LCSW-disorders Flashcards
What is substance use disorder?
- Mild to severe failure to perform major roles or obligations.
- Made effort to stop but cannot stop.
- Person has increased tolerance and or dependence to function.
What is substance induced disorder?
- Substance intoxication
- Substance withdrawl
Gambling disorder
- Compulsive gambling even if damaging to their life financially.
- Increase spending towards it.
- Preoccupation to gambling even when losing.
- Gamble when stressed.
- R/o manic episode
- Gamblers fallacy-when winning “I’m on a winning streak” -When losing, “I have been losing so long I’m bound to begin winning.
Paranoid Personality Disorder
-Irrational suspicions and mistrust of others.
-Read into message and remarks as being persecutory against them.
-Hold grudges.
“See the world as a hostile place.”
Delusional Disorder
- Bizzare and non-bizarre delsuions.
- Behavior does not appear to be odd or peculiar.
- Types of delusions may be ertomanic, grandiose, persecutory, jealous, somatic, mixed and or unspecified.
- At least two of the following Sx are manifested for a period lasting at least 6 months
- Disorganized behavior or speech, catatonia, delusions, hallucinations, flat affect plus other Sx.
- Condition has had a significant negative impact on ability to function in occupation, academia, interpersonal, or self-care.
Intermittent Explosive Disorder
- Someone has problems controlling their aggresive impulses.
- May have outbursts.
- Can be destructive.
- May be verbally abusive.
- Compulsive stealing
- They don’t steal out of necessity.
- Get a rush from stealing.
- Compulsion to pull out their hair.
- It could be eyebrows and eyelashes.
- Often happens when person has experienced some type of trauma.
Anorexia Nervosa
- Restricts dietary intake.
- Intense fear of gaining weights or being fat.
- Distorted body image. See themselves as fat when really thin.
Bulimia Nervosa
- Needs to have two things
1. binge eating and reoccurring purging behavior either laxative or by throwing up.
Binge Eating Disorder
Binge eats without purging.
Unspecified Eating Disorder
- Haven’t met criteria of either anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa.
- Can have binging without purging.
- Normal weight who has obsession or anxiety about body image.
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
- Cannot be about weight.
- Distinct displeasure about some body part, nose, face, etc.
Somatic Symptom Disorder
-Person has some health issue. Has severe anxiety.
Illness Anxiety Disorder
- Have mild somatic Sx.
- Have intense fear that they have a serious disease despite MD telling them otherwise.
Conversion Disorder
-Psychological issue turns into a somatic.
“blind rage” when someone gets so mad they go bind.
Fictitious Disorder
-Likes the attention of being sick.
- Faking an illness to get out something or to gain something.
- Making up mental illness to get disability.
Factitious Disorder by proxy
- Makes someone else sick for attention.
- A parent making a child sick.
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
- Defiant problems with authority.
- Refuse to comply with directions.
Conduct Disorder
- Law breaking activity, stealing, vandalism, aggressive, lack of remorse.
- Turns to anti-social personality disorder.
Disruptive Mood Disregulation Disorder
- Formerly known as bi-polar in children.
- Dx in ages 6-10 up to age 17.
- Constantly irritable, or moody.
- Outburst must happen 3x a week.
- Negative mood even without outburst.
Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Merged with autism, aspergers, developmental disorder into autism spectrum disorder.
- Sx show up from 0-5 years old.
- Deficiency in social communication in babies-will not make eye contact with caregiver. Limited with play.
- Stereotype repetitive behaviors such as; repetitive speech, hand flapping, oral stimulation.
- May be obsessed with interests like snakes or any other topic.
- Hyper or hypo sensitivity to sensory input (noise).
- reduced ability to share emotions and interests.
Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder
- Impaired social communication- only Sx.
- Written and communication disorder.
Major Depressive Disorder
- Sx need to be present at least for two weeks.
- Anehodian-can’t enjoy things they use to enjoy.
- Lack of motivation.
- Changes in sleep, appetite (over or under)
- S/I
- Feelings of worthlessness and being a burden.
- Not able to complete their tasks.
Unspecified Depressive Disorder
-Person does not meet full criteria of major depression.
Persistent Depressive Disorder
- Known as dysthymia
- Sx must last two years depressed as adults. One year as a child.
- Sx not as deep as major depressive disorder.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
-Isn’t Dx until it is a month of the incident.
-Incident that is life threatening.
Includes the following five:
1. Intrusive thoughts and memories.
2. Can have nightmares.
3. Survivors guilt.
4. May avoid situations or places that remind them of the incident.
5. Hypervigilance and jumpy, startles easily.
What is the difference between PTSD and Acute Stress Disorder
- Have the same Sx as PTSD only difference is the timeline.
- With Acute Stress Disorder sx’s occur within 4 weeks of the event, and lasts for a minimum of two days-maximum of 4 weeks.
What is the difference between Acute Stress Disorder and Adjustment disorder?
- The event was stressful but was not life threatening.
- Will have Sx of anxiety.
- No flashback, no hypervigilance.
- Often seen in hospital setting induced by medical problem or medication.
- Rapid onset.
- Comes off of it quickly.
- Altered state-screaming.
Major Neurocognitive Disorder
-People having serious issues with attention, functioning, memory and language.
Mild Neurocognitive Disorder
- Notice and impairment but person is able to function independently.
- May need some support.
Panic Disorder
- Reoccurring unexpected panic attacks
- In constant fear that they will happen again.
- Feels like you are going to die, heart attack, racing, feeling disconnected from reality.
- Fear of going out in public.
- Fear of crowds.
- Fear of transportation.
- Fear is excessive that impairs ability to function.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Obsessive thoughts and compulsive behavior.
- Constantly worried about germs.
- Will count things or check things. ie hand washing.
- This impairs ability to function.
Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder
- Person is a perfectionist.
- Can be controlling and rigid.
- They have no awareness of this being an issue.
- Does not impair ability to function.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- Sx must be present for 6+months for children and adults if less time it is unspecified anxiety disorder.
- Problems with biological functioning. Ie, issues with sleep and dieting.
- Worrying about a number of different things, it can include caregiver, school, work, and friends.
- Has a lot of physical Sx. Difficulty with focusing.
Unspecified Anxiety Disorder-less than 6 months
-Sx less than six months.
Selective Mutism
-Individuals fail to speak in certain situations like at school; however, they will speak at home.
Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia)
-Fear of being in social situations, will avoid events.
Reactive Attachment Disorder
- Sx present at 9 mos-5 years of age due to abuse or neglect or multiple caregivers.
- “failure to thirve” child is withdrawn, don’t seek comfort and dont’ respond to comfort.
Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder
- Sx present at 9ms-5years of age.
- Due to abuse or neglect or multiple caregivers.
- Overly comfortable with strangers.
- Attach overly easy.
-Lack of control with poop 5 years or older when they
are already potty trained.
- Lack of control with urine can be intentional or unintentional (5 years or older)
- Are already potty trained.
Separation Anxiety Disorder
- Specific Anxiety to separating to someone of significance such as; a caregiver or parent
- Sx in children must be present for 4 weeks.
- Sx in adults must be present for 6 months.
- Anticipatory or after anxiety focused on the caregiver.
Language Disorder
- Reduced vocabulary.
- Use simple sentences.
- Have a hard time building vocabulary.
Child Onset Fluency Disorder
- “Stuttering”
- Broken words-a long pause between two syllable words.
Tourette’s Disorder
-Have to have both motor (facial tic) and vocal tics-shouts a word uncontrollably.
Persistent Motor/Vocal Tic Disorder
-Has either motor tic or facial tic not both.
Specific Learning Disorder
- Difficulty learning basic academic skills based on age and IQ. ie dyslexia
- Poor writing skills and reading comprehension.
- Condition persists despite intervention to improve academic skills.
Dyslexia is an example of what disorder?
Specific Learning Disorder
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- Sx need to be present before the age of 12
- Need two or more context for kids-school or home for adults work and home.
- Have trouble focusing.
- Have trouble with attention.
- Have a hard time staying still.
- Always rule out a learning disorder.
-Persistent eating of non-food substances. IE dirt and clay.
Rumination Disorder
- Repeated regurgitation of food.
- Reflux disorder.
Bi-Polar I
- Needs to have a manic phase-elevated mood that leads to significant impairment for a week.
- High risk behavior on manic phase.
- Has the presence of at least 3 of the following
- grandiosity, insomnia, incoherent, rapid succession of thought, agitation, difficulty focusing, compulsive shopping, gambling, high risk activities.
Bipolar II
- Needs to have
1. Hypomania (needs to last 4 days) mania is not as severe as bipolar I.
2. Major Depression
Cyclothymic Disorder
- Sx need to be present for 2 years.
- Hypomanic state alternates with a low level mild depressive episode.
- May report lack of memory.
- Elderly males have the highest suicide rate.
- Risk for suicide-red flag giveaway of life possessions.
- Gradual decline.
- People are forgetful and aren’t aware of the memory loss
- Part of their view of themselves.
- Do not see their behavior as a problem.
- How an individual experiences their disorder.
-Disorder that clt is aware of and does not like about themselves.
Intellectual Disability
-Deficits manifest in reasoning, problem solving, and abstract thinking-is confirmed by various standardized tests of intelligence.
Brief Psychotic Disorder
- Duration of condition is between 1 day and 1 month
- characterized by hallucinations, delusions, disorganized incoherent speech, or catatonic behavior.
Schizophreniform Disorder
- Sx last for 1-6 months
- hallucinations, delusions disorganized incoherent speech, grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior.
Schizoaffective Disorder
-Major Sx of schizophrenia with majority of the duration of the condition major mood (depressive or manic) episodes are present.
Schizoid Personality Disorder
- Lack interest in social relationships.
- Are loners-like to be alone.
Avoidant Personality Disorder
- “are lonely”
- Want to connect but are socially inhibited.
- Want to be in social situations.
Major Depressive Disorder
-Recognizes and sees they are withdrawn.
Borderline Personality Disorder
- Instability in relationships
- Black and white thinking (one moment they may like you and the next they may hate you.)
- Fear of abandonment.
- S/I behavior (recurrent) self-injuring behavior
- Sense of self fluctuates.
- Moody-feelings of emptiness
Histrionic Personality Disorder
- Pervasive attention seeking behavior.
- Seductive behavior and dress.
- Shallow expression of emotion.
- Can appear vain and dramatic.
- Needs to be center of attention.
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder
- Rigid rules and excessive orderliness.
- Workaholics
- Perfectionist
- “Anal”
Dependent Personality Disorder
- Difficulty making decisions for themselves without advise or reassurance from other people.
- Can’t do things on their own.
- When alone feels uncomfortable and helpless due to exaggerated fears that they cannot care for themselves.
Nightmare Disorder
-Someone wakes up from a nightmare and can recall content of nightmare when they wake up.
Non-Rapid Eye movement Sleep disorder
- Use to be sleep terror disorder.
- Recurrent episodes of incomplete waking.
- Can’t remember but wake up screaming
- Sleep walks.
Genito-Pelvic Pain/Penetration Disorder
- Pain during intercourse.
- Tensing of the pelvic during penetration.
- Raped or abused and have aversive reaction to sex.
Female Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder
- Lack of sexual interest or arousal
- Decline in intimacy.
Insomnia Disorder
- Difficulty sleeping or falling asleep.
- R/O manic phase.
- R/O major depressive disorder and anxiety disorder-these two can impact sleep.
Hypersomnolence Disorder
- Excessive sleepiness
- Exceeds 7 hours
- Have difficulty being fully awake-feel sluggish and tired.
- Happens with people that are extremely overweight.
- R/O major depressive disorder.
- R/O pain killers or substance use.
Central Sleep Apnea
-Person stops breathing while sleeping-up to a minute.
- Sudden attack of sleep
- Accompanied by sudden loss of muscle tone
- Reports daytime fatigue.
Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder
- Dont feel connected to reality.
- World feels surreal.
Dissociative Amnesia
-Sudden forgetting of their pertinent information during extreme times of stress or shock.
Dissociative Identity Disorder
- Known as multiple personality disorder.
- Happens when they have experienced extreme trauma t a young age.
Antisocial Personality Disorder
- Must be age 18 to be Dx.
- Must have conduct disorder with onset before age 15
- Pervasive disregard for the violations of the rights of others.
- Can be impulsive disregard for self and others.
- Lack of remorse of hurting others.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
- Grandiose sense of self.
- Need of admiration.
- Lack of empathy.
- Exaggerate achievements.
- Sense of entitlement.
- Can fly into a rage if challenged or put down.