LE2 Flashcards
It is a popular expression for the more scientific term acid deposition, which refers to the many ways in which acidity can move from the atmosphere to Earth’s surface.
Acid Rain
_________ is capable of affecting landscapes and the living things that reside within them even when precipitation is not occurring.
Acid Deposition
_______ is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in a solution.
________ have a profound effect on the energy budget of the Earth system despite making up only a fraction of all atmospheric gases.
Greenhouse Gasses
________ is the primary greenhouse gas, responsible for about three-quarters of emissions. It can linger in the atmosphere for thousands of years.
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
_______ is released from landfills, natural gas and petroleum industries, and agriculture (especially from the digestive systems of grazing animals).
Methane (CH4)
_______ occupies a relatively small share of global greenhouse gas emissions—about six percent—but it is 264 times more powerful than carbon dioxide over 20 years, and its lifetime in the atmosphere exceeds a century, according to the IPCC.
Nitrous Oxide (N20)
_______ is the long-term warming of the planet’s overall temperature.
Global Warming
It refers to changes in weather patterns and growing seasons around the world.
Climate Change
________ the release of substances into subsurface groundwater or into lakes, streams, rivers, estuaries, and oceans to the point that the substances interfere with beneficial use of the water or with the natural functioning of ecosystems.
Water Pollution
_________ are concerned with controlling pollution from human activity so as to ensure that the water is suitable for its intended uses.
Water Quality Management
It is also the science of knowing how much waste is too much for a particular water body.
Water Quality Management
WATER POLLUTANT: Point sources
- Domestic Sewage
- Industrial Waste
It consists of wastes from homes, schools, office buildings, and stores
Domestic Sewage
WATER POLLUTANTS: Nonpoint Sources
- Urban Runoff
- Agricultural Runoff
_______ describes the movement and conservation of water on earth.
Hydrological Cycle
Water is transferred to the earth’s atmosphere through two distinct processes:
- Evaporation
- Transpiration
This cycle includes all of the water present on and in the earth, including salt and fresh water, surface and groundwater, water present in the clouds and that trapped in rocks far below the earth’s surface.
Hydrological Cycle
It is the conversion of liquid water from lakes, streams, and other bodies of water to water vapor.
It is the process by which water is emitted from plants through the stomata, small openings on the underside of leaves that are connected to the vascular tissue.
A third process is derived from the two and is called _________.
_______ is the primary mechanism by which water is released from the atmosphere.
It defines water quality as “the characteristics of water which define its use in terms of physical, chemical, biological, bacteriological or radiological characteristics by which the acceptability of water is evaluated.”
the Philippine Clean Water Act (CWA) of 2004 : RA 9275
Though less used than some of the other water quality parameters on this list, ________ refers to how cloudy water is.
Turbidity starts to become visible in water when sensors provide you with readings of over ______.
Five NTU
The ideal water temperatures range from __________.
50-60 degrees Fahrenheit.
______ can be in suspension or in solution when they get into the water.
Less than 1,500 mg/L TDS
1,500-5,000 mg/L TDS
Brackish Water
More than 5,000 mg/L TDS
Saline Water
________, which measures how well a sample of water or similar solution can carry or conduct electrical currents.
Electrical Conductivity
It means that the water contains a high amount of contaminants.
High Conductivity
_______ is measured with a simple pH sensor or test kit, which will tell you how acidic or basic the water is.
PH of water
This refers to the measure of how much acids are in a specific solution.
It is commonly caused by the presence of mineral acids, hydrolyzed salts, and carbon dioxide.
It indicates the water’s acid-neutralizing capacity.
It is commonly added to wastewater for disinfection purposes.
If a small amount of ______ is found in water, this indicates that the water is clean and essentially free from contaminants.
It occurs when water contains high mineral levels.
________ in water is mainly caused by the presence of magnesium and calcium ions, which can enter water from rock and soil. In most cases, groundwater has more hardness to it than surface water.
It occurs because of the solubility of oxygen.
Dissolve Oxygen
_______ are single-celled plants that can ingest food and reproduce at rapid rates if the water’s pH, food supply, and temperature are ideal.
______ are tiny, microscopic plants that consist of photosynthetic pigments.
________ are tiny biological structures that can be harmful to a person’s health.
_______ may enter water from naturally occurring or anthropogenic sources.
It is a health risk because the energy emitted by radioactive materials can damage or kill cells.
_______ are made of corrosion-resistant steel bars spaced 5–15 cm apart, which are used to exclude coarse materials (such as logs and fish) from entering the treatment plant.
Coarse Screens
_______ which come after the coarse screens, keep out material that can block pipework at the plant.
Fine Screens
This process helps in expelling soluble gases such as carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide (both of which are acidic, so this process makes the water less corrosive) and expels any gaseous organic compounds an undesirable taste to the water.
__________ often has a number of compartments with decreasing mixing speeds as the water advances through the basin.
Flocculation Basin
it occurs to remove the fine particles (less than 1 µm in size) suspended in the water. In this process, a chemical called a coagulant (with a positive electrical charge) is added to the water, which neutralizes the fine particles’ negative electrical charge.
Once large flocs are formed, they need to be settled out, and this takes place in a process called _________.
it is the process where solids are separated from a liquid.