Le problème devient plus grand Flashcards
What is even more worrying is that…
Plus inquiétant encore…
The situation is getting more complicated
la situation se complique
A further difficulty has cropped up
Une autre difficulté est venue s’ajouter
The problem is getting more common
Le problème se banalise
A new state of play
Une nouvelle donne
Even more serious than people think
Plus grave encore qu’on ne le pense
Other factors are helping to worsen the situation
D’autres facteurs contribuent à aggraver la crise
The situation is getting worse every day
La situation empire de jour en jour
The situation is becoming disastrous
La situation tourne à la catastrophe
The situation could last
La situation pourrait perdurer
The situation is threatening to go on forever
La situation menace de s’éterniser
To cap it all
Pour comble de malheur
To reach a critical level
Atteindre le niveau critique
It seems on closer examination that things are not so simple
Il semble à l’examen que les choses ne soient pas aussi simples
The phenomenon is on the increase
Le phénomène s’accroît
The tendency is becoming more noticable/is continuing/is irreversible
La tendance s’accentue/se prolonge/est irréversible
The gap is widening
L’écart se creuse
A succession of disasters
Un empilage de catatrophes
The problem has taken on such proportions that…
Le problème a pris une telle ampleur que…
The situation is verging on disaster
La situation arrive au seuil de la catastrophe
To bring things to a head
Mettre le feu aux poudres