Laws regulating the practice of psychology Flashcards
Board establishment
1958 - Regulating activities that have impact on public health (safety, welfare) for the people of California
Establish minimum qualifications and levels of competency and license persons desiring to engage in the occupations they regulate
Licensure as a Psychologist
a) Doctorate degree in psychology, educational psychology, or in education with the field specializing in counseling psychology or educational psychology and except as provided in subdivision this degree or training shall be obtained from an accredited university, college, or professional school.
Two years (3000 hours) of supervised professional experience (SPE)
Passed required examinations and completed coursework or supervised training in human seuality, child abuse assessment and reporting, alcoholism and chemical dependency detection and treatment, spousal or partner abuse assessment, detection and intervention, suicide risk assessment and interventions (as of Jan 2020) and agiging and long-term care.
No person may engage in the practice of psychology or represent himself or herself to be a psychologist without a license granted under this chapter. Licensed as psychologist in another state specifices these individuals may offer psychological services in this state for a period not to exceed 30 days in any calendar year.
Psychological Assistant
a) Person registers themselves with the board annually
b) Completed masters in psychology, admitted to candidacy for doctoral degree in psychology, or completed doctoral degree
c) At all times under immediate supervision of a licensed psychologist, physician, or psychiatrist
((Psychologist or psychiatrist will not supervise more than 3 psych assistants at any given time))
d) Psych asst will comply with regulations that the board may from time to time duly adopt fulfillment of requirments in CE
Registered Psychologist
Registered psychologists may accrue supervised professional experience hours (SPE), must complete doctoral degree that qualifies for licensure, completed 1500 hours of SPE, be employed at a nonprofit community agency that receives a minimum of 25% of funding from a government source, and be supervised by a licensed psychologist.
Supervision and supervised professional experience (SPE)
SPE is an organized program that consists of a planned, structured and administered sequence of professionally supervised comprehensive clinical training experiences.
Two years of qualifying SPE must be completed prior to licensure, with one year defined as 1500 hours. One year must be done postdoctorally, each year within 30 consecutive month period.
Requirements for SPE
Trainees must be provided with supervision for at least 10% of the total time they work each week, with at least one hour per week being direct, individual, face to face supervision with primary supervisor. Maximum 44 hours per week credited towards SPE
Primary supervisor must be employed at the same work setting and be available 100% of the time they are accruing SPE, in person, phone ,pager, or other tech
Primary supervisor must have plan to protect client in the event the client experiences an emergency or crisis when supervisor is not physically present
SPE accrued while trainee functioning under another MH license cannot be credited towards this requirement for licensure
SPE not obtained from supervisors who have received payment for the purpose of providing supervision
Trainees must have no properitary interest in the business or primary delegated supervisor
Prior to start of SPE, primary supervisor and trainee must sign supervision agreement with name/signature of primary supervisor, name/sig of trainee, staturoy authority under which trainee functions, start date, anticipated completion, duties performed, address where duties are performed, and goals/objectives for SPE.
Primary Supervisors
Valid license free from formal disciplinary action
Education and training relevant to practice
6 hours supervision coursework every 2 years
Ensure trainee complies with provisions of SPE and record keeping
Monitor welfare of the trainees client
Monitor performance and professional development
Client informed prior to services the trainee is unlicensed, supervised, and supervisor has fulla ccess to record to perform supervisory duties, fees paid directly t osupervisor or employer
No family, intimate, business, other relationships with trainee
Not supervise trainee that has been a therapy client of supervisor
Supervisor must not exploit trainee or engage in sexual relationship
Trainees review professional therapy never includes sex
Monitor supervision performance of all delegated supervisors
Delegated Supervisors
Primary supervisors may delegate to other qualified psychologist or MH professionals including LMFT, educational psychologists, SW, psychiatrist. Primary remains responsible for minimum 1 hour of weekly face to face supervision.
Board of Psychology Actions
Nondisciplinary: Confidential (not public), minor violations re: communication or billing, letters of warning and review. Citations and fines are nondisciplinary but are available to the public.
Disciplinary: More serious violations, letter of reprimand, prrobation and suspension, surrender or revocation of license. Psychologists who surrender license must wait 3 years before petitioning for reinstatement of licensure.
Unprofessional Conduct
Board may order denial of application forl icensure, issue a license with terms and conditions, or suspend/revoke registration/license for unprofessional conduct
Unprofessional Conduct (list)
Conviction of a crime substantially related to qualifications or duties of psychologist
Use of controlled substance/alcohol to extent it causes danger to psychologist or impairs ability to safely perform their work
Fraudulently or neglectfully misrepresenting the tpe or status of the license or registration h eld
Impersonating another person holding license or allowing another to use ones license
Fraud/deception in applying for license or passing exam
Paying or offering to pay for referral of clients
Making false/misleading statements about professional services
Willful unauthorized communication of confidential information
Grossly negligent in ones professional practice
Aiding or abetting anyone engaging in unlawful practice of psychology
Suspension, revocation, probation by another state or country
Commission of any dishonest, corrupt or fraudulent act
Any act of sexual abuse, relations w/ client within 2 years of termination, sexual misconduct in duties as psychologist, PA, or registered psychologist
Functioning outside of one’s areas of competence
Willful failure to provide verification of aplicants superised experince to board
Repeated acts of negligence
Other disciplinary actions
Violations of other sections such as suspending license automatically if holder of license is incarcerated after conviction of a felony, regardless of whether the voncition has been appealed
Finding licensee engaged in any act of sexual contact w/ current or former patient within 2 years
Ay person registered as a sex offender is not eligible for licensure or registration by the board
Requires board to deny an application to licensee with outstanding tax obligations
CE Credits
Approved course or presentation
Law and ethics requirement
Certify on license renewal form they obtained training in the subject of laws and ethics as they aply to the practice of psychology in California
Initial renewal
Licensee who renews their license for the first time is only required to accrue CE for the number of months the license was in effect
Subsequent Renewals
Issue renewal license to those completed 36 hours of approved CE in the preceding 2 years
Retention of records
Maintain records of completion of CE for 4 years after renwal period
Renewal after inactive or delinquent status
Inactive if not renewed. To activate license which has been placed on inactive status licensee must submit completion of 36 hours of qualifying CE for the previous2 year period, delinquent license within 3 years of date of expiration, after 3 years delinquent the license is automatically cancelled and applicant must submit complete licensing application, meet all requirements, pass licensing exam unless board grants waiver
Exemption from CE for engaging in active military, prevented from completing CE due to health or other good cause
Noncompletion of mandatory CE
Ineligible for license renewal until deficiency is corrected