Leadership Flashcards
Still need to fill in some answers from my written notes
*leadership styles
- Autocratic
- Transactional
- laissez-faire
- Democratic
- Transformational
Define management
the manipulation of people, the environment, money, time, and other resources to reach organizational goals.
*Define transactional leadership
Focuses on management tasks
- is a caretaker
- uses trade-offs to meet goals
- examines causes
- uses contingency reward
Characteristics of management
- -having a legitament source of power
- have an assigned position within the formal organization
-!-Emphasize control, decision making, decision analysis, and results-!-
- expected to carry out specific functions, duties and responsibilities
- direct subordinates
- Have a greater formal responsibility and accountability for rationality and control than leaders.
Which of the following should managers emphasize?
A.Decision making B.Analysis C.Results D.Control E.All of the above
All of the above
*Transformational leadership
- Identifies common values
- inspires others with vision
- has long-term vision
- looks at effects
- empowers others
Leaders vs. Mangers: position/power
Managers: assigned position. Power through delegated authority accompanying the position.
leader: often have power not through authority but other means
Leaders vs. Mangers: role
Manager- have expected functions to carry out
Leader: wider variety of roles.
Leaders vs. Mangers: focus
Manager: Emphasiz control, decision making, dicision analysis, results
Leader: Group process, information gathering, feedback, empowering others
Which of the following is a characteristic of a leader?
- Always assigned a position of authority
- Usually part of a formal organization
- Focus on group process, information gathering, and feedback
- Focus on decision making and results
Focus on group process, information gathering, and feedback.
Rationale: While managers are more often part of a formal organization and focus more on results-oriented tasks, leaders tend to focus more on things such as group process.
Good leaders
- envision the future
- communicate their visions
- motivate followers
- lead the way
- inspire coincidence
- take risks
- empower followers
- master change
Good managers
- coordinate resources
- optimize resource use
- meet organizational goals and objectives
- follows rules
- plan, organize, control. and direct
- use reward and punishment effectively to achieve goals
The management process
planning organizing staffing directing controlling
the art of getting work done through others willingly
Types of social power
- Coercive
- Legitimate
- Referent
- Reward
- Expert
- Informational
*Coercive social power
Use of threat or punishment to get followers to respond
*Define legitimate social power
recognize that formal leaders have power over their formal followers. due to standing
*Define referent social power
Results when a follower aspired to be like the leader
*Define reward social power
Ability for one to reward one for compliance with expectations
*Define expert social power
Followers respond to leaders directions because they feel the leader knows best
*Define informational social power
Ability to influence followers to act by using clear logic
*Key aspects in communication for leadership
box 40-2
*Key aspects in building a motivational work place
- provide feedback for improving capacities and achieving goals
- finding and fixing why a person has low motivation
- Things bday cards, thanks
*Building community partnerships
-listen and collaborate
Which senereo fits a autocratic leadership style
(1) Your manager in the pediatric unit rarely speaks to employees but seems to step in when a crisis occurs.
(2) The VP of patient care services has invited you to a forum to share your recommendations on developing a new central line insertion protocol for your unit.
(3) At the monthly department meeting, your director at the community health clinic shared his/her vision for what an effective and efficient program might look like 3 years from now.
(4) The director of acute care requests monthly reports detailing the number of successful IV insertions on the first try. A 90% success rate will result in bonuses for the staff.
(5) The manager of the flu clinic at the public health department is not open to suggestions and gives orders on how to carry out community clinics.
Which senereo fits a transactional leadership style
(1) Your manager in the pediatric unit rarely speaks to employees but seems to step in when a crisis occurs.
(2) The VP of patient care services has invited you to a forum to share your recommendations on developing a new central line insertion protocol for your unit.
(3) At the monthly department meeting, your director at the community health clinic shared his/her vision for what an effective and efficient program might look like 3 years from now.
(4) The director of acute care requests monthly reports detailing the number of successful IV insertions on the first try. A 90% success rate will result in bonuses for the staff.
(5) The manager of the flu clinic at the public health department is not open to suggestions and gives orders on how to carry out community clinics.
Which senereo fits a laissez-faire leadership style
(1) Your manager in the pediatric unit rarely speaks to employees but seems to step in when a crisis occurs.
(2) The VP of patient care services has invited you to a forum to share your recommendations on developing a new central line insertion protocol for your unit.
(3) At the monthly department meeting, your director at the community health clinic shared his/her vision for what an effective and efficient program might look like 3 years from now.
(4) The director of acute care requests monthly reports detailing the number of successful IV insertions on the first try. A 90% success rate will result in bonuses for the staff.
(5) The manager of the flu clinic at the public health department is not open to suggestions and gives orders on how to carry out community clinics.
Which senereo fits a democratic leadership style
(1) Your manager in the pediatric unit rarely speaks to employees but seems to step in when a crisis occurs.
(2) The VP of patient care services has invited you to a forum to share your recommendations on developing a new central line insertion protocol for your unit.
(3) At the monthly department meeting, your director at the community health clinic shared his/her vision for what an effective and efficient program might look like 3 years from now.
(4) The director of acute care requests monthly reports detailing the number of successful IV insertions on the first try. A 90% success rate will result in bonuses for the staff.
(5) The manager of the flu clinic at the public health department is not open to suggestions and gives orders on how to carry out community clinics.
Which senereo fits a transformational leadership style
(1) Your manager in the pediatric unit rarely speaks to employees but seems to step in when a crisis occurs.
(2) The VP of patient care services has invited you to a forum to share your recommendations on developing a new central line insertion protocol for your unit.
(3) At the monthly department meeting, your director at the community health clinic shared his/her vision for what an effective and efficient program might look like 3 years from now.
(4) The director of acute care requests monthly reports detailing the number of successful IV insertions on the first try. A 90% success rate will result in bonuses for the staff.
(5) The manager of the flu clinic at the public health department is not open to suggestions and gives orders on how to carry out community clinics.
Which senereo fits the social power of coercive
(1) You identify with your manager and aspire to be like him/her. You decide that you would like to develop into the same type of leader.
(2) An outside consulting firm has been brought in to measure compliance with expectations and your annual raise depends on their evaluation.
(3) A speaker has been brought in with years of experience performing and researching the procedure being proposed for your unit.
(4) All of the office personnel will all lose lunch hour privileges if one more person abuses the time allotted for breaks.
(5) The unit manager leaves a posting in the break room with suggestions on how to approach family members who continue to violate visiting guidelines and states to come to him/her with additional suggestions.
(6) The department director has asked you to take call for one day because she/he covered for your department last week when you were out sick.
Which senereo fits the social power of legitimate
(1) You identify with your manager and aspire to be like him/her. You decide that you would like to develop into the same type of leader.
(2) An outside consulting firm has been brought in to measure compliance with expectations and your annual raise depends on their evaluation.
(3) A speaker has been brought in with years of experience performing and researching the procedure being proposed for your unit.
(4) All of the office personnel will all lose lunch hour privileges if one more person abuses the time allotted for breaks.
(5) The unit manager leaves a posting in the break room with suggestions on how to approach family members who continue to violate visiting guidelines and states to come to him/her with additional suggestions.
(6) The department director has asked you to take call for one day because she/he covered for your department last week when you were out sick.
Which senereo fits the social power of referent
(1) You identify with your manager and aspire to be like him/her. You decide that you would like to develop into the same type of leader.
(2) An outside consulting firm has been brought in to measure compliance with expectations and your annual raise depends on their evaluation.
(3) A speaker has been brought in with years of experience performing and researching the procedure being proposed for your unit.
(4) All of the office personnel will all lose lunch hour privileges if one more person abuses the time allotted for breaks.
(5) The unit manager leaves a posting in the break room with suggestions on how to approach family members who continue to violate visiting guidelines and states to come to him/her with additional suggestions.
(6) The department director has asked you to take call for one day because she/he covered for your department last week when you were out sick.
Which senereo fits the social power of reward
(1) You identify with your manager and aspire to be like him/her. You decide that you would like to develop into the same type of leader.
(2) An outside consulting firm has been brought in to measure compliance with expectations and your annual raise depends on their evaluation.
(3) A speaker has been brought in with years of experience performing and researching the procedure being proposed for your unit.
(4) All of the office personnel will all lose lunch hour privileges if one more person abuses the time allotted for breaks.
(5) The unit manager leaves a posting in the break room with suggestions on how to approach family members who continue to violate visiting guidelines and states to come to him/her with additional suggestions.
(6) The department director has asked you to take call for one day because she/he covered for your department last week when you were out sick.
Which senereo fits the social power of expert
(1) You identify with your manager and aspire to be like him/her. You decide that you would like to develop into the same type of leader.
(2) An outside consulting firm has been brought in to measure compliance with expectations and your annual raise depends on their evaluation.
(3) A speaker has been brought in with years of experience performing and researching the procedure being proposed for your unit.
(4) All of the office personnel will all lose lunch hour privileges if one more person abuses the time allotted for breaks.
(5) The unit manager leaves a posting in the break room with suggestions on how to approach family members who continue to violate visiting guidelines and states to come to him/her with additional suggestions.
(6) The department director has asked you to take call for one day because she/he covered for your department last week when you were out sick.
Which senereo fits the social power of informational
(1) You identify with your manager and aspire to be like him/her. You decide that you would like to develop into the same type of leader.
(2) An outside consulting firm has been brought in to measure compliance with expectations and your annual raise depends on their evaluation.
(3) A speaker has been brought in with years of experience performing and researching the procedure being proposed for your unit.
(4) All of the office personnel will all lose lunch hour privileges if one more person abuses the time allotted for breaks.
(5) The unit manager leaves a posting in the break room with suggestions on how to approach family members who continue to violate visiting guidelines and states to come to him/her with additional suggestions.
(6) The department director has asked you to take call for one day because she/he covered for your department last week when you were out sick.