Law Flashcards
Tenant right to occupy real estate during term of lease
Determinable fee estate
Property returns to original grantor when a specified condition occurs. Property is no longer use fir the purpose prescribed.
No longer church- reverts back
Fee simple absolute
Maximum possible estate or right of ownership of real property continuing forever
Life estate
Interest in property that is limited to the duration to the lifetime of its owner or some designated person(s)
Easement appurtenances
An easement that is annexed to the ownership of one parcel and allows the owner the use of the neighbor’s land
Remainder interest
The remnant of an estate that has been conveyed to take effect and be enjoyed after the termination of a prior estate. Such as when an owner conveys a life estate to one party and the remainder to another.
Easement in Gross
N easement that is not created fir the benefit for any land owned by the owner of the easement but attaches personally to the easement owner. Example: a right granted by owner to a friend to use a portion of the property for the rest of the friend’s life.
Sole ownership
Servient tenement
Land on which the easement exists in favor of an adjacent property
RESPA- real estate settlement procedures act
Law requires disclosure to consumers about mortgage loan by settlements. Prohibits kickbacks or referral fees
Sherman Anti Trust Act
Free competition. Illegal private conspiracies and combinations to minimize competition. Price fixing compensation, agreeing to limit their areas of trade or dealing to certain areas or properties
UETA-uniform electronic transaction Act
Rules for entering into an enforceable contract using electronic means
One in whom trust and confidence is placed. Real estate agent employed by terms of losing agreement or buyer representation
Designated Agency
In house sale with two different agents are involved
Exclusive agency
Listing contract which owner appoints real agent as exclusive agent for a designated period of time to sell property at owners terms fir a commission.
Owner reserves right to sell property w/o commissions if they find buyer
Open agency
Listing contract in which real estate pro’s compensation is contingent on the RE Pro producing a ready, willing and able buyer before property is sold by another agent or seller
Exclusive right to sell
Owner appoints Real Estate pro as exclusive agent for designated period of time w commission regardless of who sells it. Seller, another agent or self
Net listing
Listing based on the net price seller receives if property sells. Illegal in many states
Transaction whereby sale price is paid in installments and pay only tax for the income recd that year
Also know as contract for deed
Seller financing .. holds deed til last installment
Installment sale
Land contract
Contract for deed
Alienation clause
Alien - different…call note if borrowers sells or transfer property to DIFFERENT person
Acceleration clause
Accelerate— call note immediately if provisions are defaulted or breached
3 types of agency
Special- no ability to bind( lowest level)
General- property managers
Universal- power of attorney (highest level)
Ways to create agency
Express Agency- written agreement
Implied Agency- actions of the parties w/o written agreement