law reform + native title Flashcards
what is the criteria for measuring effectiveness?
P rotection of individual rights
E nforceability
A ccesibility
R esource efficiency
J ustice has been achieved
A pplication
R esponsiveness
S ocieties needs
ways of measuring effectiveness - protectiveness of individual rights (PEAR JARS)
does the response protect the rights of the individual?
ways of measuring effectiveness - enforceability
is the response simple to enforce?
is it enforced in practice?
ways of measuring effectiveness - accessibility
how easily can the response be accessed?
Does it improve accessibility?
ways of measuring effectiveness - resource efficiency
does the response appropriately use the resources of society and/or the individual
ways of measuring effectiveness - has justice been achieved
does the response achieve justice? for whom?
ways of measuring effectiveness - application of the rule of law
does the response apply the rule of law?
does it treat people equally?
does it conform with the principles of procedural fairness and the separation of powers?
ways of measuring effectiveness - responsiveness
does the response respond appropriately to the issue it is designed to address?
does it respond to an appropriate time frame?
ways of measuring effectiveness - meeting society’s needs
does the response meet society’s needs? which needs?
which part of society?