Leadership Flashcards
Ethical Aspects of Advocacy
Advocacy is one of the leaders most important roles
identifying priorities, crafting a strategy, taking action, and achieving results are critical steps to finding ones voice.
Ethical Principles
Adopeted in 1992 by the APA - they are a guide and not a code by which individuals may be held accountable
Three principle statements
The planning process must continuously pursue and faithfully serve the public interest
planning process participants continuously strive to achieve high standards of integrity and proficiency so that public respect for the process will be maintained
APA members who are practicing panners continuously pursue improvement in their planning competence as well as in the development of peers and aspiring planners
AICP Section A
Principles to Which we Aspire
- People who participate in the planning process shall safeguard the public trust.
PAS report 582
This PAS Report examines management issues for local government planning, especially management trends. Most planning managers are already leading, responding to, or at least considering most of these trends. The focus of this report is on key issues and management trends to help managers, planners, and students think strategically.
Planning, project reviews and approvals, and plan implementation often receive public notice, acclaim, and criticism. Management issues, on the other hand, tend to make news only when a new planning director is hired or an
old one is fired; when allegations of corruption emerge; or
perhaps when a mayor, city manager, or county supervisor
proposes a major reorganization or budget. Generally, the
public view of management issues is obscured by substantive planning issues, as it should be.
Although the general
public may not follow management issues, they may be as
important as substantive planning issues for many municipal and county planning managers, line planners, and public users of planning services.