League Of Nations Flashcards
What was the ‘General Assembly’?
Met once a year and all member states were represented. It decided the policy of the League and controlled it’s finances. It admitted new members and could vote on anything put forward by the council.
What was the Council?
Met 5 times a year (as well as emergencies) and had 4 permanent members (Britain, France, Italy and Japan). Disputes between member states were supposed to be settled in the council and it was the council that recommended sanctions
When did Germany become a permanent member of the council?
1926 ( and russia replaced her in 1934)
What was the court of International Justice?
Dealt with breaches of international law and advised the council over the border disputes. It met at the Hague in Holland and consisted of 15 international league judges
What did the International labour organisation do?
Elected information on working conditions and advice to members about how to improve in this area
What with the leagues aims?
Maintain peace using collective security. Prevent future wars. Wanted to improve international cooperation in terms of economic and social problems. Aimed for disarmament of all nations. Guarantee the independence of all member countries from aggression.
What was the covenant of the league?
It was a set of guidelines called articles which explains what the league of Nations was and what it aims were
Explain why America was not a member of the league of Nations
Congress motive against Wilson in 1919 and refuse to get involved in the league preferring to be isolationist. Many politicians felt that the USA would get dragged into future wars by Britain and France. The USA was also worried about the prospect of economic sanctions as it might harm her trade in the period after war. Many Americans thought Germany had been treated too harshly and in 1920 Wilson was defeated by a Republican candidate for president
Why wasn’t Russia allowed to join until 1934
The western powers did not recognise the Communist government and Brokeoff all trade and diplomatic relations with her in case communism spread
Name reasons why The league wasn’t doomed from the start
Ideas/aims of league had positive insight for future. Originally that was great support for league because lots of countries looking to join for security and future peace after war. Nobody argues with committees ideas of refugee help and demolishing slavery - it was popular
Name some social and economic successes of the league in the 20s
The league helped to resettle 400,000 refugees after World War I. It’s supervised many areas taken from Germany and Turkey after war e.g. Danzig. It administered the Saar (which France had access to 15 years). The International labour organisation helps to encourage the formation of trade union’s which improved pensions and minimum wages. Helped by a poisonous white lad from paint and blacklisted for large companies in Germany from Switzerland and Holland for trading in drugs. The health committee helped to combat spread of diseases e.g. malaria and C. The slavery commission freed 200,000 slaves from Sierra Leone amongst other successes.
Name some league successes that settled disputes
The Aaland Islands dispute in 1920 between Finland and Sweden well-settled. In upper Silesia 1921, Believe you decided to administer the region for 15 years and decided on where the frontier should be between Germany and Poland(neither side was happy but both accepted the leagues decision). In 1925 Greece invaded Bulgaria after a border dispute and was made to withdraw and pay compensation to Bulgaria.
What happened in Vilna in 1920?
Vilna was made the capital of the new state to Lithuania but its population was mostly Polish. In 1920 a private Polish army took over. Lithuania appealed for help. The league protested but Poland ignored the League. The league then did nothing and Poland kept Vilna
What happened in Upper Silesia 1921?
Upper Silesia was an industrial region on the border of Poland and Germany and was inhabited by both. A plebiscite was organised which French and British troops were sent to keep order. The region was then split between the two in accordance to the votes. Both countries are accepted decision.
What happened in Corfu 1923?
The league sent Tellini to be an official who helped to draw out the boundary between Greece and Albania. Him and his team were ambushed and killed. When the Greeks did not pay compensation the Italian leader Mussolini bombarded them and occupied Corfu. Britain and France anxious not to offend a permanent member of the Leeds council decided that Italy should not be punished. Greece paid compensation and Italy withdrew.
Explain/describe Manchurian incident
In early 1930s, Japan had serious economic problems-the great depression cut Japan’s exports by 50% and they could not afford to import enough coal iron or oil. In 1931 the Japanese army general stage the Chinese attack on the Japanese Manchurian railway near Mukden. The army invaded and conquered Manchuria before renaming the area Manchukuo. China appealed to the league which instructed Japan to withdraw and sent Lord Lytton to make a report. Japan was condemned but sanctions were not in force as the USA was Japan’s main trading partner. Neither France nor Britain had enough forces or willing to send troops to the region. So Japan simply left the impotent looking league and stayed in Manchuria. The displease out of the league drove Japan away from Britain and France.