Wax cuticle
Top layer
Prevents water from evaporating
Upper epidermis
Thin and transparent to allow light to enter palisade mesophyll layer
Palisade mesophyll
packed with chloroplasts to absorb more light, maximising photosynthesis
Spongy mesophyll
Contains air spaces which increase the surface area to volume ratio for diffusion of gases.
Lower epidermis
Contains guard cells and stomata
Guard cell
Opens and closes the stomata
- to allow CO2 to diffuse in, O2 to diffuse out
Where gas exchange takes place.
Opens during the day n closes during night
Vascular bundle
Contains xylem n phloem to transport substances to and from the leaf
Transports water and dissolved minerals
- walls thickened w lignin
- cells are DEAD, allows free passage of water
- No top n bottom wall
- xylem uses transpiration i think
Transports sucrose and amino acids around the plant
- made of LIVING CELLS
- cells are joined end to end n have holes in the end cell walls to flow easily though the translocaition….