Learn to Read and Sound Out Spanish Words Flashcards
Sound out each syllable to the words to apply the pronunciation rules you learned in the previous flash card decks.
Instructions: These cards will help you read in Spanish by sounding out each syllable of a word to create a phrase.
- Say each syllable out loud in the phrase
- Listen to the audio to compare your pronunciation
- Mimic the audio to self-correct pronunciation error
Got it?
Once you understand the instructions, mark this card as a 5 (know it perfectly) so you don’t see it for a while.
Read each syllable out loud, then listen to the audio to compare.
Read each syllable out loud, then listen to the audio to compare.
Read each syllable out loud
No sé
no sé
I don’t know
Read each syllable out loud
Es u-na ca-lle lim-pi-a
Es una calle limpia
Es u-na ca-lle lim-pi-a
Es una calle limpia
It’s a clean street
Read each syllable out loud
u-na que-sa-di-lla sin car-ne
Una quesadilla sin carne
u-na que-sa-di-lla sin car-ne
Una quesadilla sin carne
A quesadilla without meat
Read each syllable out loud
mu-cho di-ne-ro
mucho dinero
mu-cho di-ne-ro
mucho dinero
a lot of money
Read each syllable out loud
to-do bi-en
todo bien
to-do bi-en
todo bien
all good
Read each syllable out loud
es un ho-tel en san-mi-guel
es un hotel en San Miguel
es un ho-tel en san-mi-guel
es un hotel en San Miguel
It’s a hotel in San Miguel
Read each syllable out loud
la cu-ca-ra-cha ya no pue-de ca-mi-nar
la cucaracha ya no puede caminar
la cu-ca-ra-cha ya no pue-de ca-mi-nar
la cucaracha ya no puede caminar
the cockroach can’t walk anymore
Read each syllable out loud
hay mu-cho trá-fi-co a-quí
hay mucho tráfico aquí
hay mu-cho trá-fi-co a-quí
hay mucho tráfico aquí
there’s a lot of traffic here
Read each syllable out loud
no ten-go mis lla-ves
no tengo mis llaves
no ten-go mis lla-ves
no tengo mis llaves
I don’t have my keys
Read each syllable out loud
el a-tar-de-cer
el atardecer
el a-tar-de-cer
el atardecer
the sunset
Read each syllable out loud
Mé-xi-co es un pa-ís in-cre-í-ble
México es un país increíble
Mé-xi-co es un pa-ís in-cre-i-ble
México es un país increíble
Mexico is an incredible country
Read each syllable out loud
Ju-li-a-na y Ro-dri-go van a la ti-en-da jun-tos
Juliana y Rodrigo van a la tienda juntos
Ju-li-a-na y Ro-dri-go van a la ti-en-da jun-tos
Juliana y Rodrigo van a la tienda juntos
Juliana and Rodrigo go the store together