LEADING Flashcards
The process of influencing and supporting others to work enthusiastically toward achieving objectives.
The action of leading a group of people or an organization.
Leadership (Oxford Dictionary)
This is about taking risks and challenging the status quo.
Enumerate the traits of an effective leader.
- A high level of personal drive
- Desire to lead
- Personal Integrity
- Self-Confidence
- Analytical Ability or Judgment
- Knowledge of the Company, Industry, or Technology
- Charisma
- Creativity
- Flexibility
The innate urge to attain a goal or satisfy a need.
Persons with ______ are those identified as willing to accept responsibility and possess vigor, initiative, persistence, and health.
An example of a person with a high level of personal drive is _________________, plant director of the Polo plant of San Miguel Corporation between 1992 and 1994.
Paul Mediarito
Leaders should have an intense desire to lead. This is what is called the __________ or the _____________.
Royal jelly, fire in the belly
There are some people who have all the qualifications for leadership, yet they cannot become leaders because they lack one special requirement: ______________________.
Desire to lead
Having an intense ______________ helps in innovating, solving problems, making decisions, and achieving organizational goals by setting priorities and focusing on key tasks.
Desire to lead
__________ is a quality that exists at the convergence of consistent acts and firm beliefs.
It is a characteristic of people who always act honorably, even when no one is looking and specifically when it is challenging.
When employees see their leader acting with _________, they are more likely to trust and respect them, leading to increased motivation, engagement, and productivity.
According to ______________, ___________ means and includes “honesty, honor, incorruptibility, rectitude, righteousness, uprightness, and similar virtues.”
VK. Saraf, integrity
The activities of leaders require moves that will produce the needed outputs.
The steps of conceptualizing, organizing, and implementing will be completed if sustained efforts are made.
For the moves to be continuous and precise, ______________ is necessary.
___________________ is necessary for leaders to take risks and accomplish high goals. Leaders who are ______________ tend to deal immediately and directly with problems and conflicts, rather than procrastinating, ignoring, or passing problems to others.
Self-confidence, self-confident
_____________ and company found in a study they conducted that leaders of mid-sized, high-growth companies were “almost inevitably consummate salesmen who radiate enormous contagious self-confidence.
He was very precise when he declared the following as one of the traits of a good leader:
- “A chieftain cannot win if he loses his nerve, He should be self-confident and self-reliant and even if he does not win, he will know he has done his best.”
Wess Roberts
A leader with sufficient skill to determine the root cause of the problem may be able to help the subordinate to improve his production.
Analytical Ability or Judgment
The ability to analyze is one desirable trait that a leader can use to tide him over many challenging aspects of leadership.
Analytical Ability or Judgment
Leaders are, oftentimes, faced with difficulties that prevent the completion of assigned tasks. A subordinate, for instance, may have a record of continually failing to produce the needed output.
Analytical Ability or Judgment
___________ skills are important for leaders at all levels of an organization.
These skills are correlated with better strategy and performance
A leader who is well-informed about his company, the industry where the company belongs, and the technology utilized by the industry, will be in a better position to provide directions to his unit.
Knowledge of the Company, Industry, or Technology
A company, for example, might be the industry leader because it satisfies the needs of its particular market, i.e., providing quality products at affordable prices.
Knowledge of the Company, Industry, or Technology
When a person has sufficient personal magnetism that leads people to follow his directives, this person is said to have _______________.
Great personalities in history like ___________ Bonaparte,________ Caesar, ________ Hitler, __________ Washington, ________Presley, and others are said to possess charisma
Napoleon Bonaparte, Julius Caesar, Adolf Hitler, George Washington, Elvis Presley
When used properly, __________ will help the leader in achieving his goals. With some adjustments, subordinates may be expected to do their tasks willingly.
___________ leadership differentiates from other leadership styles, like laissez-faire or autocratic, by focusing more on the interpersonal relationship and how the leader interacts with the people whom they lead.
___________ leaders can motivate and inspire their teams toward a greater goal. They do this by tapping into their team members’ emotions, creating a sense of trust, passion, and purpose greater than themselves.
_____________ defines ___________ as “the ability to combine existing data, experience, and preconditions from various sources in such a way that the results will be subjectively regarded as new, valuable, and innovative, and as a direct solution to an identified problem situation.”
Ronnie Millevo, creativity
A ______________ is an open, not closed or fixed, mindset that effectively creates meaningful and effective ideas and solutions.
creative mindset
There is wisdom in being ___________. It allows the other means of achieving goals when the prescribed manner is not appropriate.
People differ in the way they do their work, one will adopt a different method from another person’s method. A leader who allows this situation as long as the required outputs are produced, is said to be flexible.
__________ leaders have the ability to change their plans to match the reality of the situation. As a result, they maintain productivity during transitions or periods of chaos.
Enumerate the Leadership Skills
- Technical Skills
- Human Skills
- Conceptual Skills
_______ (1974), defines _________ skill as the understanding of, and proficiency in, a specific kind of activity, particularly one involving methods, processes, procedures, or techniques.
Katz, Technical
An example of this is when the engineer manager of a construction firm must have sufficient __________ skills to undertake construction works. The manager of an electrical engineering firm must possess the skill to install and maintain electrical facilities and equipment.
_________ skill is, the “Ability to work effectively as a group member and to build cooperative effort within the team he leads” as defined by _______, (1974).
Human, Katz
A leader with highly developed ________ skills is aware of his own attitudes, expectations, and beliefs about other individuals and groups. I.e. Communication, Empathy, Self-awareness, Growth mindset.
It is mainly concerned with working with humans.
____________ skill involves the ability to see the organization as a whole.
It also includes knowing how the various functions of the organization depend on each other, and how changes in one part affect the organization.
These skills refer to “the ability: to think in abstract terms, to see how parts fit together to form the whole.”
Conceptual Skills
Enumerate the Behavioral Approaches to Leadership Skills.
This is according to: F_____ and H____
- According to the ways leaders APPROACH people to motivate them.
- According to the way the leader uses POWER.
- According to the leader’s ORIENTATION towards tasks and people.
Those in positions of leadership exhibit a pattern of behavior that is unique and different from other patterns. This total pattern of behavior is called ______________.
Leadership style
When the leader’s approach emphasizes rewards, the style used is _________ leadership. The reward may be _________, like an increase in monthly salary, or it may be ____________ like membership in an advisory committee.
positive, economic, non-economic
There are two ways, a leader may approach people to motivate them. They are:
positive leadership and
negative leadership
When punishment is emphasized by the leader, the style is said to be __________ leadership. The punishment may take the form of reprimand, suspension, or dismissal.
Leaders who make decisions themselves, without consulting subordinates.
Motivation takes the form of threats, punishment, and intimidation of all kinds.
This style is effective in emergencies and when absolute followership is needed.
Autocratic Leaders
The disadvantage of autocratic leadership is that the leader “receives little, if any, information and ideas from his people as inputs into his decision-making”, according to _____________ (1982).
James Owns
When a leader openly invites his subordinates to participate or share in decisions, policy-making, and operation methods, he is said to be a _____________ leader.
The disadvantage of participative leadership is that it is ______________ and frustrating to people who prefer to see a quick decision reached.
Leaders who set objectives and allow employees or subordinates relative freedom to do whatever it takes to accomplish these objectives are called __________. They are also referred to as _____________leaders.
Free-rein leaders, laissez
This leadership style is most applicable to certain organizations manned by professionals like doctors and engineers. An example is the engineering department of a university which is headed by the dean.
Free-rein leadership
The weakness of ____________ leadership is that there is very little managerial control and a high degree of risk. If the leader does not know well the competence and integrity of his people and their ability to handle this kind of freedom, the result could be disastrous.
A leader is said to be ________________ when he considers employees as human beings of “intrinsic importance and with individual and personal need to satisfy”, according to ________.
Employee-oriented, Higgins
A leader is said to be _____________ if he places stress on production and the technical aspects of the job and the employees are viewed as the means of getting the work done.
This grid is based on the leadership style dimensions of concern for people and concern for production, which essentially mirrors the dimensions of consideration and structure.
Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid
____________ and __________ developed the managerial grid as a tool for identifying a manager’s own style.
Robert R. Blake, Jane S. Mouton
The grid clarifies, on two __-point scales, how the two dimensions are related. It also establishes a uniform language and framework for communication about appropriate leadership styles.
The ____ leaders are high in concern for people but so low in concern for production that output is typically low. They are “____________ leaders.”
1,9 country club
In sharp contrast, the ____ leaders are overly concerned with production to the exclusion of their employees’ needs. These leaders tend to be authoritarian bosses.
A ____ leader does not place adequate emphasis on either dimension and would predictably fail. A more desirable balance of the two dimensions is from ____ to ____—with the latter assumed by Blake and Mouton to be the most effective style.
1,1 5,5 to 9,9
The grid can help individuals identify not only their primary leadership style but also their ____________. This style is the one manager tend to use when their normal style does not get results. In general, managers tend to be more autocratic and concerned with production when their primary style is unsuccessful.
back-up style
Models like the managerial grid have been useful for highlighting multiple dimensions of leadership, getting managers to think and talk about their styles, and stimulating debate and further studies about leadership. Together, the early approaches to leadership styles served as a useful ___________ to newer models.
Enumerate the Contingency Approaches to Leadership Skills
- Fiedler’s Contingency Model
- Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership Model
- Path-Goal Model of Leadership
- Vroom’s Decision-Making Model
The ___________ approach is an effort to determine through research which managerial practices, and techniques are appropriate in specific situations. The various contingency approaches are as follows:
According to ______________, “leadership is effective when the leader’s style is appropriate to the situation”. The situational characteristics is determined by three principal factors:
Fred Fiedler (Fiedler’s Contingency Model)
- the relations between leaders and followers
- the structure of the task, and
- the power inherent in the leader’s position
The situational characteristics vary from organization to organization. To be effective, the situation must fit the leader. If this is not so, the following may be tried:
- Change the leader’s trait or situations
- Select leaders who have traits or behaviors fitting the situation.
- Move leaders around in the organization until they are in positions that fit them/
- Change the situation.
The situational leadership model developed by Hersey and Blanchard suggests that the most important factor affecting the selection of a leader’s style is the development (or maturity) level of subordinate. The leader should match his or her style to this maturity level.
Maturity has two components:
Hersey and Blanchard Situational Leadership Model
- job skills and knowledge, and
- psychological activity
Style 1: ________ – is for people who lack competence but are enthusiastic and committed.
Low ability + Low Willingness
Style 2: _________ – is for people who have some competence but lack commitment.
They need direction and supervision because they’re still relatively inexperienced. They also need support and praise to build their self-esteem, and involvement in decision -making to restore their commitment.
Low ability + High Willingness
Style 3. ___________ – is for people who have competence but lack confidence or motivation. They do not need much direction because of their skills, but support is necessary to bolster their confidence and motivation.
High Ability + Low Willingness
Style 4. __________ – is for people who have both competence and commitment. They are able and willing to work on a project by themselves with little supervision or support.
High Ability + High Willingness
The _________ model of leadership espoused by Robert J. House and Terence R. Mitchell, stipulates that leadership can be made effective because leaders can influence subordinate’s perceptions of their work goals, personal goals, and paths to goal attainment.
Path goal
Elaborate the Path-Goal Process
- Leader identifies employee needs.
- Appropriate goals are established.
- Leader connects rewards with goals.
- Leader provides assistance on employee’s path toward goals.
- Employee becomes satisfied and motivated, and they accept the leader.
- Effective performance occurs.
- Both employee and organization better reach their goals.
Enumerate the leadership styles by path goal proponents.
- Directive leadership
- Supportive leadership
- Participative leadership
- Achievement-oriented leadership
Leadership where the leader focuses on clear task assignments, standards of successful performance, and work schedules.
Directive leadership
Leadership where subordinates are treated as equals in a friendly manner while striving to improve their well-being.
Supportive leadership
Leadership where the leader set challenging goals, emphasize excellence, and seek continuous improvement while maintaining a high degree of confidence that subordinated will meet difficult challenges in a responsible manner.
Achievement-oriented leaderhsip
________ model of leadership is one that prescribes the proper leadership style for various situations, focusing on the appropriate degrees of delegation of decision-making authority.
Vroom’s Decision-Making Model
Leadership where the leader consults with subordinates to seek their suggestions and then seriously considers those suggestions when making decisions.
Participative leadership
Five distinct decision-making styles are identified under the Vroom model.
2 Autocratic Leader
2 Consultative Leader
1 Group Directed
This is the ability to influence other people and events.
It is the leader’s stock-in-trade, the way that leaders extend their influence on others.
Enumerate the types or bases of power.
- Personal Power
- Legitimate Power
- Expert power
- Reward Power
- Coercive Power
This power is also called referent power, charismatic power, and power of personality.
They have a personal magnetism, an air of confidence, and a passionate belief in objectives that attract and hold followers. People follow because they want to do so; their emotions tell them to do so.
Personal Power
Well-known historical examples are Joan of Arc in France, Mahatma Gandhi in India, Winston Churchill in England, and John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King in the United States
Personal Power
This power is also known as position power and official power, comes from higher authority.
Legitimate power
It gives leaders the power to control resources and to reward and punish others.
Legitimate Power
This power is also known as the authority of knowledge, comes from specialized learning.
Expert Power
This power is the capacity to control and administer items that are valued by another.
It arises from an individual’s ability to give pay raises, recommend someone for promotion or transfer, or even make favorable work assignments.
Reward Power
This power is the capacity to punish another, or at least to create a perceived threat to do so.
This uses fear as a motivator, which can be a powerful force in inducing short-term action. However, it is likely to have an overall negative impact on the receiver.
Coercive Power
As a general statement, most evidence indicates that these managers tend to use a participative approach.
European Leadership
This country is well known for its paternalistic approach to leadership. Its culture promotes a high safety or security need, which is present among home country-based employees as well as MNC expatriates.
In addition, the leadership process used by ________ managers places a strong emphasis on ambiguous goals. Subordinates are typically unsure of what their manager wants them to do. As a result, they spend a great deal of time overpreparing their assignments. Some observers believe that this leadership approach is time-consuming and wasteful.
These research findings show that leadership is culturally influenced, but as the economy of _______ continues to change and the country moves more and more toward capitalism, the work values of managers may also change.
They have had greater exposure to Western societal influences, and this may well be resulting in leadership styles similar to those of Western managers.
More recent research provides some evidence that there may be much greater similarity between Middle Eastern leadership styles and those of Western countries.
Also, results indicated a tendency toward participative leadership styles among young Arab middle management, as well as among highly educated managers of all ages.
Middle East Leadership
______’s workforce is quite knowledgeable in the high-tech industry, and society as a whole is moving toward higher education.
One study showed that Indian workers were more productive when managers took a high-people and high-task approach (participative).
Research pertaining to leadership styles in _______________ has indicated that as globalization increases, so does the transitional nature of managers within these regions. One study that compared Latin American leadership styles reviewed past research indicating an initial universality among the countries.
In Mexico, leaders tended to have a combination of authoritarian and participative behaviors, while Chile, Argentina, and Bolivia also showed signs of authoritarian behaviors. Typically, Mexican managers who welcomed input from subordinates were viewed as incompetent and weak.
Latin America
A ___________ model is a theoretical framework for how best to manage employees.
It typically suggests a corresponding response style to employee and organizational needs that has proven useful in that model.
Leadership (Tyler Lacoma)
Enumerate the types of leadership models.
- Team-oriented leadership
- Coaching leadership
- Improvised Leadership
- Affiliative Leadership
- Participative Leadership
- Authoritarian Leadership
- Country Club leadership
- Bureaucratic Leadership
_____________ leaders set a positive example by creating a collaborative team environment.
Often referred to as “people-oriented leadership,”
One of the most effective in terms of efficiency, productivity, employee engagement and employee satisfaction.
_________ leaders can accept changes quickly and look for opportunities immediately.
They do not waste any time to increase productivity and choose to be optimistic and problem solvers.
Also, they are more successful, flexible, likeable, and respected.
_________ leader strives to identify individual strengths and works with team members to develop strategies for growth.
This leader is more goal-oriented rather than task-oriented.
Leaders of this type observe situations as a “big picture” rather than focusing on the details.
____________ leaders excel at building teams within which the members work well with each other to increase quality and productivity.
Often referred to as democratic leadership.
This leader strives to encourage their team to set and meet goals, creating efficient processes to facilitate the highest possible level of productivity.
This leader seeks feedback and participation from team members in making decisions that affect the whole team.
Participative Leader
Also known as autocratic leadership.
Leaders that are extremely task-oriented and have little to no interest in collaborative decision-making.
Leaders motivate team members through rules and punishments.
Authoritarian Leadership
A people-focused leadership model that relies on the presumption that if team members have satisfaction with their jobs, their work may naturally be better.
Country club leadership
Involves a sharp focus on results and performance, asserting a strict chain of command and answering to the board of directors or shareholders.
_____________ leader creates non-negotiable processes, holding team members to a clear set of metrics and objectives that allows the manager to track results.