Laws and Regulations Flashcards
Canada Business Corporations Act 1985
Revise and reform the law applicable to business corporations, to advance the cause of uniformity of business corporation law, and to provide a means of allowing an orderly transference of certain federal companies incorporated under various Acts of Parliament to the act.
Canada Elections Act 2000
Regulates the election of members of parliament to the Canadian House of Commons
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms 1982
A bill of rights entrenched in the Constitution of Canada. It forms the first part of the Constitution Act, which guarantees certain political rights to Canadian citizens and civil rights of everyone in Canada from the policies and actions of all area and levels of government.
Canadian Environmental Protection Act CEPA 1999
The Act protects the Environment, and the health and well being of Canadians. Prevent pollution and address the potential exposure to dangerous chemical substances
Canadian Human Rights Act 1985
Equal Opportunity to individuals
Canada Pension Act CCP 1985
provide pensions and other benefits to naval, armed /air/naval forces
Competition Act 1985
contains both criminal and civil provisions aimed at preventing anti-competitive practices in the marketplace
Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act 1985
Packaging, labeling, sale, importation and advertising of prepackages and other products
Controlled Drugs and Substances Act
Schedule 1 - 4 Drugs 1996
8 schedules of controlled substances and 2 classes of precursors
Criminal Code of Canada 1985
Types of conduct that constitute criminal offences and establishes the kind and degree of punishment that may be imposed when an individual is convicted of an offence and the procedures to be followed throughout the criminal process
Employment Equity Act 1995
Achieve equality in the workplace so that no person shall be denied employment opportunities or benefits for reasons unrelated to ability
Employment Insurance Act EI 1996`
Unemployment Insurance Program. Temporary financial assistance to those who have lost a job.
Federal Food and Drugs Act 1985
Safety and Nutritional quality of food sold in Canada
Hazardous Product Act HPA 1985
Prohibits the sale and import of hazardous products that are intended for use in a workplace
Health of Animals Act 1990
Diseases and toxic substances that may affect animals or that may be transmitted by animals to persons, and respecting the protection of animals
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act IRPA 2001
high level framework detailing the goals and guidelines with regard to immigration by foreign residents
Old Age Security Act OASA 1985
Government funded taxable monthly retirement payment available
Personal information Protections and Electronic Documents Act PIPEDA 2000
data privacy. How organizations collect, use and disclose personal information
Privacy Act 1985
Protect the privacy of individuals. Provide a right of access to personal information about themselves.
Canadian Food inspection Agency CFIA
Establishing and enforcing policies and standards for the safety and nutritional quality of food sold in Canada
Consumer and Clinical Radiation Protection Bureau CCRPB
Administration of the Radiation Emitting Devices Act. Addresses radiation safety issues for xray and non iodizing radiation devices
Workplace Hazardous Material Information Systems WHMIS
Hazard Communication standard. Classification, labelling, SDS, worker education and training