Learners and Learning Flashcards
Psychosexual stage
id ego superego
Erik Erikson
Albert Bandura
social learning theory
importance of social interaction in learning
Learning by watching others
Jerome Bruner
constructivism philosopher
learning by constructing knowledge and create base themselves
teach simply and gradually to difficult
originate scaffold
John Dewey
learning by doing
balance child-centered and curriculum centered
Jean Piaget
Constructivism: children actively construct knowledge heternomous morality (other directed) vs autonomous morality (self-directed)
Lev Vygotsky
the importance of self-talk and inner speech
Lawrence Kohlberg
- Pre-conventional morality: obedience vs punishment
individualism vs exchange: judge others by interests and needs - Conventional morality: interpersonal relationship
maintaining social order - Post-conventional morality: social contract vs individual rights
universal ethical principle
Bloom’s taxonomy
6 cognitive levels: remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, creating.
Differentiate instruction
content to learn
the process the students use to master the content
product the students will produce
learning environment
Whole Child
Family, school, communities are working together to create a healthy, safe, engaged, and challenge environment for children.
Developmentally appropriate instruction related to literacy
- Direct/explicit literacy: whole class, small group, or one-one
- Centers: assigned area, designed based on students’ own pace, self-direct, self-initiated
- Free play
- Small group instruction
- Guided reading: read together with expression, enhance literacy related elements.
Cognitive disabilities
- intellectual disability (id): develop and process information slow
- Autism spectrum disorder (asd): emotional and cognitive disorder
- specific learning disability: deficits processing linguistic or numeral
Behavior Disorder
- ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) short attention span
- ODD (oppositional defiant disorder) bad temper, easy getting angry and out of control, many improve, few completely recover
- behavior modification techniques:
ADA (Americans with disability act)
equal opportunities and treatment for the people with disabilities. protects the rights of people with disabilities
IDEA (individual with disabilities education act)
guarantees the students with disabilities to a free, appropriate, public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment (LRE).
LRE: general classroom and differentiate teaching method.
Individual Education Plan (IEP): make goals and adaptive plans.
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1937
protects the rights of people with disabilities, prohibiting discriminations.
No Child Left behind (NCLB)
fair opportunities for all learners.
Inclusive Practices pg33*
set goal, use different methods to include all different learners into study.
Developmental appropriate practice (DAP)
age, individual, growth pattern, cultural influence.