Ab-An #2 Flashcards
ADJ: able to stick fast to a surface or object; sticky, clingy.
“an adhesive label”
N: substance used for sticking objects or materials together; glue.

V: warn or reprimand someone firmly; reprimand, scold.
“she admonished me for appearing at breakfast unshaven”

N: one’s opponent in a contest; antagonist, rival, enemy.

ADJ: of a person or group officially attached to an organization.
affiliated union members
N:affiliation: the state of being affiliated
his political affiliations
V: to make great or greater
“an action intended to aggrandize the Frankish dynasty”
ADJ: showing dislike or opposition
“an antagonistic group of bystanders”
V: add an extra part to the document.
N: 1. a building joined to or associated with a main building, providing additional space or accommodations.
“the school’s one-story wooden annex”
- an addition to a document.
“an annex to the report”

V: 1) make sth worse.
2) annoy or exasperate sm
1) military action would only aggravate the situation
2) “the gesture aggravated me even more”
N: strong hostility
He no longer felt any animosity towards her.
N: 1) a whole formed by combining several elements.
2) construction material ( made of compacted material)
1) The council was an aggregate of three regional assemblies
V: form or group into a class or cluster. "the butterflies aggregate in dense groups"
N: severe pain
“she shut her eyes in anguish”
V: be extremely distressed about sth.
he anguished over how to reply”

V: Trouble sm; pain, afflict.
exercise is good for whatever ails you”