Leadership & Goverance Flashcards
A person who has general administrative charge of the day-to-day operations of an assisted living facility. He or she may be the owner or may be hired by the organization. Licensing and/or certification requirements differ from state to state.
Advisory Board
This term has various applications. This board is generally made up of a group of members of a community to relate to top management in various advisory capacities as determined by the organization’s by-laws.
Articles of Incorporation
Information filed with a state official (usually secretary of state) by persons wishing to form a corporation. Articles of Incorporation give the corporate name and address, names and addresses of corporate officers, and the purpose of the corporation, and other information as required by a particular state.
The right of power to act, to decide, and to command others.
Board of Directors
A group of people who relate to top management of an organization in a governing or advisory capacity as determined by its by-laws. (See also Governing board and Advisory board)
The rules that determine the internal management of a board or organization; the official guidelines from which policies and procedures are developed. By-laws are adopted at the time of charter and define the rights and responsibilities of the board and its officers, the membership and its voting privileges.
The exchange of information from one source to another in such a manner that it is understood by the receiving source.
Consensus Building
A conversational style of decision making whereby issues and opinions are discussed across a range of perspectives with the objective of reaching a shared opinion or compromise agreement among a group of participants.
The basic management function that involves the measurement of the performance throughout the entire facility to ensure that organizational goals are being achieved and that corrective action is taken if they are not.
This term is used to define the form of business that is incorporated under the laws of one of the states. There may be a single stockholder or there may be thousands. A corporation is a separate legal entity from its stockholders and therefore the owners are not personally liable for the debt of the corporation. Most assisted living facilities are operated as a corporation.
Delegation of Authority
The process that a manager uses in assigning duties and responsibilities to a subordinate and giving the subordinate the authority necessary to accomplish the assignment.
The management function when the administrator uses his or her position to point out the direction the company is to go to achieve its goals by use of a variety of leadership roles to include coaching, guiding, training, persuading, challenging, and encouraging the personnel to attain those goals.
A system of moral principles, rules, and standards of conduct.
The aspects of the communication loop that lets the sender know whether the message was received.
An institution, corporation, or other legal entity that is organized for the profit or benefit of its shareholders or other owners.
Goals or objectives
These are the end points that all organizational activities are directed toward. They should be realistic, verifiable, and attainable.
The people, policies, and processes that provide the framework within which managers make decisions and take actions to optimize outcomes related to their spheres of responsibility.
Governing Boards
This term is frequently applied to the governing body. It exercises authority in the governance of the organization. It is responsible for appointing top management, policy making, and ensuring that the policies are administered in a manner and the spirit in which they were written.
Heirarchy of needs
Theory of human motivation developed by Abraham Maslow. One of the most widely accepted and earliest explanations of why people act and react the way they do. According to this theory, each person is always in the state of needing something. Exactly what is needed is dependent on what needs have already been met.
Awareness of the lines of authority and the power structure in the organization is an important aspect of understanding the operating culture. Oftentimes, individuals within an organization try to exert influence over others, to persuade them toward (or away from) a course of action.
Job Descriptions
Descriptions that define in writing the responsibilities, requirements, functions, duties, location, environment, conditions, and other aspects of jobs.
The philosophy of “leave it alone,” or nonintervention.
Managing Risk
A program of policies and procedures that is established by the administrator as a proactive means of anticipating problems in the facility that could lead to illness, injury, or financial loss.
Is the ability to achieve common goals through the organization and productivity of other people. It involves creating and maintaining an environment in the organization that makes it possible for people to work together to contribute to the accomplishment of the organization’s objectives with the least amount of friction possible.
Mission Statement
A statement of the purpose of an organization and its reason for existing. It is usually rather brief (less than a page) and does not present detailed information about the day-to-day operations of the organization.
Negotiated Risk
A process of negotiating the way that services are going to be provided in dealing with exceptions, unusual circumstances, or problem situations outside the regular practices and service plans.
An organization operated solely for social welfare, or for any other purpose except for profit; no part of the organization’s income is payable to, or is otherwise available for the personal benefit of, any proprietor or member.
A person trained to provide advocacy and liaison for elderly residents of healthcare facilities regarding the actions of an administrative nature that affect the resident’s health, safety, welfare, or rights. The Ombudsman Program is nationally funded by the Administration on Aging and administered by state agencies.
Organizational Chart
A diagrammatic representation of the organization. It displays the lines of formal communication, and authority. It also graphically represents the framework of the organizational structure and the relationships of the different positions and departments to one another.
A basic management function through which the formal structure of the organization is established to facilitate the development and allocation of authority and resources throughout the entire organization. It involves the grouping of people and activities, the assigning of roles, and the delegation of authority.
A management style that encourages managers to share their knowledge and opinions and work together to produce change and organizational results.
This term is used to define a business that is owned by two or more persons associated as partners. One or more partners are usually involved in the management of the business. Partners are personally liable for the debt of the business.
These are the general statements that guide the thinking and decision making of the assisted living facility staff. Because they are guides for decision making, policies must allow for some discretion to be exercised by the decision maker.
These are step-by-step guides to action that establish a required method for handling future activities.
Quality Assurance
A planned and systematic pattern of all actions necessary to ensure that services conform to established technical requirements or standards.
Quality Improvement
A method of evaluating and improving processes of resident care that emphasizes a multidisciplinary approach to problem solving and focuses not on individuals but systems of resident care that might be the cause of variations.
A broad term that encompasses both quality assurance and quality improvement, and describes a program of evaluating the quality of care using a variety of methodologies and techniques.
Quality Management
Rules by which a statute is specifically implemented on a day-to-day basis by an administrative agency at the federal, state, or local level. A law that has been coded and advertised and is to be monitored by a specific regulatory agency.
The management function of being the spokesperson for the assisted living organization to residents and their families, government entities, other health-related organizations, and the public.
These are specific commands that spell out required action or nonaction. They allow no discretion at all.
This term means exploring the options available to a resident in a facility and the risks involved with each option when making decisions pertaining to the resident’s abilities, preferences, and service needs, thereby enabling the resident and, if applicable, the resident’s representative or designee, and the facility to develop a service plan or negotiated risk agreement that best meets the resident’s needs and seeks to improve the resident’s quality of life.
Shared Responsibility
Short-term or operational planning
This is the process of deliberating and selecting goals for a specified period of time, usually a year. These plans must be coordinated with the facility’s strategic plan to ensure continuity of the goals and objectives.
A principle of management that states that there is a limited number of people that a manager can effectively supervise.
Span of management
Assigning a person to the execution of the process or an activity.
Strategic planning
The process that an organization uses to reevaluate its mission, identify its long-term and short-term goals, and select its strategies and policies for achieving those goals.
These are the general plans of action and deployment of resources that focus on the attainment of the goals of the assisted living facility.
A team comprises any group of people linked in a common purpose.
Team Building
Team building is a planned effort made to improve communications and working relationships by way of any planned and managed change involving a group of people. Team building is most effective when used as a part of a long-range strategy for organizational and personal development.
Vision Statement
A statement giving a broad, inspirational image of the future that an organization is aiming to achieve.