LE2 PEDIA Flashcards
Which of the following vitamins is necessary for supplementation for an exclusively breastfed baby?
C. Vitamin D Deficiency
Which of the following is not a characteristic of underfeeding?
D. Delay of gastric emptying time
WHO recommends as a measure in the prevention of Vitamin A deficiency in a 2-year-old child:
C. 200,000 IU orally every 6 months
Breastfeeding by vegan mothers can place her infant at risk for what vitamin deficiency?
C. Vitamin B12
A 7-year-old girl presents dry and scaly skin, silver-gray plaques on the bulbar conjunctiva (Bitot’s spots), and anemia. What is your most likely diagnosis?
A. Vitamin A Deficiency
The best tool you can use to assess the nutritional status of a 1-year-old boy infant is:
D. Use of growth chart
An infant appears on a scale with peripheral neuropathy and flaccid paralysis. What type of vitamin deficiency does this infant have?
A. Thiamine (Vitamin B1)
A mother with 4 children came to your clinic because she is concerned that she may not be able to feed her children 3x a day. This condition is known as food insecurity. Which of the statements is true of food insecurity?
A. Appropriate dietary advice with nutritional counseling may be helpful
An 8-year-old boy was noted to have episodes of somnolence, cyanosis, hypoventilation, and sleep apnea. BMI is 32. What is the best advice you can give the mother?
D. Tell the mother that weight reduction is extremely important at this time
A severely malnourished 6-year-old boy was brought to the ER because of diarrhea and vomiting. On PE, you noticed that the boy is severely dehydrated. What is the initial plan of management?
A. Stabilize the patient and correct the dehydration appropriately
Prenatal factors associated with increased risk of later childhood obesity include all except:
A. Low birth weight
Toilet training occurs in toddler and preschool years and is usually completed at what age:
B. 4 y/o
Enuresis is repeated voiding of urine in clothes or beds at least 2 times/week for at least 3 consecutive months in a child who is at least:
A. 5 y/o
Children with secondary nocturnal enuresis may have:
D. Psychosocial stressor
Encopresis is the regular, voluntary or involuntary passage of feces into a place other than the toilet after the age of:
D. 5 yrs
If Baby Mary has biliary atresia, he should undergo a procedure called Kasai portoenterostomy to establish bile flow and this should be done before ____ weeks of life to have a higher success rate:
A. 6
A 17-year-old high school student presents with symptoms after being hit in the abdomen during a fraternity initiation rite. If you suspect pancreatitis, which of the following is the most appropriate diagnostic test?
C. Serum amylase
Which of the following is the most likely underlying cause that could have led to pancreatitis?
A. Traumatic injury
Crohn’s disease is differentiated from Ulcerative Colitis due to:
C. Extraintestinal manifestations
A term infant was brought to the ER with lethargy, vomiting, hepatomegaly, jaundice, and positive urine dipstick for reducing substance. The most helpful diagnostic test is:
A. Serum galactose-1-phosphate-uridyl transferase
The following causes of primary malnutrition in children include all except:
A. Starvation
Refeeding syndrome can complicate the acute nutritional rehabilitation of children. The hallmark for diagnosis of this syndrome includes all of the following except:
A. Hyperphosphatemia
A 4-year-old boy with edema of both lower extremities, mainly consuming corn, cassava, and rice porridge. The most likely diagnosis is:
A. Kwashiorkor
A 2-year-old girl severely malnourished and treated for pneumonia is ready for discharge. What will you tell the mother?
C. She should give her child a diet that provides up to 150 kcal/kilo/day and proteins of 4g/kilo/day
Breastfeeding by vegan mothers can place her infant at risk for what vitamin deficiency?
Vitamin B12
A 7-year-old girl presents with dry and scaly skin, silver-gray plaques on the bulbar conjunctivae (Bitot’s spots) and anemia. What is your most likely diagnosis?
D. Vitamin A deficiency
To assess the nutritional status of a 1-year-old boy:
Growth chart
An infant appears well but looks pale, cyanotic, with noticeable peripheral neuropathy and flaccid paralysis. What type of vitamin deficiency does the child have?
Thiamine (Vitamin B1)
One of the following statements about dimensions of food security is correct:
Sufficient food can be accessed by all people to maintain a healthy and active life
An 8-year-old boy was noted to have episodes of somnolence, cyanosis, hypoventilation, and sleep apnea. Physical examination revealed a BMI of 32 kg/m². What is the best advice that you can give the mother?
D. Tell the mother that weight reduction is extremely important at this time
Irritability, pruritus, painful extremities, body malaise, coarse hair, dry skin, seborrhea, and increased intracranial pressure are manifestations of which condition?
Hypervitaminosis A
The mother of a 2-year-old boy presents to the rural health center because she thinks her child looks pale. What is the best way to check for pallor in this setting?
C. Tongue
A 9-year-old obese boy was seen in your clinic for evaluation. His development has been appropriate and no major illnesses have been reported. Which of the following statements about obesity is most accurate?
B. Laboratory tests are usually not helpful in confirming the diagnosis
WHO recommends this as an additional primary treatment for diarrhea:
C. Zinc
A 6-month-old, exclusively breastfed, was brought to your clinic because the mother noted her child to be pale. Except for generalized pallor, physical examination was unremarkable. What type of malnutrition does this child have?
C. Specific deficiency
Prenatal factors associated with increased risk of later childhood obesity include all except:
A. Low birth weight
One of the following statements has NO sufficient evidence to control malnutrition at all levels and in all countries:
D. Vaccination against neonatal and childhood illness
A 2-year-old boy with mild pneumonia, body weight 8kg, height 52cm, MUAC <11.5 cm, and bilateral pitting edema. According to WHO, how would you classify the malnutrition of this boy?
B. Severe acute malnutrition
The MOST commonly used index for nutritional status of children is:
B. Weight-for-age
Which of the following statements about cobalamin deficiency is incorrect:
A. Dietary sources are almost exclusively from plants.
When a pediatric patient presents with scorbutic rosary and x-ray reveals Freckle’s lines, it indicates what vitamin deficiency?
C. Vitamin C
The investigations to be done as part of the initial evaluation of newly identified obesity in a 12-year-old girl include all of the following except:
C. Renal function tests
The MOST characteristic lesion of vitamin A deficiency is:
A. Xerophthalmia
Which of the following statements regarding thiamine deficiency is true?
A. Features develop within 2-3 weeks of deficient intake
Which of the following matching pair is TRUE about the trace elements deficiencies and their consequences?
A. Zinc and hypogonadism
Which of the following steps are not contributory to the control of the asthmatic attack?
C. Prophylactic antibiotic treatment
All of the following matching care between drugs and vitamins and nutrient deficiency states is correct, except:
D. Isoniazid - Vitamin B12 (Correct match: Isoniazid - Vitamin B6)
A 6-week-old preterm infant presents with progressive pallor and peripheral edema. Peripheral blood smear reveals anemia, elevated reticulocyte count, and thrombocytosis. The best management of this preterm is to:
C. Administer vitamin E
Lower GIT bleeding presenting as hematochezia occurs in which of the following conditions?
A. Diverticulitis
A 10-year-old boy with a history of bloody diarrhea, tenesmus, and abdominal pain presents with toxic megacolon. Which condition is associated with these findings?
B. Ulcerative colitis
In a pediatric patient with long-standing GERD who starts to complain of intermittent dysphagia for solids and weight loss, the most appropriate test would be:
B. Endoscopy
Which of the following statements regarding infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis is correct?
C. Pathologically shows hypertrophy of the longitudinal muscle layer of the pylorus
True statement regarding omphalocele and gastroschisis:
C. Both conditions may be diagnosed prenatally with ultrasound
Which of the following statements regarding inguinal hernias in children is not correct?
B. Are less common in preterm infants
A 2-month-old male infant presents with vomiting after each feeding, projectile whitish vomitus, and no diarrhea. The most likely diagnosis is:
C. Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
If symptoms of vomiting persist and the patient is admitted, which of the following electrolyte abnormalities is expected based on the most likely diagnosis?
A. Hypochloremic, hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis
Abdomen positive for bowel sounds, soft, slightly tender with ill-defined sausage-like mass palpable in the RUQ. Rectal vault is empty. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Based on the most likely diagnosis in Question No. 9, which of the following is the most appropriate next step in this patient’s management?
Air contrast enema (Barium or Gastrographin)
A 5-year-old boy presents with periumbilical abdominal pain for the past 3 months. The most likely underlying cause is:
B. Functional abdominal pain
A 5-month-old infant with diarrhea and vomiting for one day, dry lips, and depressed anterior fontanelle. The most appropriate next step in management is:
B. Start oral rehydration solution
A 7-month-old female with frequent diarrhea after every intake of her usual milk formula. The most likely diagnosis is:
B. Lactose Intolerance
This is the single most reliable finding in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis:
D. Localized abdominal tenderness
For Baby Mary with suspected biliary atresia, the best gold standard tool to evaluate this disorder is:
C. Intraoperative Cholangiography
If Baby Mary has biliary atresia, the Kasai portoenterostomy should be done before how many weeks of life for a higher success rate?
A. 6
Which of the following statements about cow’s milk protein allergy is accurate?
C. Half of the patients present with skin symptoms
This represents pathology of ‘failure to differentiate’ during embryonic development:
C. Cleft lip and palate
A 17-year-old high school student with epigastric pain after being hit by a paddle during a fraternity initiation rite. The most appropriate diagnostic test for suspected pancreatitis is:
C. Serum amylase
Which of the following is the most likely underlying cause that could have led to pancreatitis?
A. Traumatic injury
Crohn’s disease is differentiated from Ulcerative Colitis due to:
C. Extraintestinal manifestation
An infant in severe respiratory distress immediately after birth with a barrel chest and scaphoid abdomen is suspected to have:
C. Congenital diaphragmatic hernia