Lawyer as Advocate Flashcards
candor to tribunal - false statements of law or fact
lawyer must not knowingly make a false statement of fact or law to the tribunal
- must correct false statements of material fact
- in ex parte proceeding, must inform tribunal of all material facts (including harmful to client) that will help tribunal make informed decision
- must not knowingly fail to disclose legal authority controlling in jx that is directly adverse to client’s position that has not been disclosed by OC
CA: also can’t knowingly misquote authority
candor to tribunal - false evidence
must not offer evidence that they know is false, or have reasonable belief is false (except for criminal defendant’s testimony on their own behalf)
- reasonable remedial measures if they offered false evidence
1) urge client to cooperate in withdrawing/correcting
2) if unsuccessful, seek to withdraw if necessary or take other measures to strike evidence
3) disclose situation to judge
CA: cannot disclose to judge, but can withdraw
false evidence - perjury by criminal defendant client
ABA: if lawyer knows testimony is false, must take reasonable remedial measures (urge client to withdraw/correct, seek to withdraw or take other measures to strike the evidence, disclose to judge if needed)
CA: offer D’s testimony in narrative form if made reasonable efforts to dissuade the client from testifying falsely and has unsuccessfully sought permission to withdraw
when do candor obligation end
continue until the end of proceedings (final judgment affirmed on appeal or time for appeal has expired)
no frivolous claims or defenses
can’t take position unless there is basis in law or fact for doing so and can make good faith argument
OK to make prosecutor prove every necessary element of case
CA: also prohibits lawyer from bringing / continuing an action/defense/etc without probable cause and for the purpose of harassing or maliciously injuring a person
expediting litigation
ABA: reasonable efforts to expedite
CA: no undue delay
preserving impartiality and decorum
no improper influence
no contact w/ jurors during proceeding (after - can interview unless juror makes it known they don’t want to, you harass, or prohibited by law)
chicanery at trial
lawyer cant
- assert personal knowledge of facts
- refer to inadmissible material
- state personal opinion about case/innocence/etc (CA: only applies to guilt or innocence)
opponents access to evidence
- can’t falsify evidence or assist in perjury
- can’t unlawfully obstruct another party’s access to evidence / conceal document having evidentiary value
CA: includes suppressing evidence when obligation to produce, or advising a person to hide or flee jx to make them unavailable
advising person not to give info
can only do this if:
- person is client/agent
- lawyer reasonably believes that the person’s interest will not be harmed by not volunteering the information
no equivalent rule in CA
paying witnesses
must not offer an inducement that’s prohibited by law; paying generally improper unless related to travel, loss of time, reasonable fees
payment can’t be contingent
discovery requests
can’t make frivolous requests or fail to make reasonable efforts to comply w/ requests from adversary
violating court rule or order
must not but may openly refuse to obey for purpose of making a good faith challenge to its validity
special duties of prosecutors - own case
- refrain from charging w/o PC
- reasonable efforts to make sure accused gets RTC
- can’t seek to get waiver of important pretrial rights (e.g., preliminary hearing of unrepresented accused)
- make timely disclosure of all evidence known that tends to negate guilt
- don’t subpoena a lawyer to present evidence about client unless prosecutor believes that info is not privileged, evidence is essential, and there is no feasible alternative
special duties of prosecutors - any case
must disclose new, credible, and material evidence to appropriate court authority
- in own jx -> must promptly disclose to D and make reasonable efforts to cause an investigation
- if clear and convincing evidence that convicted D is innocent, must remedy conviction
trial publicity rules
Can’t make extrajudicial statement that lawyer reasonably knows will be publicly disseminated and will have a substantial likelihood of prejudicing the case
right to reply - permitted to make a public statement that a reasonable lawyer would believe is required to protect a client from substantial undue prejudicial effect of recent publicity not initiated by the lawyer or lawyer’s client