What is Maslows theory?
Hierarchy of needs
What is due diligence?
the care that a reasonable person exercises to avoid harm to other persons
How do you ensure collaborative working on your projects?
- Listen to others
- Communicate effectively and clearly both verbal and writing – protocol
- Transparency
- Ensure all parties are aware of the clients brief and visions
- Roles and responsibilities
- Westhorpe Gardens - why do interviews if they weren’t scored?
- Understand clients brief and vision , and that they understand what they have promised to deliver in their bids.
- Meet potential teams working on the scheme – gauge personalities and behaviours
Rosebank re-cladding – were they selected because they were the cheapest tender?
No this was the first stage of a two stage tender with a 55 Quality to 45 % cost split.
What is the difference between a leader and a manager?
Leader – people follow , look up to , seek advice
Manager - people work for them
What management theories are you aware of?
Mcgregorys theory X and Y
• X – manger thinks employers dislike job more likely to micromanage
• Y – if think employers like job more likely participative manager
(McGregor Theory) How have you used one of those in one of your projects before
Yes recently – I have a placement student with me working on Commerce Road . I partially used McGregors theory however , don’t think he dilikes the job it was more applied where I did have more of a ‘micro management’ approach initially more as he had never undertaken specific tasks such as assisting me with storing documents and updating the handover tracker; however , once he had done this a few times and was up to speed and I now am able to have a more participative approach
What motivational theories are you aware of?
Maslows Hierarchy of needs –
Herzberg – two factor theory for employee satisfaction
Which motivational factor do you resonate with most?
Maslow – recently esteem & self acculisation, from working under a good line manager who gives a lot of praise and feedback , which I have not had in previous employers. I have learnt from this and is something I have adopted now I have a trainee surveyor working closely with me.
What styles of leaderships are there?
D - democratic
A – Autocratic ‘firm but fair’
L – Laze fair
How have you applied your role as a leader?
- Recent example – Autocratic (placement student) – firm but fair approach until they got up to spead.
- However when managing projects I like to take more of a democratic approach – where all parties are listened to are equal and come together to work collaboratively.
- Skills – communicate , listen etc
How have you overcome someone who was difficult to manage?
I have recently had this with a client who has been very demanding and assertive, which from speaking to them and listening was due to internal pressures as the job was delayed and they were looking for it to be handed over asap.
I empathized with my client and discussed how I could assist to ease the pressure and work towards a smooth handover. I find in these types of situations keeping calm, professional and polite are key and as mentioned listening.
What is Tuckman Theory?
Tuckman – how teams manage a task from forming through to complete
Storming - Norming - Forming - Performing – Adjourning -
Have you applied Tuckman Theory?
Yes - recently joined calfordseaden / working with new team and on new projects
Talk me through how you would describe your leadership style. Can you give a few examples of where you may adapt your leadership style in certain situations or environments?
- Democratic – more laid back, let individuals get on with there own roles – work collaboratively and everyone is listened too
- Autocratic – decisions , firm but fair, (less experience or underperformance on a team)
Can you explain to me your understanding of Maslow’s theory regarding motivation and talk me through an example or two of where it may be relevant to your role and a leader of projects, people and teams. Any others?
Esteem – from praise , achieving goals - projects
Self Actulisation – confidence, however aware of areas outside of expertise
From line manager/client - own performance
From myself managing trainee (applying this to them)
What factors do you feel are integral to the high performance of a team aside from individual leadership?
- Combined goal
- Problem solving
- Good work environment
- Training
- Different skillsets/ behaviors
- Open communication
- Time management
- Defined roles and responsibilities.
In what way does effective leadership of people ensure a high level of service to your companies clients?
- Focused on clients goal
- Able to adapt styles to meet end goal]
- Ensures adequate resource for agreed service
- Communication skills – keeping client informed and transparent
- Good problem solving/ decision making skills
- Experienced or look in correct place for experience• Focused on clients goal
- Able to adapt styles to meet end goal]
- Ensures adequate resource for agreed service
- Communication skills – keeping client informed and transparent
- Good problem solving/ decision making skills
- Experienced or look in correct place for experience
- Peers likely to turn to leader for advice/ support
Talk me through what strategies you would put in place to measure and assess your teams performance.
- Regular internal review meetings
- KPI meetings with the client
- Focus on positives and lessons learnt,
How would you define the terms leadership and management and how would you differentiate each of them?
Leader – has people/peers follow and look up to them.
Manager – has people working for them.
Do you have an example of where you have acted on lessons learnt from one scheme to improve the performance of another?
Westhorpe – two stage vs single stage
Early contractor involvement
In relation to the Varcoe Road project, talk me through how you identified that the contractors team were underperforming and what actions you took following the identification of this underperformance from the team? How did you assess and give recommendations for the most appropriate forms of action for the contractors organisation to undertake to improve performance such as in relation to the appointment of a designated PM.
- Took over scheme – frame was being built; however , no co-ordinated construction design
- Drawings being failed to be released and planning conditions not being discharged
- Identified no one driving/leading project from Contractor
- Discussed concerns with my client and hosted meeting with contractor team.
- Raised concerns with my line manager who sat in a meeting with me for support to schedule a meeting to esclaute concerns to Contractors management team. Part of this discussion was that in line with there bid it is expected they have a PM
- Also requested that they prepare a design release schedule and planning tracker – able to monitor this for deadlines.
Further in relation to the Varcoe Road project, how did you monitor and report on/advise your client and/or the contractors organisation on the improved performance of the team following the implementation of the actions?
o Able to use Design release schedule and planning tracker as monitoring tools. I also included progress on these matters in the dashboard report I pepare for my client.
o Separate client meetings.
Can you give me an example of where you have had to adapt your natural leadership and/or management styles to improve personal or team performance. Why did you consider this an appropriate adaptation to make?
- Varcoe Road – Autocratic ‘firm but fair’ , seeking facts and reminding parties of there duties.
- Appropriate to protect my client from potential programme slippage and ensure the contract is being fulfilled.
- If not managed may cause further issues
- Working towards end goal.
How would you define the selection criteria used for the Rosebank tender and what did you advise your client?
Advise was that a specialist cladding contractor should be appointed with experience on similar schemes.
This criteria may inform the tender list and it would be recommended a sifting brief is undertaken to draw out this expertise before tendering.