law and politics Flashcards
V: to fight for a cause
Susan.B Anthony championed early on the cause of women’s rights
A: thriving, economically well-off
The now prosperous businessman earned his success over many years of hard work
N: properity
A: sensible and careful
Jane was prudent in her spending and careful to save for an emergency
A: practical, realistic, rational
“I cannot believe that it is sensible to spend so much”
A: bare, simple, without decoration or disguise
The landscape was stark and barren of any trees
V: waste, to spend carlessly
James won a million dollars through the lottery, and then squandered it all on expensive cars and clothes.
A: extremely poor
The shelter provided housing for destitude families.
A: extremely poor
the region was impoverished by the prolonged drought
N: a member of the upper class
the aristocrats came under attack during the Frech Revolution.
A: important, well-known, respected
Einstein was probably the most eminent physicist of the 20th century
N: organized ranking of status and authority
European society during the Middle ages had a strict social hierarchy
A: hierarchical
N: lower in rank or importance
The states have some degree of independence but are subordinate to the federal government.
V: to reduce in rank or importance
Critics argued that the party system subordinated the interests of the general population to the interests of the individual parties.