Laws 37-48(50) Flashcards
Law #37: The 50 Cent Law
Create compelling spectacles
Law #38: The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing Law
Think as you like but behave like others
Law #39: The Stir-the-pot Law
Stir up waters to catch fish
Law #40: The Brian O’Connor Law
Despise the free lunch
Law #41: The Nick G Law
Avoid stepping into a great man’s shoes
Law #42: The Voldemort/Death Eater Law
Strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter
Law #43: The Third Clarence Law
Work on the hearts and minds of others
Law #44: The Eric Freiboth Law
Disarm and infuriate with the mirror effect
Law #45: The MotoRefi Law
Preach the need for change but never change too much at once (except if it’s a brand)
Law #46: The Vulnerability Law
Never appear too perfect
Law #47: The Poor Winner Law
Do not go past the mark you aimed for. In victory, learn when to stop.
Law #48: The Bruce Lee Law
Assume formlessness
The 50th Law
Never let fear stop you from taking action