leadership 1 exam Flashcards
5 important things to remeber with stadard precautions
hand hygine mask and face shields when spashing of bodily fluids gloves moisture resistant bags dispose of sharps properly
4 steps for Confronting the Chemically Impaired Employee
Gather all evidence
Immediately remove the employee from the work environment
Drug/alcohol testing
Outline the organization’s plan or expectations for the employee in overcoming the chemical impairment
8 infections associated with contact precautions
impetigo scabies schigello MRSA herpes c.diff RSV wound infections
med admin enteral feedings catheter insertion trach care reinforce patient teching suctioning NG tube patency
can all be delegated to
unexpected occurence that results in patient death or serious injury
sentinel event
simple dressing change
suction established trach
can be done by
–Occurs when an issue could not be settled using the formal grievance process
–A mediator is selected
5 things to do for a patient during a seizure
lower patient to floor or bed turn patient to side loosen restrictive clothing nothing in mouth note onset and duration
in case of chemical exposure, do what 3 things
undress patient
irrigate patient perfusly
locate safety data sheet
with restraints:
must get a prescription within \_\_\_\_ hours orders can be writen up to \_\_hours remove 1 at a time ever \_\_ hours \_\_ fingers can fit between \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ knot belt restraints \_\_\_\_\_ gown
must get a prescription within 1 hour orders can be writen up to 4 hours remove 1 at a time ever 2 hours 2 fingers can fit between quick release knot on bed frame belt restraints over gown
3 things to remeber for patients with contact precaution
private room or same infection
keep equipment in room
3 interventions for herpes zoster (shingles)
isolate patient until veicles have crusted over
avoid individuals who have not had chickenpox
antiviral meds
type of tort that incudes negligance
forgot to set a bed alarm and the patient fell
unintenttional tort
no conflict occured yet but high likeylhood that it will occur
latent conflict
stage one
Outlines the important general values, duties, and responsibilities that flow from the specific role of being a nurse
Established by the American Nurses Association in 1950 to support the ethical obligation of nursing
Code of Ethics for Nurses
request from a provider to another physican or resource who can provide expert advice or services
assist the patient with issues regarding speech, language and swallowing
speech language pathologist
use of oxygen at home:
place ______ sign at front door
_______ equipment grounded
_______ fabrics and not synthetic or wool
place no smoking sign at front door
electrical equipment grounded
cotton fabrics and not synthetic or wool
if you suspect a coworker is imapired you must report to ____
charge nurse
help patient to reain ability to perform ADLs
both parties are aware of conflict and
resolution is being made
manifest conflict
stage 4
older than 65
recieved disibility for at leasr 2 years
endstnge renal disease with dialisis or als
what are the 2 main parts of an advance directive
living will- patients wishes if incapacitated
DPOA- someone that the pateint designated to makes medical decisions for the person
DNR and AND can also be included
2 interventions for frostbit
98.6- 108 water
tetnaus vacciene
end result of care
what results occured from specifc internevention of the nurse
(mortality, morbidity, length of hospital stay)
outcome audits
2 things needed before entering a room for a patient wih dropet precautions
private room or same infection roommate
RACE acronym with fire safety
rescue - move patients to safer location (horizontal)
Alarm- activate alarm
contain - close doors and windows
Extingush- fire extingusisher
PASS acronym with fire safety
Pull pin
Aim at base of fire
squeeze handle
sweep from side to side
with tornados, what 3 things should the nurse do
close shades
move patients away from windows
place blankets over patiens who are bed bound
what 6 things need to be included with discharge paperwork
diet and activity restrictions
detailed instructions for procedures at home (dressing changes)
list of medications, when to take and precautions
signs and symptoms of complications and when to seek medical attention
followup appointment information
names and number for providers
2 things needed before entering a room with a patient with airbourne precautions
private room with negative airflow
N95 mask
3 things to remeber with sealed radiation implant
wear an apron facing radiation site
visitor stand 6 feeet away or more
visitors can only stay for 30 mins or less
during a mass casualty situations, Patients are assessed for:
Mental status
does not provide direct patient care
act as a care coordinator from acute care from home or skilled nursing facility
case manager
mass casualty event where
must be treated in 1 hour life threatening conditions resp >30 cap refill > 2 seconds mental status change
class 1
for safe wheelchair use what 3 techniques
stand between the wheelchai and the bottom of incline when moving down a ramp
lock brakes on both sides and raise foot plates when transfering
back patint into elevator
type of tort that incudes
assult - threatening violence
Battery- inflicting violence on a patient
false imprisonment- inappropriate restraint
intentional tort
individual has emeotional response to conflict
felt conflict
stage 3
measure process of care or how care wa carreid out
task oriented
relationship between quality of nure and care provided
process audits
3 things to do after a needle sick injury
notify supervisior right awa y
patient and nurse will need to be tested for blood bourne illnesses
incidnet report created
in mass casualty situation:
If no radial pulse or capillary refill greater than 2 seconds, prioritize ______
red/ emergent
7 infections that require droplet precautions
influenza pnemonia mumps pertussis sepsis rubella bacterial meningitis
low socioeconomic status
3 things you need to do for AMA
notify provider
discuss risks of AMA
sign AMA form if no sign document
fridge perishible foods within __ hours or __ hours if it is 90 degrees out or more
2 hours
1 hour
6 transfer dos
immediate needs and priority alllergies advanced directives diet and activity restriction recent changes time of patients last dose of pain
monitor structure or setting in which patient care occurs
medical records, building, finanaces, environment
relation ship between quality care and appropriate structures
structure audit
created when an acident or an unusal event happens in hospital
should be created within 24 hours
incident report
in mass casualty situation:
If victim does not follow command, is unconscious or disoriented, prioritize ______
red/ emergent
individual believes that a problem exist but the other party is not aware of it
percieved conflict
stage two
conflict is resolved with either positive or negative
conflict aftermath
stage 5
caused by reactivtion of the chickenpox virus
non communicible
painful unilateral rash
low grade rash
can vaccinate for
herepes zoster (shingles)
3 things to remeber for patients with contact precaution
private room or dame infection
keep equipment in room
conflict between 2 people
Interpersonal Conflict
3 infetions that are associated with airbourne
varicella (chickenpox)
conflict between 2 groups
Intergroup Conflict
used to promote cost effective care by standardizeing care with a specific diagnosis
time bound activities, interventions and outcomes
critical pathway
when provider request management of one or more of the patients concerns to another provider orsupport services
churches, meal transportation, transportation services
in mass casualty situation:
If radial pulse is present or capillary refill is less than 2 seconds go to _________ assessment
If radial pulse is present or capillary refill is less than 2 seconds go to MENTAL STATUS assessment
can feeding patient with swallowing issues be delegated to a CNA
keeping your promises
injury prevention for school age kid
use a car booster seat until over __ lbs or __ foot __ inches
stay in back seat until __ years old
use a car booster seat until over 40 lbs or 4 foot 9 inches
stay in back seat until 12 years old
3 types who arent considered competent to refuse treatment
under the unfluence > 0.08% alcohol
schizophrenic with command hallucinations
individuals internal struggle
Intrapersonal Conflict
START Acronym
simple triage and rapid treatment
on telephone orders, you should do what 4 things
have second nurse listen in
repeat order back
have provider sign within 24 hours
question orders that don’t seem correct
4 signs of carbon monoxide poision
losss of consciousness
4 appropriate patient identifier
photo ID
hospital band
medical record number
copis of med record should not be made unless ____
change of care facility
3 transfer donts
routein care
visitor info
subjective comments
with informed consent the nurse is responsible for what 3 things
make sure provider gave the patient the information
make sure the patient is compitent
sign the consent document