Lawyer-Client Relationship Flashcards
Is there a duty to accept client representation
No, in general there is no duty to accept representation. However, there is a duty to reject if it would violate ethical rules.
What are instances when an attorney must decline representation of a client
If there is no probable cause to bring the action; the action is being Brough to harass or maliciously injure a person.
Can an attorney present a claim that is not warranted under existing law?
No, but it can be supported by a good faith argument seeking to change the law.
How does the attorney client relationship begin?
It begins with the client reasonably believing that the relationship exist. No formal writing is needed **reasonable belief is the key phrase
Who has the authority to make the decision to accept the settlement?
the client is the only one who has the authority to make the decision to accept a settlement.
Does the attorney or Client make decisions regarding Strategy?
The attorney – has authority to make decisions re strategy for achieving clients goals. The attorney should reasonably consult with the client and keep him/her reasonably informed about the case
Can an attorney assist a client in criminal fraudulent conduct?
No, a lawyer must not counsel or assist the client in criminal or fraudulent conduct. if the client is engaging in such conduct, the attorney must stop assisting the client and withdraw from rep.
Can a client terminate a lawyer?
Yes, a client has an absolute right to discharge a lawyer. The lawyer must withdraw unless ordered to continue by a court.
Can an attorney terminate/stop representation of client
Yes, but an attorney must follow ethical rules when terminating representation of client.
When must an attorney mandatorily withdraw from a case?
If failure to do so would result in violating ethical rule or other law. A lawyer must not counsel or assist the client in criminal or fraudulent conduct.
Under Ca law, when must an attorney mandatorily withdraw from a case?
if he knows/should have known the client is asserting a claim/defense w/o PC and for the purpose of harassing or maliciously injuring a person.
Under Modern Rules, when can an attorney permissively withdrawl with no harm to client?
An attorney may permissively withdraw if he can do so w/o materially harming the client.
Under CA law, when may an attorney permissively withdraw from a case
- client insist of presenting a claim or defense not warranted under existing law and which cannot be supported by GF argument
- Client seeks to purse a criminal or fraudulent course of conduct or has used the lawyer’s services to advance of
- Client insist that the lawyer pursue conduct that is criminal or fraudulent
- Client, rendered it unreasonably difficult for the lawyer to carry out the rep effectively
Under the Modern Rules When may an attorney withdraw for case with harm to client?
- client engages in criminal or fraudulent action
- attorney learns that the client used his services to commit criminal or fraudulent action
- The client insist on a course of action that the lawyer finds repugnant or which the attorney has fundamental disagreement with.
- The client has made representation unreasonably difficult (client’s failure to communicate with the attorney)
- The representation will result in an unreasonable financial burden on the a lawyer
What’s the procedure for an attorney to withdrawal?
an attorney must give the client reasonable notice before withdrawing, to give the client a reasonable opportunity to find new opportunities.. A lawyer who wants to withdraw when litigation is pending must obtain court approval.
What are the attorneys duties upon termination of client?
The attorney has a duty to minimize the harm to the client.
- return all papers and property client
- and return of advanced fees not earned.
Under the Modern Rules, how must a lawyer charge clients?
Reasonable FEES
A lawyer must charge fees that are reasonable under the circumstances. Lawyers fees are regulated for reasonableness based on the amount and nature of the fee
- *amount
- *time required to work on case
- *difficulty of the case
- lawyer experience
Under Ca Rules, how must a lawyer charge clients?
Under CA law, fees must not be unconscionable.
Under CA rules, how must an agreement be presented to a client?
- it must be in writing
- state the fees and services to be provided
- signed by both parties if the fees will exceed $1,0000
- signed copy must be given to the client or his reps.
When is a writing agreement not required?
if the client is a corp
When is a contingent Fee not allowed?
In criminal cases or domestic cases when the fee is contingent on obtaining divorce iron the amount of support recovered.
What does a contingency fee require?
- Writing- signed by Client
- Terms of calculating fees
- Expenses that clients are reliable for
What occurs when the contingency fee fails to comply?
The agreement is voidable by the client but the client is entitled to a reasonable fee
Can attorneys split fees?
Yes, lawyers can split fees.
Under Modern RulesCan lawyers from different firms split Fees?
Yes, fee splitting is allowed if:
- the fee is in. proportion to the services provided by each lawyer,
- client agrees in writing to the fee-splitting and
- total charged fee is reasonable.
Under CA Rules is fee splitting allowed?
- if the lawyer enters in a written agreement to divide the fee
- the client has provided written consent after full disclosure of the fee splitting. and
- the total fee charged is not unconscionable
Are Referral Fees allowed under the Model Rules
No, it is generally prohibited unless paying the fees of a leal services plan or approved lawyer-referral service
Are referral fees allowed under CA rules
Yes, a layer may give a gift or gratuity for a referral, provided that the gift or gratuity was not offered in anticipation the referral or future referrals
In CA, how are funds received or held for the benefit of clients by lawyer to be deposited
in accounts labeled: Trust account
Client Fund Account
MR 1.15
Lawyers must keep client property and funds separate from their own and are subject to discipline for commingling funds.
CA RPC rule 1.15(c)(1)
No funds being to a lawyer of law firm may be deposited in a client trust account or otherwise commingled with client funds, except for funds reasonably sufficient to pay bang charges
What must a layer do if there are disputed funds?
distribute the undisputed funds to the client and keep the disputed funds in the client’s trust account.