Trait theories maintain that effective leaders share common …
traits, beliefs, and thought processes.
These theories focus on how leaders act towards others.
Behavioral theories
Kurt Lewin’s Three Styles of Leadership include:
Autocratic, Democratic, and Laissez-faire.
Autocratic leaders make decisions with ….
little to no input from their subordinates, they dictate what needs to be done, and how it needs to be done.
- Good leadership style for when quick decisions are needed but input is not.
Democratic leaders offer ….
guidance to the team but allow team to provide input before making a decision. Most effective when team agreement matters.
- Challenges occur when individual perspectives and ideas clash.
Laissez-fair leaders allow team members …
complete autonomy. Most effective when the team is skilled, motivated, and doesn’t need close supervision. However, oversight is still needed to make sure the team stays focused.
What uses all three styles of leadership? Which one is correct?
Effective leaders. There is no one correct type of leader.
Paul Hershey, Kenneth Blanchard and Robert House developed which behavioral theory?
Contingency Theories
Hershey-Blanchard Model links _______ style with the ________ of team members.
leadership; maturity
Robert House’s path-goal theory leadership should depend on the team members _____, the ____ at _____, and the _______ in which they are working.
needs; task; hand; environment
French and Raven developed ______ and _______ theories - which identify the ways leaders use their _____ and _____ to accomplish tasks.
power; influence; power; influence
The power and influence theory created by French and Rave is known as …
French and Raven’s Five Forms of Power
Legitimate, reward, and coercive are types of ______ power; and expert and referent (charisma) are types of _____ power.
positional; personal
What type of leadership assumes that people are motivated by rewards for accomplishments?
Transactional leadership.
_______ _______ is the ability to adapt their leadership style to the needs of the individual, team, or organization, and is based on the ______-_____ model.
Situational Leadership; Hershey-Blanchard
The (4) tyles of situational leadership styles are …
1.) Delegating
2.) Supporting
3.) Coaching
4.) Directing
Delegating falls into which quadrant?
It is classified as ____ supportive and _____ directive behavior.
Low; Low
Supporting falls into which quadrant?
It is classified as _____ supportive and _____ directive behavior.
High; Low
Coaching falls into which quadrant?
It is classified as _____ directive and _____ supportive behavior.
High; High
Delegating falls into which quadrant?
It is classified as _____ directive and _____ supportive behavior.
High; Low
A person’s ability to identify their own emotions and the emotions of others.
What is a emotional intelligence?
Victor ______ developed ______ theory - which says that people are motivated by perceived expected outcome and this theory should only be strategically used.
Vroom; expectancy
Equity theory focuses ….
not only on the reward but the perceived fairness of that reward.
An individual who assesses their talents and efforts, compares them to the talents and efforts of other employees, adjusting their level of effort or expecting higher rewards is an individual practicing ….
equity theory.
Leaders who follow rules closely and expect the same of their team members follow _______ leadership.
_______ leadership style inspires and motivates team members.
Meeting the needs of the team is how a ____ leader leads.
Taking responsibility for their own actions and expecting individuals to meet their potential are the traits of a ______________ leader.
Leadership is/is not a “one size fits all” concept.
is not
This fosters loyalty, trust, and a culture of increased productivity, engagement, and tenure.
Relationship Management.
_______ is a way to build relationships and establishes a mutually beneficial affiliation with other employees, clients, vendors, or organizations.
When (2) or more people connect and associate, this is known as …..
relationship building
Being authentic, developing mutual respect, and creating meaningful connections allows trust to be built over time as he party adheres to the set of rules knowns as the ___________ ___________.
Psychological contract
Teamwork occurs when …..
various people throughout the department, organization, or community come together to work on a single goal.
Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing are
the four phases of the development sequence of a group.
What involves exploring underlying reasons for disagreement and lack of alignment among teams and individuals?
Conflict resolution
Organizational conflict describes …
natural conflict or disagreement that develops between employees, departments, or functions.
What are the three basic sources of conflict?
Relationship, Task, and Process
Relationship conflict involves …
interpersonal issues between individuals and affects how employees work together and the social issues surrounding interactions.
Task conflict involves …
issues that arise from parties disagreeing about the content or outcome of tasks, procedures, or goals.
Process conflict involves …
disagreement over “how” the team should complete certain tasks.
Both ______ and _____ conflict can occur. That is conflict between (2) people or between (2) organizations.
micro; macro
This type of conflict occurs between individuals, departments, or functions within the same company.
Intra-organizational conflict
This type of conflict occurs between multiple companies, organizations, or even amongst customers and vendors.
Inter-organizational conflict
What are competing, accommodating, avoiding, compromising, and collaborating?
Styles of conflict resolution and negotiation
Which conflict resolution and negotiation style involves each side pursuing their own interests, focusing non short-term gains?
Competing; used when they need to act quickly or there is no room to negotiate.
Which conflict resolution and negotiation style involves one side winning and other side losing?
Accommodating; used when maintaining relationships and goodwill is a priority.
Which conflict resolution and negotiation involves both sides losing?
Avoiding; used when (2) individuals want to avoid conflict.
Which conflict resolution and negotiation style involves both parties winning a little and losing a little?
Compromising; often mistaken for collaboration, more about meeting in the middle.
Which conflict resolution and negotiation style involves creating a win-win scenario?
Collaboration; focuses on meeting both parties needs and arriving at a mutually beneficial solution.
Conflict resolution focuses on ….
an issue or problem that needs to be solved.
Negotiation is different from conflict resolution in that …
two parties share an objective.
This process creates an agreement between (2) or more parties. And can be formal or verbal agreements.
Negotiation process.
Important to know when ______ are legally binding and approach negotiations appropriatley.
What is a step in the negotiation process refers to understanding the other person’s view point?
Principled bargaining occurs when both sides ….
focus on objective outcomes, eliminating emotional disagreement, or grandstanding (acting or speaking in a way that attracts the good opinion of other people who are watching)
Separating emotions from problems, focusing on interests rather than positions, looking for options that include mutual gains, and using objective criteria, are elements of what negotiation tactic?
Principled bargaining or principled negotiation.
Auction is a __________ __________ where _______ compete against one another for an item or outcome.
negotiation tactic; buyers
This recognizes the importance of both parties and works toward the win-win outcome.
Interest-based bargaining
In contrast to interest-based bargaining, _____-______ bargaining is a competition that pits the sides against each other and can often breed resentment.
What two terms identifies the individual or team where a message originated?
Source or Sender
What term refers to a content or idea that a sender is communicating?
What term identifies the person or audience that receives a interprets a message?
_____ ______ happens when the receiver fully focuses on the message, not allowing outer or internal distractions.
Active listening
Message receive should always give ______ ______ through non-verbal cues such as nodding or smiling.
message feedback
What is the CCL?
Center for Creative Leadership
What is and who developed the SBI feedback tool?
SBI stands for - situational, behavioral and impact/reaction. SBI model shifts the focus from the individual to the actual behavior, creating a coaching opportunity.
Developed by the CCL.
Employee communication can be _______-______ (macro level) or _______-______ (micro level
Organization-wide; employee specific
Communication can occur in various forms of _____. Email, social media, and town-halls are just a few examples of ____ that are used.
Media; media.
Leadership should _______ regularly, solicit and be responsive to feedback. This is also known as ___-____ communication.
Communicate; two-way
______ _______ are small groups of people whose response to a product or idea is considered representative of the larger population.
Focus groups
These group or team collaborations - also known as ______ _______ - should also be recorded to ensure ideas are captured, action items are noted, and specific roles are assigned.
Staff or team meetings
What is abbreviated CQ and is an outsiders ability to understand the unfamiliar aspects of a different culture and even blend in.
Culture Intelligence (CQ)
What are high-context cultures?
Cultures comprised of numerous rules that are understood but not defined. Norms may not be clearly articulated, people may rely more on body language, and emotions may not be expressed openly.
_____-______ cultures have clear rules that are more easily communicated to newcomers, which eliminates confusion early on.
Geert Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions theory is used by ….
organizations to understand cultures and perform globally.
What are Power distance index, individualism versus collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity versus femininity, short-term versus long-term orientation, and indulgence versus restraint?
(6) Cultural Dimensions of Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Theory
Power distance index ….
is the extent that inequality in power is accepted
Individualism vs. Collectivism …
refers to the degree to which individuals are reliant on or obligated to others.
Uncertainty avoidance ….
is the extent uncertainty and risk are accepted.
Masculinity vs. Femininity …
refers to the attitude toward gender equality; masculine cultures feature distinct gender roles, feminine cultures feature more fluid gender roles.
Short-term vs. Long-term orientation …
refers to how much a culture views future rewards versus present gratificiation.
Indulgence vs. Restraint …
is the degree to which a culture controls or regulates gratification.
Fons Trompenaars created another cultural model called ….
Trompenaars cultural dimensions
Universalism vs. particularism, individualism vs communitarianism, specific versus diffuse, neutral vs affective, achievement vs. ascription, sequential time vs. synchronous time, and internal direction vs. external direction are apart of what model?
Trompenaars cultural dimensions
Identify the differences in:
1.) Universalism vs. particularism
2.) Individualism vs communitarianism
3.) Specific versus diffuse
4.) Neutral vs affective
5.) Achievement vs. ascription
6.) Sequential time vs. synchronous time
7.) Internal direction vs. external direction
1.) Consistent rules for all vs. focusing on relationships and embracing decisions based on nepotism
2.) Outcomes of ones life are based on one’s actions vs. people succeed or fail as a group
3.) Work and home are kept separate vs these two parts of life are interconnected
4.) People conceal their emotions vs. people are emotionally demonstrative (including the workplace)
5.) Individuals gain status through knowledge and skills vs. individuals have status based on predetermined position or connections
6.) Literal and punctuality is very important vs. flexible and punctuality is less important
7.) Individuals believe they can control their environment vs. individuals work with the environment they are given
Organizational culture can also be viewed through Edward Schein’s, ______ ______.
Schein’s Model
Artifacts, values, and basic assumptions are three levels of which organizational model?
Schein’s Model
An organizations cultural _______ are the visible part of the culture.
An organizations ______ are a shared understanding of how business will be done.
Basic _______ are shared ideas among individuals, such as how space is used, what is moral, or what is ethical.
Expatriates are ….
employees living outside their home countries.
______ ______ should be top priority when conducting business.
Legal compliance
What promotes fairness by providing support and resources to individuals to allow them to reach their full potential?
Equity also focuses on this, which can prohibit specific classes of people from succeeding.
removal of barriers
It’s important that all employees are able to _______ into the organizations culture as long it is open and welcoming. That is, the ability of a workplace to quickly bring a new employee up to speed with regard to the organizational culture and how employees interact with each other and business clients.
What is an unconscious bias?
An unintentional stereotype or perception a person has.