LE Structures Flashcards
Gluteus Maximus
O: Ilium, posterior gluteal line, dorsal surface of sacrum and coccyx, and sacrotuberous ligament
I: Iliotibial tract and gluteal tuberosity
A: Extension and ER
N: Inferior gluteal N. L5-S2
Gluteus Medius
O: B/w anterior and posterior gluteal lines
I: Lateral surface of GT
A: ABD femur at hip joint, keeps pelvis level when ipsilateral limb WB, anterior fibers- IR
N: Superior gluteal N. L4-S1
Gluteus Minimus
O: Bw inferior and anterior gluteal lines
I: Antero-lateral aspect of GT
A: ABD femur as hip joint, keeps pelvis level when ipsilateral limb WB, anterior fibers-IR
N: Superior gluteal n. L4-S1
I: ITB tract of fascia lata
A: ABD femur as hip joint, keeps pelvis level when ipsilateral limb WB, anterior fibers-IR, stabilizes knee extension
N: Superior gluteal n. (L4-S1)
O: Anterior surface of sacrum bw S1-S4
I: Superior border of GT
A: ER extended thigh, ABD flexed thigh, steady femoral head in acetabulum
N: Spinal N. L5-S2 (nerve to pirfiormis)
Obturator Internus
O: Inner surface of obturator foramen
I: Medial surface of GT
A: ER extended hip, ABD flexed thigh, steady femoral head in acetabulum
N: Spinal N. L5-S2 (nerve to obturator internus)
Obturator Externus
O: External surface of obturator foramen
I: Trochanteric fossa of femur
A: ER of extended hip, ABD flexed thigh
N: Obturator N. (L3,L4)
Superior Gemellus
O: Ischial Spine
I: Medial surface of GT
A: ER extended hip, ABD flexed thigh
N: Spinal N. L5-S1
Inferior Gemellus
O: Ischial tuberosity
I: Medial surface of GT
A: ER extended hip, ABD flexed thigh
N: Spinal N. (L5-S1)
Quadratus Femoris
O: Lateral border of ischial tuberosity
I: Intertrochaneric crest of femur
A: ER hip
N: Spinal N. (L5-S1)
Psoas Major
O: Sides of T12 to L5 & intervertebral discs
I: Lesser Trochanter
A: Flexes thigh and trunk
N: Spinal N. L1-L3
O: Iliac Fossa
I: Lesser Trochanter
A: Flexes thigh and trunk
N: Femoral N. L2-L3
I: Pes Anserinus
A: Flexes thigh and flexes leg
N: Femoral N. L2-L3
Rectus Femoris
O: ASIS and groove superior to acetabulum
I: Quadriceps Tendon, patella, tibial tuberosity
A: Extends leg and flexes hip
N: Femoral N. L2-L4
Vastus Lateralis
I: Quadriceps tendon & Lateral border of patella
A: Extends the leg
N: Femoral N. L2-L4