LEA - Arthrology Flashcards
what type of joints are the hip, knee, and ankle?

what two joint types make up the sacoiliac joint?

what are the key ligaments of the sacroiliac joint?

the sciatic foramina are formed by which two ligaments?

what is the function of the labrum of the hip joint?

what are the capsular ligaments of the hip joint?

in what position is the hip joint most likely to dislocate?

what are the important EXTRA-capsular ligaments of the knee?

what ligament of the posterior capsule of the knee is a continuation of the semi-membranous tendon?

which important structures of the knee are both INTRA-capsular and INTRA-synovial?

describe the movements of the menisci in knee extension and flexion?

what are the important INTRA-capsular, but EXTRA-synovial ligaments of the knee?

what is the “unhappy triad”?

what muscle is responsible for “unlocking” the knee joint at the beginning of flexion?

is the knee joint most stable in extension or flexion?

describe the orientation of the tibial articular facet at the superior tibiofibular joint

how are the fibers of the crural interosseous membrane oriented?

what are the ligaments that make up the tibiofibular syndesmosis?

describe the shape of the articular surfaces of talus at the ankle joint

name the lateral ankle ligaments

name the medial ankle ligaments

what ligament runs from the calcaneus to the navicular tuberosity?

name the ligaments of the subtalar joint

name the strongest interosseous ligament of the tarsometatarsal joints