Leadership Flashcards
NPD Leadership principles
Delegation, Conflict Resolution, Change Management, Environmental scanning, Resource Management, Professional Development, Group facilitator
Delegation- five rights
- right task
- right person
- right circumstance
- right direction/communication
- right supervision and evaluation
How to develop nurses abilities to delegate
Nurse practice act
Critical thinking/clinical judgement
Interpersonal skills
Supervision skills
Goal of NPD in conflict resolution
create safe space, seek to learn and actively listen
issues avoided, not addressed or resolved
lack of compromise, win-lose situation
focus on preserving relationship not resolving conflict, win-lose situation
each party gives up something, lose-lose
active engagement, mutually agreed upon, win-win
Conflict resolution process
- restate information shared
- find common ground
- separate people from issues
- define stakeholders interest
- focus on interest not positions
- define options
- clarify benefits
- reach agreement (collaboration) win- win results
- hold gains and employ process for implementing and contingency planning
D-Define the problem
E- Establish Criteria
C-Consider alternatives
I- Identify best alternatives
D- Develop and implement plan of action
E- Evaluate and monitor the solution
Influences group to achieve a common goal
organization and coordination of activities to meet organizational goals
Authoritarian Leader
strong control over group and does not involve others in decision making process
less control over group- involves others in decision making process or allows group to make decisions
Laissez- Faire
little to no control over group-
Transformational Leadership
guides others based on values and goals influencing others within results in elevated motivation and performance level
Shared Governance
structure that promotes culture of empowerment, autonomy, decision making that occurs by staff that performs work
Outcomes of Shared Governance
Improved quality of care, improved patient outcomes, team cohesiveness, job satisfaction, retention
NPD role in Shared Governance
participate or lead, promote culture of life-long learning, champion for scientific inquiry, identification of practice change opportunities, serve as a mentor for council leaders and members, role model professional team behaviors
division level: nursing
unit level
What are department goals based on?
broad outcomes that guide objectives and strategies, provides framework for expectations, direction and resource allocation
Vision statement
oriented toward the future, guides interventions and strategies as well as department objectives, reflects purpose and direction
NPD role in organizational design
understand organizational culture, delineate structure and lines of organizational authority, align educational activities and planning with organizational mission, vision, goals and strategic plan
Hybrid NPD Department
centralized and decentralized- NPD practioners report to both nursing manager and NPD director
Centralized NPD Department
NPDs report to NPD director
Decentralized NPD Department
NPDs report to nurse manager, NPD director is separate
NPD competencies related to change
opportunities for NPD interventions, conduct environmental scanning, share expertise in change process and management, champion scientific inquiry, advocate QI, data, evidence, best practices, new knowledge
Lewin’s Change Theory
unfreeze, movement, refreeze
motivate, prepare, build trust, demonstrate need for change
persuade, encourage, gain support
Roger’s Change Theory
awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, adoption
Lippitt’s Change Theory
seven steps focuses on role and responsibility of change agent than evolution of change
Lippitt’s seven steps
- diagnose the problem
- assess motivation and capacity for change
- assess resources and motivation for change
- choose progressive change objects
- determine role of change agent
- maintain change
- gradually terminate helping relationship
Appreciative inquiry
based on positive strengths of an organization
mobilizing and engaging (what is working well)
creating vision (where can be)
positive core of the organization
sustainability of change within the organization
Kotter’s Change theory
- Establish urgency
- Create team to lead
- Develop vision and strategy
- Communicate vision
- Empower action
- Generate short term wins
- Consolidate gains to produce more change
- Anchor new approaches in the culture
What is the first step when planning for change?
State the change that is needed
What are the steps when planning for change?
- state the change
- diagnose the problem
- identify alternatives
- select the best option
- plan for implementation
- determine timetable for implementation
- evaluate change process
- maintain and stabilize the change
- termination of change relationship/change team
What is the best way to overcome resistance to change?
communication- identify impending changes, reasons for change, performance expectations, provide two way feedback
What is the NPDs role in change?
Facilitate, support and collaborate
How to enhance NPD influence?
- Align NPD goals with organizational goals
- Environmental scanning
- Use data
- Be accountable
- Be present
determine and agree to mutually agreed upon decision
Environmental Scanning
continuous process to identify opportunities or threats that generate a practice gap- issues, innovations or trends
What are components of environmental scanning?
workforce, practice environment, organization, technological influence, political influence, professional development changes
Capital Budget
purchase or maintenance of durable assets that have impact beyond budget year purchased
example- simulation equipment
Operational Budget
day to day, developed annually for fiscal year
Direct cost
supplies, speaker, fees, room rental for learning activity
Indirect Cost
services that do not directly relate to a learning activity
example- staff salary to teach class
Overhead cost
maintaince of building, utilities
Fixed Cost
cost that does not change based on participant
Variable Cost
fluctuate with number of participants
example- hand outs
Unit/Department budget
highest level of budget- summary of financial information for all programs and related activities for which NPD department is responsible
Cost- benefit analysis
quantifies the benefits of a program = cost
compares calculated benefited cost to program cost
Cost-effectiveness analysis
compares cost to program and educational outcomes
demonstrates value of training outcomes
Break-even analysis
calculation of costs to ensure revenue equals expense
orientation, any change in membership will return the group to this stage
*testing roles and establishing boundaries in this stage
conflict arises, boundaries are clarified, doubt about role/function, resistance and change emerge
resistance is overcome, group behaviors are established and set, group cohesiveness and identity emerge
roles become flexible, group energy is channeled, structure issues disappear
tasks are completed, planning for dissolving roles, may experience separation anxiety, mourning loss of the group
Focus group
facilitated by someone with no vested interest in the outcome, agenda is open ended questions to generate and prioritize ideas
Nominal group technique
structured brainstorming process intended to encourage participation, list of ideas are created, can be prioritized/acted upon
consensus building tool
Delegation, Conflict Resolution, Change Management, Environmental scanning, Resource Management, Professional Development, Group facilitator
NPD Leadership principles
- right task
- right person
- right circumstance
- right direction/communication
- right supervision and evaluation
Delegation- five rights
Nurse practice act
Critical thinking/clinical judgement
Interpersonal skills
Supervision skills
How to develop nurses abilities to delegate
create safe space, seek to learn and actively listen
Goal of NPD in conflict resolution
issues avoided, not addressed or resolved
lack of compromise, win-lose situation
focus on preserving relationship not resolving conflict, win-lose situation
each party gives up something, lose-lose
active engagement, mutually agreed upon, win-win
- restate information shared
- find common ground
- separate people from issues
- define stakeholders interest
- focus on interest not positions
- define options
- clarify benefits
- reach agreement (collaboration) win- win results
- hold gains and employ process for implementing and contingency planning
Conflict resolution process
D-Define the problem
E- Establish Criteria
C-Consider alternatives
I- Identify best alternatives
D- Develop and implement plan of action
E- Evaluate and monitor the solution
Influences group to achieve a common goal
organization and coordination of activities to meet organizational goals
strong control over group and does not involve others in decision making process
Authoritarian Leader
less control over group- involves others in decision making process or allows group to make decisions
little to no control over group-
Laissez- Faire
guides others based on values and goals influencing others within results in elevated motivation and performance level
Transformational Leadership
structure that promotes culture of empowerment, autonomy, decision making that occurs by staff that performs work
Shared Governance
Improved quality of care, improved patient outcomes, team cohesiveness, job satisfaction, retention
Outcomes of Shared Governance
participate or lead, promote culture of life-long learning, champion for scientific inquiry, identification of practice change opportunities, serve as a mentor for council leaders and members, role model professional team behaviors
NPD role in Shared Governance
division level: nursing
unit level
broad outcomes that guide objectives and strategies, provides framework for expectations, direction and resource allocation
What are department goals based on?
oriented toward the future, guides interventions and strategies as well as department objectives, reflects purpose and direction
Vision statement
understand organizational culture, delineate structure and lines of organizational authority, align educational activities and planning with organizational mission, vision, goals and strategic plan
NPD role in organizational design
centralized and decentralized- NPD practioners report to both nursing manager and NPD director
Hybrid NPD Department
NPDs report to NPD director
Centralized NPD Department
NPDs report to nurse manager, NPD director is separate
Decentralized NPD Department
opportunities for NPD interventions, conduct environmental scanning, share expertise in change process and management, champion scientific inquiry, advocate QI, data, evidence, best practices, new knowledge
NPD competencies related to change
unfreeze, movement, refreeze
Lewin’s Change Theory
motivate, prepare, build trust, demonstrate need for change
persuade, encourage, gain support
awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, adoption
Roger’s Change Theory
seven steps focuses on role and responsibility of change agent than evolution of change
Lippitt’s Change Theory
- diagnose the problem
- assess motivation and capacity for change
- assess resources and motivation for change
- choose progressive change objects
- determine role of change agent
- maintain change
- gradually terminate helping relationship
Lippitt’s seven steps
based on positive strengths of an organization
Appreciative inquiry
mobilizing and engaging (what is working well)
creating vision (where can be)
positive core of the organization
sustainability of change within the organization
- Establish urgency
- Create team to lead
- Develop vision and strategy
- Communicate vision
- Empower action
- Generate short term wins
- Consolidate gains to produce more change
- Anchor new approaches in the culture
Kotter’s Change theory
State the change that is needed
What is the first step when planning for change?
- state the change
- diagnose the problem
- identify alternatives
- select the best option
- plan for implementation
- determine timetable for implementation
- evaluate change process
- maintain and stabilize the change
- termination of change relationship/change team
What are the steps when planning for change?
communication- identify impending changes, reasons for change, performance expectations, provide two way feedback
What is the best way to overcome resistance to change?
Facilitate, support and collaborate
What is the NPDs role in change?
- Align NPD goals with organizational goals
- Environmental scanning
- Use data
- Be accountable
- Be present
How to enhance NPD influence?
determine and agree to mutually agreed upon decision
continuous process to identify opportunities or threats that generate a practice gap- issues, innovations or trends
Environmental Scanning
workforce, practice environment, organization, technological influence, political influence, professional development changes
What are components of environmental scanning?
purchase or maintenance of durable assets that have impact beyond budget year purchased
example- simulation equipment
Capital Budget
day to day, developed annually for fiscal year
Operational Budget
supplies, speaker, fees, room rental for learning activity
Direct cost
services that do not directly relate to a learning activity
example- staff salary to teach class
Indirect Cost
maintaince of building, utilities
Overhead cost
cost that does not change based on participant
Fixed Cost
fluctuate with number of participants
example- hand outs
Variable Cost
highest level of budget- summary of financial information for all programs and related activities for which NPD department is responsible
Unit/Department budget
quantifies the benefits of a program = cost
compares calculated benefited cost to program cost
Cost- benefit analysis
compares cost to program and educational outcomes
demonstrates value of training outcomes
Cost-effectiveness analysis
calculation of costs to ensure revenue equals expense
Break-even analysis
orientation, any change in membership will return the group to this stage
*testing roles and establishing boundaries in this stage
conflict arises, boundaries are clarified, doubt about role/function, resistance and change emerge
resistance is overcome, group behaviors are established and set, group cohesiveness and identity emerge
roles become flexible, group energy is channeled, structure issues disappear
tasks are completed, planning for dissolving roles, may experience separation anxiety, mourning loss of the group
facilitated by someone with no vested interest in the outcome, agenda is open ended questions to generate and prioritize ideas
Focus group
structured brainstorming process intended to encourage participation, list of ideas are created, can be prioritized/acted upon
Nominal group technique
consensus building tool