Laws of S by Robert Greene Flashcards
Is what makes a person desirable and seductive physical beauty?
- no, spirit and attitude is even more seductive
Should you show all your flesh or just glimpses of your flesh?
- showing only glimpses of flesh, tease a man’s imagination, stimulating the desire not just for sex but for something greater: the chance to possess a “fantasy figure”
You should make yourself the h_ of a what? Also should you get close to people?
- hero of a great drama
- keep your distance, let people identify with you without being able to touch you
Do seducers rush it?
no, Seducers take their time, create enchantment and the bonds of love, so that when sex ensues it only further enslaves the victim. A person in love will surrender.
Should everything dazzle?
everything must dazzle, but must also be harmonious, so that no single ornament draws attention
What kind of streak did Cleopatra have?
a theatrical streak that allowed her to embody a man’s fantasies.
What do seducers know that people are waiting for?
people are waiting for pleasure. A person who enters their lives offering ADVENTURE and ROMANCE cannot be resisted.
Do we show people that we care by spending little effort?
no, what will seduce a person is the effort we expend on their behalf, showing how much we care, how much they are worth.
A seducer sees love not as sacred but as…
warfare, where all is fair. Falling in love is a matter not of magic but of psychology. Once you understand your target’s psychology, and strategize to suit it, you will be able to cast a “magical” spell.
What is the greatest weapon you have?
TIME is the greatest weapon you have. Patiently keep in mind a long-term goal and neither person nor army can resist you.
There will always be difficult people we will face. What do we do with them?
Outwardly, be gracious. Adapt to their every mood. Enter their spirit. Inwardly, calculate and wait. Your ability to disarm these people will prove an invaluable skill.
What do adult naturals create?
they create their own FANTASY WORLD, and live in it as if it were the real one. Fantasy is so much more pleasant than reality, and since most people do not have the power or courage to create such a world, they enjoy being around those who do.
Genuine charisma means the ability to internally generate and externally express what?
- extreme excitement!
Are seducers self absorbed?
Never. heir gaze is directed OUTWARD, not inward. When they meet someone their first move is to get INSIDEE that person’s SKIN, to see the world through their EYES. The reasons for this are several. First, self-absorption is a sign of insecurity; it is anti-seductive.
What is important to learn when trying to get in someone’s skin?
learn what makes them TIC. What will make them LOSE their ability to THINK STRAIGHT and to fall into a trap.
Do seducers only assume one role?
No, seducers can assume many roles. Seducers take pleasure in performing and are not weighed down by their identity.
What are the two elements of seduction that you must analyze and understand first.
- yourself and what is seductive about you.
2. your target and the actions that will penetrate their defenses and create surrender
What does it mean when Greene says that a seducer has to be “uninhibited?”
radiate a dangerous sexuality, have no fear of death, are delightfully spontaneous. Even a hint of these qualities will make people think you more powerful than you are.
What is the key to making your victims feel comfortable?
mirror them, adapt to their moods, get them in a relaxed state. People are narcissists—they are drawn to those most similar to themselves.
Do charmers complain?
Charmers do not argue or fight, complain, or pester.
What works particularly well if you are an outsider?
showing that you share the values of your adopted group is immensely charming.
Should charmers be the center of attention?
No, charmers fade into the background and make the target the center of attention. They let the targets talk, revealing themselves in the process. As you find out more about them, strengths, and more important their weaknesses—you can individualize your attention, appealing to their specific desires and needs, tailoring your flatteries to their insecurities.
Where should you tailor your flatteries?
Tailor your flatteries to your victim’s insecurities.
Should seducers praise about their victim to others?
Yes. yes. yes.
What is charisma?
Charisma is a presence that excites us. It comes from an inner quality—self-confidence, sexual energy, sense of purpose, contentment—that most people lack and want
How do charismatics heighten their charisma?
a piercing gaze, fiery oratory, an air of mystery. They can seduce on a grand scale. Learn to create the charismatic illusion by radiating intensity while remaining detached.
E. M. M. L. P. S
pickpockets enjoy massages likewise poets squirmed.
- pause: silence is powerful. Use if for emphasis.
- encourage: use simple phrases like “yes” “ok”, “uh huh”
- mirror label paraphrase summarize