Lawns from Hell Flashcards
4 seeds for a hardwearing utility lawn
Agrostis capillaris
Festuca rubra rubra
Lolium perenne
Poa pratensis
2 seeds for a High quality ornamental lawn
Agrostis capillaris
Festuca rubra subsp. commutata
5 seeds for a shade tolerant lawn.
Agrostis capillaris Festuca rubra rubra Lolium perenne Poa nemoralis Poa trivialis
5 Pests & Diseases of a lawn
Snow Mould - occurs in fine or old lawn, in cold wet conditions. Heavy thatch layer compaction, poor drainage. Often Autumn/winter. Symptoms are small slimy whitish patches which can increase to 30cm.
Red thread - Fungal disease when conditions are humid. Causes grass to die giving patchy areas. Pink threads or needles can be visible. Affects old compacted lawns, lawns with little air circulation.
Fairy Rings - Fungal infection, seen in circular rings of dead or diseased grass, or a green ring or a ring of mushrooms. Generally only visible in summer.
Leatherjackets - Larvae of crane fly eat the roots of grass. Yellow/Brown dead patches. Look for larvae just below the surface of the soil. Use pathonegenic nematoid. Aeration and over seed to repair lawn and reduce the population.
Moles - Tunnel underneath grass, and create mounds in the middle of the lawn. Use a professional company to set mole traps. Lay netting underneath foundations before laying a lawn to stop them tunneling up.