Leadership Exam Review Flashcards
What is the definition of army leadership?
Influencing people by providing purpose, motivation, and direction to accomplish the mission
What two main characteristics are represented in the two sides of the army leadership requirements model?
Attributes and competencies
What are the three attributes a quality leader possesses according to the Army leadership model?
What are the three main competencies a quality leader possesses according to the Army leadership model?
What are the factors which make up the leader’s character?
1 Army Values.
2 Empathy.
3 Warrior Ethos.
4 Discipline
What are the factors which make up the leader’s presence?
1 Military and professional bearing.
2 Fitness.
3 Confidence.
4 Resilience
What are the factors which make up the leader’s intelligence?
1 Mental agility. 2 Sound judgment. 3 Innovation. 4 Interpersonal tact. 5 Expertise.
What are the five categories under the competency of Leads?
1 Leads Others. 2 Builds Trust. 3 Extends Influence Beyond the Chain of Command. 4 Leads by Example. 5 Communicates
What are the three stages of team building?
Formation, enrichment, and sustainment
What are the seven steps of the Military Problem Solving Process?
- Identify the problem.
- Gather information.
- Develop criteria.
- Generate possible solutions.
- Analyze possible solutions.
- Compare possible solutions.
- Make and implement the decision
What is the writing style (quality of writing) when preparing Army correspondence?
Department of the Army writing will:
- clear, concise, and effective.
- aid effective and efficient communication and decision making.
- be understood by the reader in a single reading
- be free of errors in substance, organization, style, and correctness.
According to AR 25-50, how can you recognize passive voice?
A verb in the passive voice uses any form of “to be” plus the past participle of a main verb
For example, am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been, plus a main verb usually ending in “en” or “ed” (for example, were completed, is requested
What form would you use to initiate an award recommendation of a U.S. Army individual decoration for a Soldier?
DA 638 - Recommendation for Award
What are the additional requirements when submitting an award recommendation for heroism?
Statements of eyewitnesses, preferably in the form of certificates, affidavits, or sworn statements; extracts from official records; sketches; maps; diagrams; photographs; and so forth, which support and amplify stated facts for the heroism award.
What format do you use when entering dates on the DA Form 2823?
How do you close out Block 9 of the DA Form 2823 (end the statement)?
What are the three parts of a memorandum?
The heading, the body, and the closing.
What font style and font size do you use when preparing a memorandum?
Font size of 12-point and the font style Ariel.
What is one way to create shorter sentences?
Write in the active voice.
Where do you place the signature block when preparing a memorandum?
Begin the signature block at the center of the page on the fifth line below the authority line. If there is no authority line, begin it on the fifth line below the last line of the text.
What form would you use to record a sworn statement?
DA 2823
What type of counseling might a subordinate require to resolve a personal problem or situation?
To whom might you refer a subordinate who needs financial education?
Army Community Services - Educational Financial Assistance
To whom might you refer a newly arrived subordinate who needs family/spiritual guidance?
Who establishes future performance objectives and standards in a performance counseling?
Leader and subordinate
What period does crisis counseling get a soldier through after receiving negative news?
Shock period
What form can Army leaders use to evaluate Army civilians professional growth and career goals?
DA 4856 - Developmental Counseling
Which nonverbal indicator does a soldier display when they move towards the counselor while sitting?
Interest, friendliness, openness
Which element of active listening indicates the counselor’s sincere interest?
Eye contact
What are Army leaders supposed to do when they cannot assist their subordinates?
Seek outside assistance, Refer
Resistance to counseling may stem from what two areas?
The leader or the subordinate
What are the outline components of a counseling session?
Type of counseling Place and time Notifying the subordinate Subordinate preparation Counselor preparation Role as the counselor Session outline
Which approach requires the greatest counselor skills in a counseling session?
Which approach is the quickest method for some situations in a counseling session?
What are the four basic components of a counseling session?
Discussing the issues
Developing a plan of action
Recording and closing
The leader and soldier must provide examples or cite specific observations to reduce the perception of what?
When the issue is substandard performance, what type of information must you provide the subordinate?
Why the performance didn’t meet the standard
Your subordinate fails to meet standards for a given task; you counsel him on what type of performance?
What type of developmental counseling sessions may require a subordinate a week or more to prepare for?
Performance or professional
What does the leader state in Part II - Background Information on the counseling form?
The reason for the counseling
What do the leader and the subordinate’s agree on in Part III - Summary of Counseling on the counseling form?
A mutual and clear understanding of the issues
What should your average sentence length be?
15 words
What is one way to create shorter sentences?
Write in the active voice
In block 20 on the recommendation for award, what is the maximum number of lines that you may complete?
According to the Evaluation Reporting System (ERS), who can receive evaluations on DA 2166-9?
All NCO’s E5 through E9
As a rater, what form will you use with DA 2166-9?
NCO Support Form (DA 2166-9-1a)
The Army establishes a rating chain to provide the best evaluation of what attributes of a NCO?
Performance and potential
What are the two types of reports in the Evaluation Reporting System (ERS)?
Mandatory and optional
What type of report would you submit for a soldier after you have been their rater for one calendar year?
Bullet comments are mandatory for Part IV of the NCOER. How should you start each bullet comment?
An action verb or possessive pronoun (his, her)
Your evaluation of a soldier is that their potential is adequate, and the senior rater believes the rated NCO possesses potential with further development. What block would you “X” in Part Va of the NCOER?
When completing part ICa (APFT) on the NCOER, what entry would you enter of the rated soldier took the last APFT on July 9, 2015 and failed?
“FAIL 20150709”
When completing Part IVb (height/weight), what statement would you enter if a rated soldier was pregnant?
“Exempt from weight control standards of AR 600-9”
What is part of the Army’s vision to eradicate sexual harassment and assault?
The “I AM Strong” campaign
How can you use the I AM Strong campaign in an attempt to reduce sexual assault/harassment within your unit?
Through cultural change by discouraging aggressive or demeaning attitudes and behaviors
What are the two proponents of the I AM Strong campaign
The Army values and beliefs
What can you use to foster cultural change and discourage aggressive or demeaning attitudes and behaviors within your unit?
Increase peer-peer bystander intervention, offender accountability, expand prevention program resources, encourage reporting of incidents, and maintain reporting capability
What is the Army’s policy on sexual harassment?
It is unacceptable conduct and will not be tolerated
What are the three categories of sexual harassment?
Physical Contact
Is touching and other body contact (scratching or patting a soldier’s back) sexual harassment?
Is playing suggestive music a form of sexual harassment?
What are some examples of verbal sexual harassment?
Sexual jokes, sexually explicit profanity, threats, sexually oriented cadences, sexual comments (whistling or comments on physical attributes)
What are some examples of nonverbal sexual harassment?
Staring, blowing kisses, winking, licking one’s lips
What are some examples of physical sexual harassment?
touching, patting, kissing, pinching, bumping, rubbing, cornering, blocking
What are the two types of sexual harassment?
Quid pro quo
Hostile environment
What are some examples of “quid pro quo”?
demanding sexual favors in return for a promotion, disciplining a subordinate who refuses sexual advances, or giving a poor job evaluation
How can you deal with sexual harassment if the victim does not feel comfortable confronting the harasser?
Third party intervention
How can you deal with sexual harassment if the infraction is serious?
The chain of command
What type of treatment does the Army’s sexual assault policy require for victims?
Dignity, fairness, respect
When and where does the sexual assault policy apply?
On or off post
On or off duty
What is the primary objective of Phase I of the Army sexual assault prevention plan?
Training on best practice methods to allow commands to develop their own prevention plan
What is the primary objective of Phase II of the Army sexual assault prevention plan?
Educate soldiers to understand their moral responsibility, to intervene, and to stop sexual assault/harassment
What is the primary objective of Phase III of the Army sexual assault prevention plan?
Use the dedicated effort of leaders and soldiers to achieve cultural change in the ranks
What is the primary objective of Phase IV of the Army sexual assault prevention plan?
To continue to grow while motivating national partners to support the Army’s efforts to change negative social behaviors
What sexual assault prevention strategy phase uses moral responsibility to intervene and stop sexual assault?
Phase II - Army-wide conviction
What is the definition of sexual assault?
Intentional sexual contact, characterized by the use of force, physical threat, or abuse of authority, or when the victim does not or cannot consent
What are the types of sexual assault offenses?
Rape, forcible sodomy, indecent and aggravated sexual assault, aggravated sexual contact
Can a spouse be charged with rape of their husband/wife?
What type of sexual offense occurs when the victim is declining to participate in the sexual act?
Aggravated sexual assault
What are warning signs of a potential sexual assault?
Sexual comments or gestures, disrespectful or violent behavior, treating people like objects, encouraging someone to drink too much, inappropriate touching, targeting someone who is vulnerable (drunk, alone)
What are the two types of reporting options for sexual assault?
If a victim tells their battle buddy about a sexual assault, is restricted reporting an option?
Yes, but only a SARC, victim advocate, chaplain, or healthcare provider may take a restricted report
What are the most common reasons why soldiers do not intervene to stop sexual harassment/assault?
Fear, inability to accurately identify sexual harassment/assault, peer pressure, chain of command, conflict avoidance, perception of social norms
What step in the intervention process requires you to notice sexual assault/harassment behavior?
Step 1 - Notice the event
Why should you or your soldiers intervene to stop sexual harassment/assault?
Responsibility as an Army leader and upholds the Army values
What is the purpose of a “just in case” letter?
Provides instructions and information to your family if you become an isolated person (IP) during deployment
What type of battlefield will you and your soldiers most likely deploy to?
What are three critical PR skills that you and your soldiers must possess that may prevent an isolating event from occurring?
Know your weapons
Know how to navigate
Know how to call for fire
What are some measures you can use to keep you and your soldiers aware of the current situation?
Maintain situational awareness, enforce buddy teams
What are the five Personnel Recovery proficiencies?
Isolation criteria (when to go) Communicate (signal/reporting) Navigate (where to go) Preserve life (what to do) Enduring hardship (how to win)
How would you encode the grid coordinates 242345 using SARNEG code word LUMBERJACK?
What are two personal items you and your soldiers must include in pre-mission preparation and isolated soldier guidance?
Equipment and preparation
During your PCC/PCI, what items would you inspect your soldiers for to leave behind?
Personal letters, photos, orders, jewelry, coins, items with advertisements (business cards, matchbooks), licenses, ribbons, badges, patches, maps
What topics must you and your soldiers review as part of the pre-mission preparation and isolated soldier guidance?
Environmental, Intelligence reports, SERE guides, SERE updates, legal status, country studies, evasion charts
How do you normally begin any mission with preparation and what task?
A “what-if” drill
When does the preparation begin in the pre-mission preparation and isolated soldier guidance process?
The receipt of isolated soldier guidance (ISG)
What is the first task in the PR process?
A mayday call is what type of report?
What is the most critical aspect of the recovery process?
The moment the IP and recovery force come together
The shared view of reality shared by a group
Observable patterns of action within a group
Permissible behaviors established by a group
What are the three components of culture?
Actions that societies use to reward or punish behavior
What is “culture shock”?
A sense of confusion and uncertainty, sometimes with anxiety, that may affect people exposed to an alien culture
What is a key strategy to avoid culture shock?
What is an example of resilient thinking?
Avoid criticizing yourself and keep a sense of humor
What are the four pillars of comprehensive soldier fitness?
Global Assessment Tool
Comprehensive Resilience modules
Institutional Resilience Training
Master Resilience Trainers
What does the “I” in the IDEAL model stand for?
Identify the problem
What does the “D” in the IDEAL model stand for?
Describe the problem
What are the three “C”s of assertive communication?
What is the goal of assertive communication?
To understand the other individual’s perspective and move towards a positive outcome
What aer the four steps of “Putting it in Perspective”?
1 List worst-case outcomes
2 List best-case outcomes
3 List most likely outcomes
4 Make a plan to deal with most likely outcome
There are four typical styles of responding when someone shares good news and talks about positive experiences. Which is the only one that strengthens the relationship?
Active constructive responding
What AR governs the concept of command, privilege of command, and elements of command?
AR 600-20
Can a warrant officer fill the position of commander at any time?
What is a commander?
An officer (commissioned or warrant) who, by virtue of grade or assignment, exercises primary command authority over a military organization or territorial area
What are the two elements of command?
What is military discipline?
Self discipline
Respect for proper authority
Embracing the professional Army ethic and its supporting values
When should respect to seniors within the armed forces be given?
At all times
The army prohibits certain types of relationships between officers and enlisted personnel. What are they?
Dating, shared living accommodations, marriages, gambling
Who may impose non-judicial punishment on a soldier?
The commander
How will delegation of authority to exercise Article 15 be given?
In writing (i.e. memo)
What should the investigation conclude in a matter?
Whether an offense was committed
Whether the soldier was involved
The character and military record of the soldier
When should the commander impost Article 15 summarized proceedings?
After a preliminary inquiry
How long does a soldier have to submit an appeal of an Article 15?
A reasonable amount of time (usually 5 days)
Who acts on an appeal of an Article 15?
The next higher commander
What is probable cause for apprehension?
A reasonable belief that the person to be apprehended is committing or has committed a crime
What is probable cause to search?
A reasonable belief that items connected to criminal conduct are located in a place or on a person
Who may authorize the search of a particular place or thing for evidence of a crime?
The commander
Who can authorize a search or apprehension?
The commander, judge, or magistrate
What are the two types of rehabilitations?
What are different types of administrative punishments?
Withholding privileges
Outside of training, what relationship may a soldier and trainee have?
What is fraternization?
Improper relationships between soldiers of different rank or status
How and why should a commander use non-punitive punishments within a unit?
To further the efficiency of the command before resorting to non-judicial punishment
Why should a commander use non-judicial punishment?
To correct, educate, and reform offenders whom cannot benefit from less stringent measures
How can you administer admonitions or reprimands?
Oral or in writing
When should commanders use extra training or instruction as non-punitive punishment?
When a soldier’s performance has been substandard
In order to be lawful, consent to search must be given how?
Freely and voluntarily
What are two types of rehabilitation?
Counseling and corrective training
What is the definition of suicide?
The deliberate ending of one’s own life
Depression contributes to what % of suicides?
Drinking large amounts of alcohol on a regular basis can lead to what type of depression?
What indicator of suicide does receiving a “dear john” letter cause?
If you check options in the “Suicide Risk Questionnaire” regarding a suspected suicidal person, what should you do?
Encourage them to seek help immediately
What steps should you use to resolve an ethical problem?
1 Define the problem
2 Identify applicable laws, regulations, and values
3 Develop acceptable possible solutions
4 Implement the best solution
What are the steps of the Military Problem Solving Process?
1 Identify the problem 2 Gather information 3 Develop criteria 4 Generate possible solutions 5 Analyze possible solutions 6 Compare possible solutions 7 Make and implement a decision
When is Army problem solving complete?
When you solve the problem