations are learned more than others is called preparedness- evolution.