Law And Morality - Distinction Between Law Al Morals: Key Changes Over Time Flashcards
What is the overview?
Many of society’s morals derive from religious belief and texts such as the bible or quaran and cover the majority of our lives
How has the abortion act developed over time?
- Offences against the person act 1861 - s.58 abortion punishable by life imprisonment.
- The infant life preservation act 1929 - abortion only used for saving mothers life.
- Abortion act 1967 - may be carried out up to 24 weeks and further if medical reason
What is the statistic of how many people are atheist in UK?
What are some reasons for a decrease in religion?-
Mental health, science, religion, education, technology i
What is a case for abortion?
Royal college of nursing v DHSS
Nurses were allowed to be classified as registered medical practitioners and give out abortion pills
How has Assisted Dying developed over time?
2021 : Assisted dying bill went through parliament but ran out of time. Evenly split in opinion.
Campaign for Dignity in Dying - A British person travels to Dignitas for help to die every 8 days.
2022 : 33 people travelled to Dignitas for assisted suicide which was a 44% increase from 2021.
September 2021 : British Medical Association voted to adopt neutral stance on assisted dying with 49% favour, 48% opposed and 3% abstaining.
What is the case for assisted dying?
Pretty : Courts said that just because Mrs Pretty had right to live doesn’t mean she had the right to die under article 2 of human rights.