Lay Beliefs: Health Promotion Flashcards
Why are lay beliefs important to understand?
Impact on health behaviour
Impact on illness behaviour
Impact on compliance/non-compliance (adherence) with treatment
What three broad groups of people have lay beliefs regarding asthma?
Deniers - “I don’t have asthma”
Distancers - “I don’t have proper asthma”
Pragmatists - “Only used preventative medication when asthma was bad
What are lay beliefs?
Constructed by people to understand & make sense of areas in their lives about which they have no specialised knowledge
Socially embedded
Medical info may be rejected if incompatible with competing ideas for which people consider there is good evidence
e.g. accepted smoking > lung cancer, but not cervical - people don’t understand link & so don’t believe
What is lay epidemiology?
Understanding why & how illness happens
- Combo of personal, familial & social sources of knowledge
- People shortcut ideas of those likely to get heart disease
Why it happened to a particular person at a particular time
System is fallible
- Everyone knows an overweight smoker who always drinks & lives a long, healthy life
When lay epidemiology does not fit, what do people refer back to?
“Randomness & fate”
“The last person you would expect”
What 3 main perceptions of health do people have?
Negative definition
- Health is the absence of illness
- More commonly held belief in lower socioeconomic groups
Functional definition
- Health is the ability to do certain things i.e. keep living independently
Positive definition
- Health is a state of wellbeing & fitness
- More commonly held belief in higher socioeconomic groups
What is health behaviour?
Activity undertaken for the purpose of maintaining health & preventing illness
e.g. quitting smoking
What is illness behaviour?
Activity of ill person to define illness & seek solution
- 35% of all symptoms result in the use of ‘lay-care’, the use of OTC medicines
- Most symptoms never get to a doctor,
The ‘Symptom/illness Iceberg’
What is sick role behaviour?
Formal response to symptoms, including seeking professional help
What is the lay referral system?
The chain of advice-seeking contacts which the sick make with other lay people prior to (or instead of) seeking help from healthcare professionals
Up to 75% visiting a doctor have discussed their symptoms with another person
May discourage/delay help seeking
Helps to understand why people might have delayed seeking help
What are determinants of health?
A range of factors that have a powering & cumulative effect on the health of the population
They shape behaviours & environmental risk factors
Main global social causes of ill health:
Poverty, social exclusion, poor housing, poor health systems
What is the aim of primary prevention? (primary care)
Aims to prevent the onset of disease or injury
Reduce exposure to risk factors
- Immunisation
- Quitting smoking
What is the aim of secondary prevention? (secondary care)
Aims to detect & treat a disease (or its risk factors) at an early stage
Prevent progression
- Monitoring blood pressure
- Screening for cervical cancer
What is the aim of tertiary prevention? (tertiary care)
Aims to minimise effects of established disease
- Steroids for asthma
- Beta-blockers for hypertension
- Renal transplants for renal failure
What is the difference between health promotion & public health?
Public health - more emphasis on ENDS
Health promotion - more value on MEANS of achieving those
PH = health protection + health promotion?
HP = health education x healthy public policy
‘New’ PH = Reconciling health promotion with public health?