Laws Flashcards
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
Law to ensure that children with disabilities have the opportunity to receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE).
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
A federal law that mandates that educational agencies and institutions must provide students with access to their educational records and some control over the disclosure of information from the records.
Section 504
The section of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 that prohibits discrimination against all individuals with disabilities in programs that receive federal funds.
504 Plan
A legal document that outlines a plan of instructional services for students in the general education setting. Students with ADHD often have a 504 plan. While not an IEP, the document usually describes the types of accommodations that will be made for a student in school.
Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)
The setting as similar as possible to that for students without disabilities in which students with disabilities can be educated, with appropriate supports provided.
Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
Document that outlines all the special education services that a student is to receive.
1954: Brown v. Board of Education
The court decided that separating black children due to race generate a feeling inferiority as to their status in the community coma and segregation impeachs that development of children. The case set an important president for future discrimination cases in education, including special education
1972: Parc v. Commonwealth of PA
Students had to be educated in the most integrated environment possible, parents had the right to participate in decisions about education, and the state had to locate and serve all students with disability. This case that important standards that would later be used to develop the Educating all handicap students act
1972: Peter Mills v. Board of Education of DC
The ruling indicated that excluding students with disabilities was a violation of the 14th amendment, and the schools must provide whatever specialized education will benefit the excluded children. The court also ruled that an absence of fiscal resources could not be used as a reason not to educate students with disabilities. This case also set up due process standards to protect the child and parents. This case was also important in the development of the educating all handicapped students act
1973: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act passed into law
Students who are not eligible for services under the IDEA, but are defined under section 504 as having a disability, are eligible for a 504 plan
1975: Educating all Handicapped Children Act
S Six major components of this initial registration we’re outline. such as, a free in appropriate public education, least restrictive environment, an individualized education plan, procedural due process, non-discriminatory assessment, and parental participation
1982: Board of Education of Hendrick Hudson School District v. Rowley
The case set an important president, indicating that children are not entitled to an education that will maximize potential, but that merrily provide education of benefit. Does Como accommodations are only necessary for students who need them in order to benefit from their schooling.
1990: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
With regards to public schools, or other educational institutions receiving federal funds, all members of the school community are entitled to ADA protections. Does, the ADA applies to all programs and activities offered by the school system including educational activities, school board meetings, extracurricular programs, teacher conferences, recreational and social activities, adult education, and summer programming
1997: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments
The new law also required that each child must be assessed in accordance with the general education curriculum, including taking standardized test and receiving general education progress reports. The IEP process require the evaluation of the child’s progress in relation to the general education curriculum. Also, the law required that a general education teacher attend an IEP meeting, and the assistive technology must be deliberately considered.
2001: No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)
The law mandated that all children would be academically profession by 2014, proficiency will be defined by each state and will be in line with challenging academic context standards, all teachers will be highly qualified, states in school districts will be held accountable for assuring that all schools advance in accordance with expectations in certain sanctions will occur for schools who do not meet expectations, student progress will be measured through validated state assessments which are aligned with state standards, and all results will be disaggregated by racial ethnic income and disability groupings
2004: Individuals with Education Improvement Act Reauthorization
Parents were allowed to choose to maintain early intervention services up to the age of five. Also, it was noted that an IQ discrepancy models no longer be the sole determine of eligibility for a learning disability.